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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. ... thanks for the chuckle Raf!!!
  2. It's ok Luc, you weren't the first... nor will you be the last to make that suggestion!
  3. It sounds like you had a fun day!!!
  4. I'm glad you got things worked out to your satisfaction Syn, but $400 is still too much in my book... I found yammy cowlings online for less than $300, but if you're have... that's all that counts!
  5. A couple of excellent fish there for you and bly Cliff!!! Man that looks cold up there!!! brrrrrrrrrrrrrr! I'll bet that cold weather was like a slap in the face after being nice and warm for 2 weeks eh! Thanks for taking the time to post that nice report!
  6. Jacques, Jacques, Jacques!!! You were enjoying creature comforts when the fish were feeding! The solunar chart shows that the major feeding period for the fish this weekend is from 1/2 before daylight 'til 11:30 a.m.... and what's all this talk about it being cold outside? You're Canadian and supposed to be used to and love that kind of stuff!!! The fish don't want you to be comfy, as a matter of fact... they would prefer you be miserable! The fish also don't want you to be prepared with heavy tackle and oversized baits, they want to bite something little on light tackle so they can break your heart and spirit when they break your line and make you cry! Sorry to hear about the Dotted Ghost trial run, but keep messin' with it and you'll get it! Most folks use Lexan for the lips, and you can buy it at Home Depot. Maybe Roy will get off his butt and post the Musky bait tutorial he's been telling me he's working on.
  7. Excellent vid Kev!!! ... you talk funny, boy!!!!
  8. 2/0 would be the biggest I'd go with Mike, more like a 1/0 or 1... remember don't "set" the hook with a circle hook, just turn the handle on the reel!!!... Reel Boy Reel!!! The fish needs to be swimming away from you to get the proper hookset with a circle hook!!!
  9. Listen up!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxmE2qMbYRU&NR=1 ... goes double for grandchildren!!!
  10. Excellent report and pics Rich!!! Yer a lucky dawg to be able to get up to the GWN as much as you do! .. and speaking of dawgs, I see your pooches are looking well... Kia doesn't like me too much but the yellow lab is a sweetie!!! I'd also like to mention that you and Miss Patsy are looking very well too!... y'all take care now, and I'm looking forward to your next report!!!
  11. Bluegill meat is sugar sweet!!!
  12. I don't think anyone here really wants to vie for your baby fish Bubba.
  13. .. millions of the WGSF!!!
  14. That Dan Bouck, he's a most unsightly feller.. but a heck of a nice guy!!!
  15. Dude!!! You even bought it with the handle on the correct side!!!... unless you're left handed. Looks like you'll really be winching the Red Horse Suckers in on the pink Senkos with that rig!!!
  16. Na, just 5'-9" here... and if that isn't lowly enough for you, just pass out and leave your bottle of black Cuban rum unattended!
  17. Ah yes! The lowly ignorant construction worker, I know them well! ... as a matter of fact, I are one!
  18. Sounds like you're almost nearly ready to roll Johnny!!! You may want to ask permission to use the LLJ's battery... I'd hate to see pics of you all whipped up with black eyes and stuff in a report! Looking forward to more of your great reports now! Ask for the ice-ducer.
  19. You've tasted crap before???... doesn't surprise me with that avatar pic... maybe an overbite???
  20. na, I only use the gaff on Musky...
  21. Actually they're all White Crappie, the big one beat himself up everytime I opened the live thrashing about and such. Not so little, the biggest one was 13 1/2" and the other 3 were a little over 11"... fairly respectable for Crappie. Almost nearly!
  22. Who?... me???
  23. Yeah Buddy!!!... but I'm sorry, I do believe everything I read on the internet!
  24. If you'll look close... he's sucking on and ice cube! I always ice my fish down before cleaning them.
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