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Everything posted by FinS

  1. Now that is 100% real i know it wasnt caught in Canada that is a beauty fish
  2. this might sound strange i was wondering if any of you ever heard of using cooked elbow macaroni to immitate wax worms my grandfather use to use them (macaroni) back in the day with plenty of success lets here your opinions on this one
  3. if you are after perch go with 2lb flurocarbon does wonders pickerel and pike 4-8lb trilene ice the blue stuff
  4. lol some people will never learn
  5. Well checked out LSC this morning and i was impressed good layer of ice starting to form up we just might get to see a hard water season this year after all as long as the temps stay low hopefully we will have some good ice by the 2nd week in february happy fishing FinS
  6. until the 2007-2008 come out
  7. congrats great report umm yummy cold water ling
  8. now thats some good talent you should make some and sell em
  9. thanks for the update wont be long now hopefully i can get out by mid feb got a trip planned out of beaverton
  10. wow looks like fun, but not for me
  11. follow your 2005-2006 regulations
  12. do you think the entire lake will be safe by feb 15
  13. welcome aboard nice pics
  14. no doubt fishindevil
  15. i dont support the spearing of fish
  16. if the cold stays with us it should be good by the beginning of february
  17. Gary you were close but no cigar
  18. try this and contact these guys http://www.wabuskair.com/
  19. i heard of someplace up by moosonee ontario close to the james bay but dont remember of the name
  20. ill be watching after guinea pig looks interesting
  21. i heard something about a big car pile up is this true
  22. now thats an awesome report keep em coming
  23. over 500 views and 9 replys hmm
  24. i want one too would match with my shower curtains
  25. Here are the pics i promised one of the five specks i got on Jan 1st near Kirkland Lake 8 lb northern pike not a biggie but a nice one Me trying to get a fish My little guy Pic of the lake the day we went home
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