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2 tone z71

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Everything posted by 2 tone z71

  1. thanks Garry I may try one
  2. I also got 2 of the 6500s last week im gonna use them on my rigger rods let ya know in a few months what happens ,lots of guys here seem to like them
  3. ive THOUGHT several times about ripping off the shrinkwrap and installing the riggers and other lil things I wanna do before Ice out,today im thinking about moving it from where it is to a drier location ,maybe bring the seadoo in the shop just to take the tension off still darn cold out there at the moment
  4. NICE you look atleast 30 inchs across the shoulders and that fish is twice that so I belive ya ,not much for girth must be a male
  5. whats the story here ,I take it they where past members ???
  6. looking for some feedback there local which is cool anybody buy there rods http://www.backwoodsrods.com/noframe/LTD_E...ition_Rods.html
  7. haha yep a box of granola bars and a loaf of bread and there gone for a week,up here they flock by the hundreds all summer coming down the mag river,out of the french,out on georgian bay iliands full of tents,we call em rock@hiters they come @hit all over the iliands leave a mess for everyone all for the grand total of 15.00 to park there car for a week
  8. St Croix all the way had both used both love the St Croixs ,but started recently buying Shimano rods again ,St croix is a lil proud of there rods and they are great but not worth the $$$ there asking
  9. figured that Terry I have to have a closer look after I get the shrinkwarp off thanks
  10. since I sold my tin boat with the 30,trolling is gonna be different this yr with the Center console and 115 only,I was wondering and the fella at the tackle store figured it may work,my bow rail at the center highest point would be probable 18-20 inchs he figured I may be able to slide the head and shaft out beyond the rail and then plunk it down same for retreiving it,I know this may be a bit of a chore at times but it may be my only option as I dont have room on the transom for a typical kicker bracket due to the trim tab motors,and I really dont wanna remove or hack my bow rail any thoughts
  11. Yamaha dealer told me 10/30 no matter brand preferance
  12. reefrunner the C3s are on sale half price reg 150 on for 74.00
  13. I bought 2 6500 C3 @ C Tire yesterday then stopped @ Tremblays tackle box on the way to my sisters and picked up a Shimano Curado on a Shimano Compre baitcasting setup,really liking the Curado/Compre setup cant wait to try it ,good luck with your search ive got a Quantem tournament edition baitcasting set that I used maybe 4 times you can have for 100.00 if ya like
  14. ahhh picked up a couple of them 6500 ABUs and a few of the berkley rigger rods not a bad price considering
  15. how old is old ,what did ya have to set up points etc I got a nice 98 9.9 givin to me last fall was a great gift and is gonna make a great kicker
  16. Deano where is that that it some nice looking countryside
  17. Gerrit on my T top ive got a 6 ft VHF ant ,a 3 ft am/fm/ ant ,my Lowrance Speedo GPS mushroom,and my Sirius Ant I get no interferance at all
  18. Center Island ??? not sure where that is Gerritt
  19. 17 ft Mako- 115 E tec I fish from the twin sisters out of Pointe au baril up to and as far as Kilarney Mountains any givin weekend for Pike, Bass,Muskie,and Pickeral ,and now I got 2 new Cannon riggers sitting waiting for her so Salmon Trout what ever else I can kill time for on Georgian Bay
  20. nice thanks for the heads up should be there Sat if I can shake this chest cold
  21. it depends on the stretch of water sometimes ,when its only 100-150 ft we can roll right up to it get the skis wet and then come on to it ,Polaris of course is by far the best swimmers always have been,if your going 50 mph and hit or head for water you are NOT going down,its the panic people get when they see it and try to stop they would be better off crossing it and making way to better ice or shore,the snowmobile will actualy pick up speed on water
  22. Them Polaris sleds they all came with Jesus boots,took my Dad across an open section a few winters back riding the bay home from Kilarney, thought he was gonna kill me when we got back to land but he still brings it up now and then,great vid thanks for sharing
  23. your right that would work nice enough,I grew up with and had those type of boats since I was 8,after being in the bigger boats theres no looking back,after coming out of the gun barrels last July from the Bustard Iliands and there where 10 ft waves or better il stick to my bigger boat,where im running out of Georgain Bay alot of times theres no shelter
  24. makes no differance to me at all, I am gonna try and get out as much maybe more than last year,I run from Pointe au Baril-damm near Killarney any givin weekend fishing different spots every weekend,I love the bay and being on it gas prices are not slowin me down
  25. 10-4 mr perfect citizen man
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