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Everything posted by capt bruce
An interesting read for F acebook users
capt bruce replied to Greencoachdog's topic in General Discussion
And its allso a SNAP to defeat .. beware -
IM with Steve if the water stays low and dirty , Rick Clunn or Monroe. Allways been a dream of mine JUST TO MAKE IT INTO THE CLASSIC, one day ....
Some good points made here but could GCD or someone else explain WHAT PART OF A RAT IS IT"S "PATOOTIE" and why would someone " GIVE ONE"
i found out why my wife lets me spend on fishing
capt bruce replied to lunkerbasshunter's topic in General Discussion
Head hunter , I knew we had some things in common BUT I didnt know you where my brother in law , my wife has more shoes than I have guitars , we have a shoe closet yes a 7 foot x 4 foot walk in just for her shoes lol. -
Think it over HEADHUNTER , all three of my children went to private schools , two in canada one in England. I had no problem with the public schools here IT WAS THE PARENTS of the poor children that my children would be in contact with . Not to say private school parents are all saints BUTTTTT i wouldnt trade places with your wife for all the money in the world , I bet she can tell you stories of the parents from hell, I stopped going to watch my sons hockey games for the same reasons , some parents are just CRAZY I feel for their children .
Damn do the knives come out when someone is precieved to get more then others how much of this hate is just plain old ENVY.My parents taught me to go to school and work hard and you get rewarded in life .I went to school allmost 19 years if I added all the time it took to get 2 ba,s and my masters , now im told Im lazy and I DONT LIVE in the REAL WORLD (damn snag you had to tell them about the tinfoil) and I should be working for minimum wage . I work for the goverment and after reading this I guess I should BE ASHAMED that I make over 100,000 a year . SORRY GUYS can I still be your friends at least I work in water quality IM not A TEACHER .. .Envy (also called invidiousness) may be defined as an emotion that "occurs when a person lacks another’s [perceived] superior quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it."[1] It can also derive from a sense of low self-esteem that results from an upward social comparison threatening a person's self image: another person has something that the envier considers to be important to have. If the other person is perceived to be similar to the envier, the aroused envy will be particularly intense, because it signals to the envier that it just as well could have been him or her who had the desired object.[2][3]
If you close the bail by hand instead of turning the reel handle line twist will not be a problem unless you reel in agaist the drag as said before, closeing the bail with the handle of the reel twists the line . .
Sorry Missfish I ussually agree with ya ... BUT I DONT THINK that just because times are tough people should not expect a raise when the higher ups THAT GOT US IN THIS mess are GIVEING themselves BONUS's !!!! now you can make a case against who deserves a raise and who should or should not strike , teachers bash or what ever etc. etc. , but why is it every time something goes wrong we feel TO FIX IT WE MUST GIVE UP OUR RIGHTS , the VERY RIGHTS THAT SHAPED THIS COUNTRY AND MADE IT THE GREAT PLACE IT IS ?????????, my grandfather and 3 uncles DIED to defend those rights , many on this board familys are the same and now we just piss them away , I bet my grandfather isnt sleeping to well these days !!!!!!!!!
HEAD HUNTER ,one word "TINFOIL" ... Sorry to hear this CLIFF , hope all is well soon
lipless crank , I bought a few when I first saw them as I liked the colors and ( mostly)I didnt have any lol . Still like my old cotton cordel spots the best , but its a nice lipless, bought 6 and all but one ran true from the pack and the one that wanted to run on its side was easy to tune, true of most rapellas they are well made stuff . I fished the clown color the most and took some nice smallies with them last fall on the st lawerence, but than I caught more on the spots , but like I said I fished the spots more as I really like that bait .
Learned to cast a fly line fishing for suckers .. When I bought my first fly rod I spent all winter reading how to books and practiceing my casting in the drive way , but it was only when I got to a river and started catching fish that I finally got the real hang of things and these suckers in the creek behind my aunts house were the first available fish for me to pratice on .great fun
You are reading the forum wrong , MOST of our sport fishing is catch and release also (large trout are almost allways released with the small ones kept for lunch, bass are mostly catch and release , not many would eat a muskie or large pike), BUT we also have very good tasteing and very CLEAN fish and most people enjoy a fish lunch or a dinner or two , BUT TO SAY we eat all we catch is a wrong impression.
WOW just shows ya how hard up the guys over there must be for reading material ... lol Makes all it it worth while ah TJ , keep up the great work .
PHAT! (Pike Having A Taste? or Pike Hate Anglers in Toronto) Report
capt bruce replied to snag's topic in General Discussion
No frills has special on foil this week 99 cents 25 feet so Im good to go tomorrow I will watch out for you ... Graet catch .. -
great looking work there , keep it up
I know the store , have not bought anything there in years , was a time when you could get some good things in the 70"s , but since richmond closed that street is dead . Used to spend my lunches at songbird , got some great deals there and the regulars got to be in the know before the bankrupt sale and I got a plexi and some four twelve cabinets and a bunch of peddles for less that half price the week before they closed . Took the plexi to capsule down the street the same day and traded for a firebird I had my eye on for awile , I allways wanted a firebird ,I had a epiphone reissue ,red with three pickups I use for my u2 covers but never had a gibson . The sunburst firebird looks great along side my 2 explorers and the koi v and I can play all my hot johney winter licks on it . Now its steves or for a little longer walk capsule , capsule has good stuff and if ya got the cash you can get a fair deal still .
your right there Headhunter ebay really messed up the pawn shop finds etc. But and a BIG but ,Musicians being what they are ,are prone to how do you say break downs so to speak and I just picked up a real clean 62 sg for not alot , mised out on 2 nice less pauls at the same sale from a famous guitar player that has fell onto hard times , allso got some good stuff from ex wifes who just want the cash not half of hubbies guitars . If your in the loop and people know you buy you can still get some good deals , I get offered stuff all the time . And the new stuff comeing out is real nice if you know what ya want .
Sorry that one for sure is not for sale, its a nice grey color that aged real well all originall , one of the ones my son knows he dont get untill im in the ground , not many I dont let him take out ,that bass and I have a nice old gold top that never leaves the bedroom (my first real guitar purchase , when I was 18 and got my first tax return , its mint , that guitar alone will buy him a big chunk of a house, but not untill i die , and thers a few old strats he dont get ) I bought him a nice 68 sunburst for his 4th birthday and thats still his main guitar but hes into 7 strings now and has a nice jem 7 he gigs with mostly .
great going man , Its easy I do it every year lol , keep it up I WISH i could . been sucking on the evil things longer than i care to say . Once I put them down for almost a year , than I started smoking those small cigars , not inhaleing , when out on the boat , trim up knots etc. , and slowly I started inhaleing and than i was smokeing two packs of cigars each charter and coughing like a mad man so I switched back to cigs and you know the rest . KEEP GOING maybe you can give hope so I can try again
2 up rights three or four fenders a real nice old ricky , 2 home mades and a few others that interested me at the time . Started collecting 30 years ago and than my best friend opened a music store and than my son started playing at three and so on and so . I tell the wife its our sons future , and even with the recent drop in prices I still have way more value than if we had put the money into stocks .. p.s. also got 8 or 9 bangos , some mandolines and damn maybe a doz violins and just about one of anything with strings on it oh ya the 4 cellos forgot them lol
Civil engineer , working on storm water managament for a large munincipilty, charter boat operator and bass guide in the summer , ice hut rentals in the winter , soon to give up real job (after 35 years )and move my charter business to brockville specializing in muskies
As someone who owns 143 guitars and 20 odd amps , do I reily need more ?????? Thanks for the heads up Im gonna look into this you never know what ya might find
Its Coming..... Canada`s magazine for Hardcore Anglers, the 2008 EXTREME ANGLER ANNUAL will be released to news stands and selected retail tackle outlets in late February. "http://www.ontariofishing.net/news2008/jan2008-3.html"
Great job Snag , had some luck last week on a lunch hour cast and eat. (cast and eat = One 12 inch sub and a walk along the waTER FRONT THROWING MY X-RAP TO ANY OPEN SPOTS Along the way , people in my office think im nuts takeing a fishing rod out to lunch) didnt reconize you when I walked past with my tin foil box .I would have stopped to chat but the aliens moniter that area alot and I was afriad of getting captured even with my ray stopping head gear ,maybe another time .
IM in someone stop by and pick me up ..