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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. That's sick dude!!!... Funny as hell , but sick! Congrats to Victor!!! ... maybe you'll catch one with a little more meat on his bones next time!
  2. That's a great report Ryan!!! Congrats on your first and PB Brown!!!
  3. Got out on Wednesday to checkout the flood waters... that weren't there! Everything was normal, as a matter of fact the lake had been drawn down to winter pool level (1' lower than summer full pool). There was a lot of current with the power company running 3 turbines releasing 25,000 cubic feet of water per second! I got on the water at noon and figured the fishing would be slow by the looks of the solunar table. Got rigged up and caught the largest Crappie whithin the first 30 min. and though that it might not be such a slow day afterall... wrong! The fish were very lethargic during the afternoon, I could see them on the sonar... but they weren't interested. I caught a half dozen dinky catfish and a couple dinky Spots throughout the afternoon, but nothing pic worthy. Around 4:30 the fishing started to pickup with some fish feeding on the surface busting schools of small Shad. I tied on a Zara Pup and threw it a couple dozen time but it was too big and they weren't interested (I gotta find my Tiny Torpedo!). I then tied on a small white and chrome Roostertail and started casting to the schooling fish, but they were small too. I got one decent Spot about 14" and the rest were little Spots and Stripers less than 12"... but it was fun to watch them bust the surface and to see the Shad skitter a across the surface! The surface action died after about 45 min. and I went back to concentrating on my drop shotted shiners, and that's when I started catching more Crappie! I also started catching more small catfish and sun started getting lower in the sky. Again, I only used my weaker sonar unit... and actually had the best day for Crappie I've had all year! Roy's Walleye and Bass may not be bothered by his high powered unit (I think it's because he has the shipping lanes on the Larry and the fish are used to it)... but my Crappie hate the high powered 4000 watt sonar! The correct answer to the title question is SUPPER!
  4. I may quit mentioning the body of water I fish... it's starting to get crowded with all the other board members and lurkers showing up at my fishing hole!
  5. ... and just when are we gonna see some of the 30 yr. old "old boot" reports???... I would find them interesting, and they could be used as much needed "cannon fodder"!!! ... how aboot the "marshmallow and treble hook" hat???
  6. ... and now that intelligent thing you said a while back has slipped from my mind and we're back to page one... Hoser!!!
  7. Half ton???... isn't that a 150?... I was always under the impression that F 150's were for wives, daughters, and "Rainbow Flag Boys"! ... the3/4 Super Duty 24 valve Flex Fuel 5.4 will stomp and mudhole in your and walk it dry!!!... you and wayne should really try to upgrade to a more manly vehicle... I'm serious! ... unless y'all are taking warm showers together in the wee hours of the morning...
  8. If he's 60, he may be "grandfathered" in and doesn't need a card...
  9. I didn't miss it... thought he was dreaming!... he may have borrowed it when you saw it wayne, he still sounds like a Civic owner to me... but he may have fooled you!
  10. So?... you have perma frost on the brain or what Hoser???... or maybe you're just dreaming of what you would love to have, and have to find faullt with folks that have it? ... you actually sound like a Honda Civic owner to me....
  11. I got mine 10 years ago... and I thought Alabama was behind in the times!!!... HA!!!
  12. Is that why they're the heart of every wild mustang and Shelby Cobra!!!... try not to act so ignorant... or maybe it wasn't an act?
  13. ... another victim of "Blue Oval" envy... you should seek counseling!!!
  14. You must mean a willow branch with a clothesline pulley attached... I've never been impressed by that.
  15. What's a Salmoon???... and how big of a marshmallow do I need???
  16. Do a little google search on the Ford 5.4L engine son.. the most reliable engine around, bar none!!! Yes, I know you have Ford envy... you should go to a dealership for your cure eh!?
  17. If you have an F250 Super duty with a 24 valve Triton 5.4.. you'll never have a stuck hitch!!!
  18. Why would I buy a truck???... I already have the ultimate truck!!! Wipe that white stuff off your lips if they start to pucker when you see this pic boy!
  19. Excellent report, pics, and fish!!! One of these days I'm going to catch a Pike like that! Thanks for taking the time to post that report, it's really great to see a newbie contribute to the board instead of just taking!!! May all your fish be BIG!!!
  20. That's a great report!!! Looks like someone is going to have a nice Pickeral dinner!!!
  21. ... and next month the top bait up there will be an ice cube eh!
  22. I hope you're carrying a good set of pliers with you when fishing toothy critter waters.
  23. I find that you have horrible picture taking abilities and like to murder little birdies!!!... have you ever "shot and released" any kind of game??? Digital cameras aren't expensive nowadays, you should get one! ... they turn a "hunka-junk words"report into something beautiful!!!
  24. Who on earth would do a numbskull thing like that???
  25. I've seen old TV shows and read aboot HUGE cats on the Red River!!!... you should try large chunks of cut bait (Moon Eye or Sucker), and even large live sucker minnows... the bigger the better!!! Big frozen nasty smelly Pike baits like frozen Mackerals and Anchovies are also excellent!!! Those are some "Killer" baby cats!!! Thanks for taking the time to post that very nice report!!!
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