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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. ... did I say that outloud???... what I meant, was after I sedated you with the Corn Drippin's... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KsM_K1sChi4 It's a multi-purpose elixir yanno!
  2. ... if I want any crap out of you... I'll beat it out of you!... boy!!!
  3. That's the bad thing about it!!!... I pay for high speed internet to visit a site that is "dial-up" slow??? ... it's 9:42 p.m. CDST and the board is slower than smoke off of caca!!!
  4. I think you're out a luck Dutch... Joey and Tybo were looking for a boat recently and couldn't find a selection anywhere, the dealers claim that it's the economy these days. You have to order with a 12 week wait! They ended up buying what they wanted from a U.S. dealer that met them at the border with the boat.
  5. I really like the way you could only find the pics of the smaller fish! I've got underwear that're older than you are!!!
  6. I have a pair of these birds building a nest under my back deck, they're very pretty!
  7. PFD is an acronym for Personal Floatation Device... defined as: a device designed to keep one (1) person (thus, personal) afloat in water. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz...on&ct=title This includes (but is not limited to) life jackets, life vests, flotation cushions and rings.. etc A life jacket is a PFD, but not all PFD's are life jackets!!!
  8. Who doesn't??? When it comes to PFD's, just remember John.. you're a lot older (a helluva lot), weaker, and fatter than you were in your younger days!!! ... just for an example, jump in the water without a PFD when it's nice and warm and try to get back in the boat without a ladder!... then imagine trying to do it in 45*F water... Feel free to ignore my signature!
  9. It just took around a minute for a reply to a thread to go thru for me, has anyone else noticed a slowdown on the site?
  10. Excellent report and pics Sinker!!! I don't know if I'd have fished for the Sturgeon or went for some Halibut... that'd be a tough choice! Glad you had a great time and got to see your brother!!!
  11. A life jacket is a PFD... it's a type I PFD. There are 5 types of PFD's http://www.boatsafe.com/nauticalknowhow/pfdbasics.htm ... a PDF is a computer file. I like the inflatables, why?... for 2 reasons. 1. They're comfortable enough to wear all day... I've come home from a day of fishing and started to take my clothes off in the house and realized I still had my PFD on...Like Rick and others have said, they don't work too good if you aren't wearing it. 2. It is classified as a type III with type II performance meaning it may keep your head out if the water if you're unconscious. ... as far as the mechanism goes... meh!
  12. The last time I had one installed it was about $115 for my 50 hp. 4 stroke Merc.
  13. Poike and Mucksie are "trash" fish!!!... save you lure money for a boat rental and target a worthwhile species like catfish or Perch!!! ... you'll be glad you did!!
  14. Poike!... who wants to mess with those things eh?... target a more desirable species, like Rock Bass, Sheepshead or Steelhead or something!!!
  15. ...poor ol' Kevin!... I know exactly how he feels, because y'all treat me the same way!!! we think the world of y'all... and y'all treat us like DIRT!!!
  16. That right there, is an ugly "bottom sucker"!!!... and the fish aint that purdy either!!! ... just razzin' ya a little Bruce!
  17. Evidently a PFD isn't worth a hoot!!! ... I've seen lots of pics of members in boats fishing in "cold" conditions, over cold water and not wearing a PFD!!! ... please ignore my signature!
  18. The bad guy gets shot and dies in the end.
  19. Could you swing by and pick me up for this Dan?... or Maybe Mike could swing by on his way in from Montreal???
  20. Itty Bitty Fiddies are fun too!!! I love the ultra lite!!!
  21. By the looks of those ears, she may be 1/3 shepard, 1/3 lab, and 1/3 BAT!!! .. just kiddin' ya TB! She'll grow into those ears! A lab shepard mix should be a very good dog, docile with the family... but a good protector too!
  22. A Magnificent vessel!!! ... but if Paul catches that guy with short hair futzin around in his boat... there's going to be trouble!!!
  23. Not really the kind of thing I want to read about in my "Happy Place".
  24. Found this on the net this morning, seems our wet weather down here has given us an unusual amout of deer flies this year! I'm thinking about buying a couple boxes: http://www.gardensalive.com/product.asp_Q_pn_E_1165
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