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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Y'all just keep that freezin' cold crap up there to your selves!!! I hate having to wear clothes!!!
  2. I cast both spinning and baitcasters with my right and reel with my left. My deep sea equipment is right hand retrieve, but I don't cast that... just drop a 16 oz. hunk of lead with 1-2 lb baitfish straight down to the bottom. I shoot left handed because my left eye is better than my right. Glen
  3. For me, it's all about the boat! I can't see spending all that money buying it, and then just let it set there and not use it. It's like Shad said... "No, the boat never gets put away".
  4. So does this mean the Banana belt is going to become the Ice cream belt? BTW... it's s'posed to be in the 70's here this weekend.. might even be warm enough for a nude fishin' trip... stay tuned for the report!!!
  5. I had the crud inbetween Thanksgiving (U.S. ) and Christmas. Two BIG shots in the butt ( and y'all know how scrawny mine is ) and 4 prescriptions to knock it out!
  6. You got that right!
  7. Yeah, I couldn't get on and was going through withdrawls... was thinking about joining one of those other boards so the monkey would go away.
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong... but isn't frustration a form of stress?
  9. It's pretty rare that I get skunked on my two home lakes ( Neely Henry and Logan Martin ), and I know if I'm getting skunked so are a bunch of other people. Now put me on a new lake for the first time or a lake I just fish once a year and I will reek of skunk, but I'm used to that and I still have a good time. I don't get stressed out about not catching fish, but I do get stressed about other things while fishing... like "tools" on the water, equipment breakdowns, and losing a PB. Then after a few minutes when I've cooled down, I have to laugh at myself and say " you dumbass... you're out here to relax and have a good time", and then everything is fine.
  10. Well it'sa 'bout Bloody time! Great report and pics!!!... and congrats on your catch!
  11. Excellent report and pics Tom!!! ... but you should be ashamed of yourself... molesting poor pregnated Trout like that, Oh!... that's right!... you didn't catch any fish!!! I was wondering what that smell was when I opened this thread. Dang! 3-0... that's a pretty bad strappin'! Better luck next time Bubba!
  12. You are a braver man than me going out on Simcoe in that bathtub! Always remember, power on and bowfirst into waves. It would have been a heckuva time if you'd actually caught on of those Whities while out in that boat. That's when the real fun starts! Great report and pics!!! Glen
  13. ...
  14. You may want to consider reading the "How to post pictures" section in the Help threads.
  15. I'd say that was bruises and under the skin bleeding for the cut/injury on the left side of that fish, probably caused by an attack from a larger fish.
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  17. The Owl in the 5th pic looks like he's sayin' "Are You Talkin' to Me???"
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  21. ... and just how many last reports of the season are we going to have to endure Cliff? Rain+Darkness+Snot Rocket+Human Blood... Ooooooo! I got tinglies all over!!! Great report and pics!!! Keep those last reports comin' in!
  22. Do you mean the obvious?.. or is there a physical malady as well? Great report and pics as always! Looking at the last pic makes me think that what they used to say about flashbacks in the 70's is actually true.
  23. Looks like you have competition in the sport of Necro-fishing Snag!
  24. Don't forget to take a PFD for the young'un.
  25. ... and may the noctournal discharge of 1000 "poxed" camels fester upon his bed pillow for fourtnight!
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