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2 tone z71

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Everything posted by 2 tone z71

  1. hmmm wish I could worry about maybe using my boat, the bays been frooze over for weeks and my Mako already has a 4 ft snowbank in front of it
  2. my condolences to you and your family Gary sorry for your loss,its something I dont ever wanna go thru
  3. Nice thanks for all the help /info offers pms fellas much appreciated soon as I figure out what I want ill be in touch great site
  4. ive got friends with the Walker units ,they have good things to say about them,I was gonna buy at the sportsman show,but does this place in Woodstock have a website by chance
  5. gonna get a set of elec downriggers this winter /spring whats everybody running ,need some insight
  6. ive got my Lowrance internal gps mounted behind the windshield on the CC under the T top with canvas and it grabs signal by the time I un tie from the dock,for the steering got water in the tube it frooze happens alot pump some grease in there when it warms up to help her out
  7. bring it up to Waynes you and him can fix it right dealing with these cuties will just give you a migrane
  8. I agree this is 100% bullpoop I will not buy or suggest anybody I know to buy one,IF IT where mine id drag it to Bass Pro park it out front near the doors on a nice busy day and show EVERYONE what type of boats there selling and standing behind,dont imagine it will be long your boat will be in the service bay
  9. I turn my batt selector switch to off and close the door to the console and the marina shrink wraps here ,ive got 2 Optimas ,if theres no drain or draw on the batterys its fine
  10. poacher nothing in that history era ive got
  11. Jigger im in Brooklin as im writing this, picked up a 18 ft Panther speedboat for a winter project,heading home tommorow thanks fellas for the info ill check out the Mania combos next time im in Bass Pro, u fellas mention those shimano Compre rods alot they that nice
  12. not for another 6 yrs Wayne damm warrantys
  13. what manual ya looking for ive got many
  14. the factory manuals are fairly cheap the specific manual for each motor is well detailed instead of the aftermarket crap that trys to detail everything from 2-150 hp ,I bought a BRP Manual for my new 07 Etec it tells ya everything ya wanna know in detail from rigging on up
  15. Well my first Musky season has come and gone ,may get out once more but its not looking good,anyhow ive invested a lot in tackle damm eye candy lol,but its time to get serious for next season,I want a new Rod/Reel Combo I use all St Croix equip at the moment with shimano reels but im open to suggestions whats better Baitcaster or spinning longer rod better or short and stout,ive got a bigger trolling reel now but I find it hard to cast,Id like to use the new combo for both casting once in awhile but mostly trolling,im not set on price but lets use 500.00 for starters
  16. original all the way Seloc dont give you all the information or a very good breakdown and description as the OEM do
  17. great pics thanks for sharing ,what kinda boat is that I love CC
  18. Nice pics WAS cold, and damm my E tec dont smoke like that lol JK,I gave up on the ski hunt for 07 I got 2 this fall and missed many, time to put the rest of my gear away
  19. I would do as Cliff suggested find a complete motor the same only with TNT ,its more than just adding in the unit which is a big job on its own,removing engine spreading the bracket open or possibly removing the bracket and replacing with the TNT unit,theres also the wiring and relays that need some thought ,also the controls with switch on handle IMO its not worth it ,your better off selling what ya have and buying a motor ready to go
  20. Lew I watch Shelly and Courntey all the time only thing I do is mute the TV cause they never shut up lol
  21. top of my head Kenora -Tbay-Dryden-Temmagami
  22. stuntman yes theres gotta be a lil play in the prop as it pull and pushes hard when your going to and froM F-R
  23. depends ,put the prop back on and spin it by hand see if your propshafts bent,if it is get it fixed if not put on your spare ,gears can take several rubs ,every time thou they get lil chips out of them some on the gears some on the pinion till finally they let go could be fine ,could drop the oil and check for filings or pieces
  24. outdoor guy thanks for the heads up ,thats off the list for sure,ive drivin it alot myself worked on the highways up there for yrs between Winnipeg border and Thunder Bay,I remember taking a Houseboat out of Sou narrows and eating at a place called the mineshaft it was on LOTW
  25. 6 of us heading to Lake of the woods next Aug for Muskie Walleye hell whatever bites lol,any recommended places to stay areas to try
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