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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Yeah, I've been down that road too! .. but back to the original question. Even if she won't go fishing with you as much as you would like, consider yourself lucky if she doesn't mind if you go fishing whenever you want! I would like for my wife to go fishing with me more often, but the weather has to be perfect for her to go (not too hot and not too cold)... but the best thing is that if I even casually mention that I might like to go fishing, she says GO!!!... that may not be the best thing.. but it's the second best!!!
  2. We LOVE to hose the Hosers!!!... drink another 2/4 and maybe you won't notice the next time you order eh!!!
  3. You may want to checkout this thread MM: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=35985 They look very interesting and the testamonials are convincing... so much so that I had to order some!
  4. That was a pretty entertaining description John! I've hook a few birds in my life, and most a pretty well mannered when you get a hold on them. The biggest birds I've hooked are the big Pelicans you see down in Florida, they love to try to steal your fish off the hook when pier fishing. The Pelicans aren't too bad to unhook, but a Swan or a Goose might be different. The pair of them may have even "tag-teamed" your buddy... now that would've been something to get on film!!!
  5. You're wrong Bubba Joe... steelhead and salmon LOVE the marshmallows!!!
  6. You may want to consider this one since you liked your old Mitchell so well holdie! http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true
  7. Let's not forget that the highly infectious disease Smallpox that plagued mankind for centuries was wiped out from the face of the planet with vaccinations! The vaccinations worked so well, that they stopped vaccinating for it in 1972 in the U.S. So yes, the needle does work!... ask yourself... are you really that scared of a little pin prick???
  8. What Rick said!!!
  9. I've noticed most of you consider your selves beer drinkers... but I've also noticed the word "COLD" associatedwith the word beer???... down south here, it's considered one word "Coldbeer"!!!... used again mainly by pregnant women and small children!!!... man did not invent the distilling process to be ignored!!! I've seen from a few "TRUE" beer drinkers, they prefer their beer at an ambient temperature... also known as Weasel Piss flavor/temp!
  10. ... and "short" as well!!
  11. Your definition hit the nail on the head!!! ... but as far as the almighty $$$ goes, isn't health care free in Canuckia???... I compare it to the "free" military health care I was subjected to for the first 17 yrs. of my life, ok... but nothing to brag aboot!... if the doc was really worth a squat, wouldn't he have a private practice instead of being a Major in the military??? A few years ago they came out with a bulletin "Military Health Care May Be Hazardous to Your Health"!!!.. Duh???... Really???
  12. I think I'm starting to like you better now!!!... can we go "Broke Back" Musky fishing some day???.......rod tip down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Looks like a 59 1/2" to me!!! ... where's the measuring tape???
  14. Katz is people too yanno!!! I have an old orange tabby named Sammy that can bark like a dog (ruff, ruff!) or meow like a cat on command!!!... he's a good ol "happy cat" that is constantly smiling! ... it will be a very sad day when he passes... he's not just a pet, but a family member!!!
  15. ... but... but!!!... we're skeered squatless of an itty bitty little needle!!!
  16. That's one of the main things Rick "O"... if I get it, who am I going to give it to???... loved ones/family?... friends?... coworkers? ... maybe someone here has children that go to daycare or work in a daycare center, how would they feel if they gave it to their child and then it was spread amongst the other children in the daycare center?... or even worse, a daycare center worker exposing the children they are supposed to be taking care of to the disease!!! Think about it!!!
  17. Go ahead and make up the excuses!!!... a bigger bunch of chicken squats I've never seen!!! I give blood, I give blood... but I'm terrified of an injection!!! .. many years from now, you will grow older and wiser... and you will realize I speak the truth!!! ... until then, you can hide behind you extremely lame excuses for not getting the injection! ... maybe it has something to do with Canadas health care system???
  18. Yeah, we call that an "article 15" in the U.S.! ... I figured you'd have had more than one ... if you don't get your shots.... don't whine on the board that you're sick and it sucks!!!... go tell your wife or Momma!
  19. How many $$$ do you reckon it takes to feed that thing for a day??? ... I'll stick to my 50 hp 4 stroke thank you very much!!!
  20. Jacques!... Paul!... one of y'all get a cell phone so you can call Kevin's little gimlet to come pull you out!!!... I could use the "alone" time with Stephanie yanno!!!
  21. Let's let Stephi decide that eh!
  22. I am really amazed at the excuses people come up with to keep from being stuck with a little needle!!! I would much rather have the small flu shot that goes in your shoulder than the huge antibiotic and steroid shots that go in your buttocks when you get sick! It's like misery squared, not only are you sick but you must also endure the huge injections below the equator!!! The only thing I can figure is that some people really like the sympathy they get when they get sick... I can do without the sympathy and the sickness!!!
  23. Black Buzzbait!!!
  24. Excellent report and pics!!! That is the same way I was introduced to fishing at the beginning of my life!!! In the stroller and on the pier while Mom and Dad fished for Mackeral and Flounder!!... I still remember some of it to this day!
  25. That was a great report for your day out!!! Thanks for taking the time to post it!!!
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