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2 tone z71

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Everything posted by 2 tone z71

  1. yep thats awesome both the gifts and up and coming gift,the smiles and laughs my 13 month old niece coaxed outta me these last couple days was better than any present
  2. Rick Im glad the ole fellas gettin better,I went thru this early this summer with my baby girl,my 8 yr old Rottweiler ,she out of the blue stopped eating which was unusual she loved to eat she was 140 pds,after a few days I brought her in and got the wonderfull news,I was a mess,I still have a very hard time even writing this,the vet weighed my options gave me some meds for a week to see if maybe a miracle may happen ,toughest week I ever had ,I took 3 days off work to be with her ,she dident wanna be alone and I had to keep up with a large supply of ice water,needless to say 7 days later it was no better and farther worse,and the deed had to be done,that has got to be the hardest day in any dog lovers life,I consider myself a very Abrasive and TOUGH man,that day I had to get my mom to come with me as I couldent keep it together very long,long story short I had her cremated,and blew up my fav pic of her,so now she sits in the family room in her own spot over looking everything/everyone keeping an eye on things as she loved to do ,I couldent take being without her for long ,was about a week later I got another pup from a breeder,she will never replace Diesel but shes got a personality of her own that starts the cycle all over again,Take care of him Rick I know where you are with this right now ,it will get better give him a pat on the head for me
  3. thanks Roy im gonna be at BPS tommorow ,if not there ill get it from my local tackle shop
  4. NIICCEEE thats the one ,thanks Lew
  5. gonna get a compre for my new reel ,Im gonna get the 7 or 8 footer ,what action thou is where im stumped ,they offer 3 med.heavy,and extra heavy,will be strictly trolling rod
  6. excatly
  7. whats that thing hes holding, I never seen one all summer/fall dammm ,nice outing
  8. oh Boy I scored LARGE this year I must have been good sometime or another, got a Shimano Tekota 500 with Line counter, Dewalt 12 inch slider with stand,JVC dvd player ole one died,final Sopranos episodes box set ,various gift cards to CTC and the local tackle store,and on and on ,so much more than I deserve,best of all I got to watch my Niece 1yr old open gift after gift
  9. I was in Sudbury today it was pouring and +4 suppose to be the same tommorow be carefull where ever you go,I got 4 skidoos in for service ,they got drivin here, they will be gettin trucked home at this rate
  10. Tim its all good theres 4 huts out there as of today
  11. Congrats always nice this time of year,buy yourself a great gift and enjoy it ,yrs ago worked for a small contractor and always got a meal and a card with 3-500 in it ,like stated above I change jobs every few yrs
  12. Big buck yeah where planning a trip next summer
  13. Nice work Tim bringing that to Witch Bay, U in ????
  14. ahhh fellas all good responces,my boats long to sleep by mid November thou lol thanks guys
  15. dont use them Wayne wanna sell em Green dog those are a lil to military looking for my liking strong or not lol
  16. I wanna use them for Muskies mainly
  17. devil how do you like them is what I was after
  18. anybody use have these babys im wanting to order 2 http://www.ram-mount.com/index_files/ram340_1.jpg
  19. im going, prob be a day trip as my boat buying days are over for now ,but dont ya have any marina connections or local vendors these guys always have tickets to give away,that food coupon made me incredably hungry thou mmmm
  20. gonna Pm ya
  21. Nice I sold my RC10GT on ebay last winter, got a new Emaxx Monday,Love it
  22. Cast away how hard is that to handle thats my next RC
  23. trucks cars copters if ya run em post it
  24. could be my terrible memory but I remember reading or someone telling me that any sleds bought and brought across the border there warrenty was NIL could be wrong but worth checking out
  25. id still loose it and post a big billboard on the 400 but thats just me lol,good luck hope they see past the bottom line and make things right for you
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