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2 tone z71

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Everything posted by 2 tone z71

  1. nice pics Wayne not bad for Nov 2nd suprised the OPP where out never seen then all summer,never knew it was law to carry your reg papers either better get a copy of them
  2. this hits very close to home and im sure we got something very similar going on here http://www.sdhu.com/content/news/details.a...=615&lang=0
  3. makes my blood boil even more is that my 115 in less than 60 hrs it ate a set of spark plugs,now this aint terrible like a powerhead but at 16 bucks a plug its a lil premature as well, you know with the kiss your mechanic goodbuy see ya in 300 hrs 7 yr warranty,it also eats that 60 bucks a gallon XD100 like theres a hole in the oil tank,the only good thing I have to say is it is great on fuel
  4. my Etecs so choked up with emisions (sp) Bull it has a hard time getting out of its own way let alone sinking another boat,thats an old video came out last fall,I rigged an 04 115 4stroke Yamaha on a Lund this summer and one day both of us where out Muskie fishing and had a lil race,we where dead equal out of the hole and he edged me up top by about 3 lengths,of course the powerless less torque 4 stroke turns a 19 pitch SS prop ,while my almighty NASA built Etec can barely turn a 15 pitch
  5. picked mine up on Monday from the Marina shrinkwrapped winterized put to sleep,ahhh its gonna be a long winter
  6. sweet boat ,has tons of potential, unfortunatly the owners a moron, been playing email tag with him last 15 minutes what a joke this fella is ,I seriously doubt its even his boat
  7. my Mako is the " North East Shark" why cause I fish and live on Northeastern Georgian Bay and its a Mako hence the shark,its on the starboard side of my transom,now I heard if a boat has a name already its BAD Karma to change it ,something about bringing up fish
  8. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...006&hl=mako did this a month ago
  9. just curious about the 6 litres reliability
  10. sold the Z71 ,really like the SS anybody got anything good bad to say about em,I know there was a C3 back in 2001 ish as well
  11. Pigeon my next outboard will be Yamaha or Suzuki NO question,that is after my Nasa built Neclear powered Etec runs out of warranty,of course it burns no oil or gas LOL just like the ads yep umhmmm
  12. E RUDE DUDE I hate to break it to ya, theres no way an Etec will run with a Merc any size comparasion,im a Brp fan there sleds rock ,my Etec has been great,but the Etecs are not screamers like the black animals
  13. I agree with pikehunter I would buy new and know what im dragging down the road ,if your replacing bunks and lights and painting buy new and trailer to your favoirite new hole in confidence
  14. wow Ive gotta put BOQ on my list of places to fish ,those are some sweet walleye we get 4-6 pounders on the bay often but seldom that big NICE
  15. as a big time dog lover,ive got rotties my sis has a sweet retreiver,id have a big prob with this,shoot over the dogs heads scare them off, but shoot it dead im gonna be paying you a visit
  16. Randy I tried to do my 115 on Saturday ,I have a Binnacle and the digi I Command guages,after running the stabil thru it I towed it to the marina,hes gonna do it via laptop,also ive ben told they dont produce a lot of smoke in the winterization mode like the old days of manual fogging
  17. Tiz fun id like dibs on that craft if your serious about selling
  18. Damm if only I dident have painting and trim work and drywall repairs and and and id be there in a heartbeat,maybe another time thou forsure thats a great offer someone should snag this oppertunity
  19. Great pics the ole man showing ya up eh lol.nice ski way ot rough here to think about it today SWEET Boat also
  20. if it wasent downpouring and gusting 50 kms hr id think about dropping the boat in,the weather has been crap for a solid week now
  21. hmm that must be why theres 2 big fiberglass shops in the area,id like to read that book on all your knowledge,post some pics of your workings with glass and transoms
  22. dont sweat it ,its a great boat for the right person,boats are givin away all the time by the marinas around here,some need fiberglass work or and engine or rebuild,I like projects I like fiberglassing,its not about the $$$$ its about doing something I like on the long cold winter months,ive restored many a boats floors transoms whatever not a big deal if you have some experience,my current boat was a write off its an 83 it looks like a 2007 new gelcoat where needed buffed out I get compliments all summer ,im currently trying to pick up a 22 Aquasport CC thats laying in the grass ,thanks for posting it up and if ya find more please put them up as well
  23. if ya got the time its got potential fosure
  24. Ontario Prop Service or Only Prop Service over near Peterbouro do top notch repairs and are reasonable priced
  25. in the winter,on backroads,offroading in mud ,pulling boats around etc ill use a varity of gears mostly 1 and 3 ,I also seldom drive in OD on the highway with the big tires
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