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2 tone z71

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Everything posted by 2 tone z71

  1. we got a lowe when i was very young,20 Merc on it thing flew,I beat it bad very bad ,rapids,hauled my Honda 3 wheeler to different places in it ,treated it like dirt,the boats 20 plus yrs old and the neighbours still use it once in awhile,gave it to them yrs ago was gonna take it to the dump Great boats
  2. Good luck fishing boys and happy Turkey day,ill be chasing Muskie this weekend
  3. its my Dads all welded aluminum him and a welder/fabricater buddy built it in his shop a few years back,there common up here ,my Boss has a 26 ft center console with twin 200 HO E tecs capable of hauling 3-4 tons and running 65-70 MPH empty
  4. Hey fellas thanks for the heads up ive been doing this Muskie Buisness a few months now and these big buggers still scare me a lil once caught,this one was netted and the net layed on the floor with the fish ,I need a better net no question and a longer handled pair of pliers lol thanks for the tips
  5. your gonna be the same group of guys standing around in 10 yrs saying what the heck just happened to our rights our fisheries we dident do nothing
  6. maybe I got off on the wrong foot this morning,altho I stand behind what I said,some of you people are concerned with the future of your children and society,Society needs to throw away this bleeding heart bullpoop attitude and take a stand for whats right ,the laws the justice system is a joke,its a slap on the wrist and a small fine and your on your way ,some of these people are abusing every oppertunity they have,immigration needs to lock down our borders and start sorting out what we have now
  7. No but if I did id be there using any means I had to ,to put a stop to this nonsense,its illegal/poaching I dont care where your from
  8. they deserve the heavy beating and a ticket back to asia if they dont like ONTARIOS laws
  9. wow sweet bass ,if I caught it id consider mounting that first one ,I always wanted a big bass on a piece of driftwood,havent gotton a big bass since I was a kid lol
  10. and the captain
  11. another of the 43
  12. dads 43 and my lil 34
  13. Nice, I try for my first 54 almost every evening,hmm French River eh im not that far away ,again congrats
  14. NICE fish thats great
  15. I havent used Rapala in yrs ,I always get em good on Mepps,lucky strike ,jig,my new muskie fav is the turbo jack
  16. 15 min north is where Britt,I heard the MAG river Georgian Bay is having big troubles the Magnetewan Indian Reserve pumping station is dumping large amounts of clorine in the water ive heard its as far as 7 miles out the river so far NOT good ,anyhow we fished Pointe au baril ,Shawanaga and Sturgeon Bay last weekend and got skunked bad
  17. Boat man ive got an E tec 115 ,my boss has 2 200 HOs ON THE 26 center console work boat,his brother has a 250 on a pursuit and a 115 on a whaler,my dads been a OMC mechanic going on 15 yrs ive been buying parting selling outboards since 1999,ive driving many many boats with many many motors,what are you comparing your results with the DVD that sinks the Yamaha
  18. Great replys fellas much appreciated,im gonna replace my trebles and not horse it as much when retrieving
  19. Kenny running around the skinny water with your IO trimmed up is gonna cuse you loads of headaches and money, trimmed up your gonna be eating the u joints, the gimble housing if the joints fail ,your also starving the engine of coolant being trimmed up go outboard and live and fish happily
  20. fellas I know there hard to catch but ive had 3 big skis on in the last month, cant get them to the boat,they always spit the hook,is there something im not doing or is this the nature of the beast,I try my hardest to set those trebles when they attack it and keep tension,I have braided and mono rigs and seem to catch all my fish on the mono never the braided is there two much stretch maybe ???
  21. percher your right ,only thing that comes to mind is the #1 on the water quote I just dont see alot of mercs anymore up here in northern Ontario anyhow
  22. The E tec is a glorified Ficht engine fellas the one that bankrupted OMC ,it has lil or no more power than its 4 stroke competition of the same size,dont be fooled by the hype
  23. I think you answered your own question ,you stated for 8 yrs you have had no complaints ,that would be reason enough for me to be heading back to the Yamaha dealer,I have a 07 115 E tec I like it alot, its not the nuclear powered engine they brag about, they burn fuel ,they like there 60 gallon oil,and ive just gone thru my first set of 18 each plugs in less than 100 hrs mind you I troll a fair amount,but it still no kiss your mechanic/maintance goodbye for 300 hrs deal,with a four stroke you change the oil /filter 1 time a year less then 50 bucks ive gone thru 6 gallons of XD 100 at 58.99 you do the math,you also have to really underprop the e tecs to get any amount of proper RPM out of them which results in less MPH,my 2 cents my next engine will be Yamaha or Suzuki
  24. DO NOT buy an OMC I/O they where junk when new and there Junk NOW the newer Cobras are alright but the older verticle drives are garbage and parts are no longer available,Im a big fan of outboard boats, when an Inboard goes down the repair costs are very high ,shift and throttle cables/labour are almost a 1000 alone on most boats ,if ya have to have one get atleast a first Gen Alpha
  25. Grog we trailered down today ,we fished Shawanaga Inlet upper lower and the river itself to the bottom NOTHING marking NOTHING there had to be 8 -12 other boats around same bleek story,we then ran in again fished from Bringal to Sturgeon Bay and fished till dark just got in,Marked some big fish in Sturgeon Bay no strikes ,the lodge boats on the way to the ramp where everywhere
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