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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. There's somebody with a signature on this or the last board that goes something like..."Creeps and jerks can't conceal themselves for long on a fishing trip" and I believe it. I would fish with anybody on this board at least once... after that....................
  2. Goliath Groupers are a highly protected species nowadays... they've been overfished to near extinction, but are making a nice comeback since sanctions have been imposed.
  3. .. and that's why they call it fishin' and not catchin'. BTW Nauti, here's a little tip for ya... show'em some skin and they'll bite better! It works for me!
  4. They are now called Goliath Groupers bassman... somebody got their noses bent out of shape about the other name and they changed it.
  5. Not really sure about the legality of beaching that GG... but that is a good pic.
  6. I'm with Lew... got get'em!... but I don't think they're really skeered
  7. Whew! I glad you changed it from shinked to skunked!!! Gettin' Skinked is like "takin' one for the team" That second pic is beautiful!... I can hardly even tell it's been photoshopped at all!!! Great report, thanks for posting! snag Posted Today, 03:50 PM Wow, what a beauty. Great pic! Should've been with me today though....................... Spit it out Snag!
  8. The Best of Luck to you with your surgery PH, please let us know how things turn out. Glen
  9. ...
  10. I don't know about the legality of it up there in Canada, but that's some good eatin' hoppin' around up there on the ice!
  11. Let me know when you get the dump figured out, because Ol' Yeller just ordered me one those same units today. I can hardly wait for it to mget here!
  12. Cabelas has much better service than BassPro when it comes to mail order, mainly because Cabelas uses UPS for everything and BassPro uses the post office for their ground shipping. I don't know if you do the credit card thing or not Lew, but if you do... check into getting a Cabelas Visa Rewards card. I don't know how many hundreds of dollars of free stuff I've gotten from them by using their card!
  13. Or how about a big cooler and a leaf blower?... Joey?... Care to show us how it's done?
  14. Great report and pics! Do you ever keep any for the pan? BTW... Great Photoshopping, those rocks and riverbank look so natural!!!
  15. The last I remember hearing about him was, he was tying up some roe bags to go steelheading with for the first time... and you know how his and blyghts beginners luck is... they're probably still fighting and trying to land a world record Steelhead each (blyghts will be the biggest by 2 lbs.) I also hope everything is ok (and hope they land those fish soon!)
  16. HOT DAMN!!!
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  21. That was some pretty cute trivia, thanks!
  22. Great report and pics!!!... looks you're well on your way!
  23. Sounds like a damn good plan to me Rick! I hope to do the same. Glen
  24. They are beautiful tools Gerrit... too pretty, I'd be afraid to hit them with anything harder than a powder puff and cut anything harder than styrofoam with them.
  25. Whadya mean wrong kind? a chisel is a chisel!... can I borry the 24mm one Gerrit??? They look like a good quality tool to me and I don't think a 32 oz. waffle faced Estwing would hurt them a bit!... I'll return it in a month or 2, after I save up enough to buy myself a new one.
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