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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. What???... I don't see a gaff!!! Maybe y'all would prefer the wet index finger inserted into the anal vent hold???
  2. See my above post on statistics Bubba!
  3. There's always a first time and it only takes once to be sorry you didn't!!! I haven't fallen out of the boat, but a buddy of mine did!... good thing it was warm weather! If you've been boating for 50 yrs.... jump your decrepit ol' ass in the water and see how far and for how long you can swim/tread water!!! If people would look out for themselves and take the appropriate safety measures... there wouldn't be a need for the legislature eh??? You can't argue with statistics... unless you are one waiting to happen!!! Show us that you love your friends and loved ones, wear you PFD!!!
  4. Oh hell yeah!!!... I catch them in 'Bama all the time!!! ... but me and Roy feel the same way... ... y'all just aint worthy of a report!
  5. http://www.cabelas.com/p-0030689119599a.shtml + http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...rset=ISO-8859-1 = no problems with toothy critters!!! You can actually "lip" a good sized Pike with the Lindy Glove!!!
  6. I've always been a firm believer in, if you don't like where you live... MOVE!!! Complaining does nothing except make you look wimpy!!!
  7. ... and I know why!!! http://www.myfishingpictures.com/showgallery.php/cat/549
  8. Consider the following: For all you tough guys/gals out there that think you don't need a PFD. Take a dry change of clothes with you the next time you go out, then... when you're in water over your head (7-10'), jump in fully clothed (long pants, shoes, and shirt) and see how far you can swim... Then when you get tired of swimming (which won't be long with all those clothes on), see how long you can tread water! Then when you're pretty tired of that, try to climb back into the boat! IF you can get your ass back into the boat without help... I'm sure you will have a different outlook on wearing your PFD!!! Try it, you aint as young as you used to be!
  9. Photobucket is a great site, never had a problem and have 25 pages of images!!!
  10. It's yer upper lip Bubba!!! When you have a driveway, you don't have to worry aboot a place to park!
  11. Urban life sux big time!!! ... might as well suck on the exhaust pipe of a Beamer eh!
  12. Oh!... boo hoo hoo!!!... yer breaking my friggen heart!!! You don't have to worry aboot that kind of stuff when you live in the cowntry!!!... can you say Moooooo!???
  13. All the really kewl kidds are using photobucket!!! http://register.photobucket.com/ ... be there or be square!!!
  14. ... and that's why we have rod holders on the boat eh!!!
  15. Try not to be so whiny... it detracts from your manliness!
  16. You need t show that vid to the knuckleheads that claim they fixed your boat Lexy!!! I wouldn't pay them another damn penny... and DEMAND they fix my fricken motor!!! If they don't comply, consider the following! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4fN_shVm4s
  17. Looks like prime topwater frog, popper, buzzbait territory to me!
  18. Where's the snazzy gloves? If you'll use a 3/0 circle hook for those cats you won't have a problem with deep hooking, 95% of them will be hooked in the corner of the mouth. I like these! http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...rset=ISO-8859-1
  19. Your voice sounds kinda horse and scratchy grandpa... maybe you should gargle with some!
  20. Ewwwww DUDE!!!.. you fell into your whiz!!!
  21. Yup!
  22. That was half of them, the other half said... " hold my beer... HEY Y'ALL!!! WATCH THIS!!!"
  23. Uhhhh... a good example of a bad example?
  24. Older?... what the heck do you mean by older??? Is that some kind of crack?... you little whipper snapper!!!
  25. .. try not to be so wimpy Bubba!
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