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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. ... ever heard of Ham and eggs??? ... I'm a ham'n egger from further back than I care to remember!!! there's a thing called salt cured cowntry ham, never spoils and is excellent with any kind of eggs and bisquits (do y'all know what a bisquit is???) It could easily be the death of me if my willpower was weaker!!!
  2. Hahaha!!!... sorry bly but I can't help it!!! I've heard that being in a boat in the fog is the worst!... you know you're moving (trolling) but it doesn't look like it!... bleeeeeah!!!... Raaaaaalph, Eaaaaaaaarl.. where'd you park the Buuuuuuuuuick???
  3. Dammit man!!!... Ireleased it... but I'll catch a bigger one! The chili fartz is what brings in the BIG cats Joey!!! The more rotten it smells, the better they like it!!! On the particular lake I fish we are allowed only 3 rods (but I usually only fish 2) any time of year, it is one of only two lake in the state that has a limit on the number of rods that can be fished... the rest of the lakes are unlimited on the number of rods you can use... you can use 100 or more if you want to. The 3 rod limit was deemed on Neely Henry (the lake I fish) and Weiss lake (directly above Henry in the Coosa chain) to protect the Crappie population from the "Spider" fishermen, they use up to 30 rods per boat and literally can filter out all the keeper Crappie in a body of water in a matter of just a couple of years. Our Crappie have to be a minimum of 9" long to keep on most lakes but some lakes have a 10" limit, and we have a creel limit of 30 in addition to the length limit. We love the Crappie down here and suck them down like they were candy!!! They're the most popular table fare down here with Catfish a close second! We don't have any closed seasons on freshwater fish down here, everything is open year 'round!!!
  4. Here's something you might want to look at Jocko! http://www.avclub.com/articles/taste-test-...mayer-ful,2481/
  5. Sorry Ryan, but I got a good laugh out of just reading the title before I even opened the thread! I've never been sea sick but have seen many people that did get it! My best tips are to stay out of the cabin and in the fresh air... watch the calm horizon and think about the fuzzy bunny!... if you're going to take sea sickness meds, start taking them the night before!... limit your intake of alcohol (none is best) and avoid greasy food.... if you do eat food make sure it's seafood so as to make a good chum when you hurl over the side!!!
  6. Going Grouse hunting B?
  7. Honest Injun Bubba! De Sac-a-laits is in for a world of hurt this winter!!!... I Gare-ron-tee!!! Damned if I do and damned if I don't!!! I'm trying to look more like you Jacques!!! Well the water was 80*F, I wasn't around any strong current, I was using the trolling motor to propel the boat, and there were other people whitin earshout... yeah, I prolly shoulda been wearing it! He don't know me bewy well, do he? That's what I was trying to tell you in my report!!!... actually I was poking fun at the people that overestimate the size of their fish in their reports, and also making fun of the people that belive the pics of a record/near record fish in a report without proof. The Crappie was actuall 13" long, and the Spot was 18 1/2" long with very thich shoulders... I didn't weigh either fish because I'm not really interested in the weight of any fish under 10 lbs. That's the same exact thing that the Lovely Miss Stephanie told me!!!
  8. They come in 4 flavors too!!! Original which is good, Bar-B-Hue is so-so, Baked is too sweet for me... and my favorite, Chilee!!! Kinda like a chilidog in a can!!! You should be catching more fish than me Johnny! That was one of the truest statements in the report Ben! I'l try that next time glen. If I had it to do over again knowing what I know now, I'd have purchased this unit. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true Damned if I do and damed if I don't Victor! Can I borrow your digital scale?... you won't be needing it this winter, will you?
  9. Some sounds attract fish while others repel them! .. again, how many watts is your unit? ... see my reply to Syn's quote. It is my notion that the fish can hear the 4000 watt unit coming in shallow water and flee in front of it and off to the sides... I may be wrong, but I sure as hell don't think so!
  10. Yep!!! All the fish I caught yesterday were terrified of the boat when I was reeling their little butts to it!!! That's the thing, 2000 watts isn't that powerful... the unit I was using yesterday is 2400 watts and fishing 15 FOW, it's the 4000 watt unit that was spooking the fish in shallow water!
  11. I'm stubborn and won't turn mine off! If you're casting you should probably ok, but if you're jigging or dropshotting directly beneath the boat you may want to turn it off or turn the sensitivity down like glen suggested. The high powered units may not be good for longline trolling directly behind the boat ( planer board would solve this though), and downrigging in less that 25 FOW. I was skeptical as to wheather high powered units spooked fish, but yesterday convinced me! How many watts is your unit?
  12. Looks like a nice 2.1 fish trip for you eh!!! Who says ya gotta catch fish to have a good day on the water?!!!
  13. You're a fine young gentleman Dan!!!
  14. I really meant to say the pic doesn't do the fish justice eh! I wore the hat special just for you boyfriend!!!
  15. You got a problem with that son???
  16. Got out on Lake Neely Henry at about 10 a.m this morning. Evidently the monsoon type rains we've been having have flooded the lake recently, there was all kinds of Floatsam about! Nasty navigation hazards!!! This one was about 6' in diameter and I don't know how far it went onder the surface! This one was about the same size as the first! This one almost got me, was almost completely submerged and was hidden by the chop on the water... it was about 7 or 8' long and a foot or more wide! This is a well known deadhead that moves every time the lake floods, I estimate it to be 30-40' long! So, after carefully traversing the gauntlet of obstacles... I made my way to the dam to check out the action. It was pathetic!!! The fish were gorged and only nibbling at the tail of the spinner and I had to really let them chew on it for a while to get a hook in them... and then they were all small! They weren't pulling water thru the dam, but did earlier in the morning... and that's when I suspect they fed. All the fish I caught were puking up 1" shad during the fight and in the boat. The Dam dinks: 2 or 3 dinky Spots like this. A dinky Largie ... and a couple fair sized 'Gills is all I could muster at the dam. I was fairly disgusted with the action at the dam, so I decided to drop shot the live shiners I bought at my favorite creekmouth. The action was slow on the dropshot so I decided to eat lunch! Sonar question answered Q. Do high powered sonar units spook fish in shallow water? A. Damn straight they do!!! Proof Last year I upgraded from my 2400 watt Humminbird Wide Optic to a 4000 watt Humminbird 747C, it's a beautiful unit with high definition and incredible clarity!!!... BUT!!!... since I've installed it on my boat, I haven't been able to catch anything on the dropshot in less than 25 FOW! At first I thought I'd lost my touch or that the fish just weren't there, but it went on for too long! I then began to suspect the high powered sonar unit was spooking the fish. The fancy 4000 watt unit. A couple of weeks ago I had some spare time, so I reinstalled the old 2400 watt unit. The old 2400 watt unit. Whenever I tried dropshotting with the 4000 watt unit in less than 25' of water, I wouldn't see anything or catch anything! Today I put the old 2400 watt to the test, I ran it exclusively in 15-20' of water and let the 4000 watt unit rest. The results: Starting off I was beginning to wonder, only a couple small channel cats in 18 fow. but I knew the fish weren't very active and I stuck with it... well!... at about 1:00 p.m when the started pulling water thru the dam, I was slow trolling my favorite point in 15 FOW and all hell braks loose!!! The rod with the 4 hook Sabiki rig goes off and is jumping wildly in the rod holder, I pick it up and start fighting the fish and then my second rod with the 6 hook Sabiki rig goes off!!! ... HELL YEAH!!!... I reel up the 4 hook rod quickly and do a rod lift of the fish into the boat, much to my pleasure there was 2 nice sized spots on that rod... then I grab the second rod and start reeling, a little more carefully because the 6 hook rig is a lot lighter than the 4 hook rig... get the rig to the surface and much to my delight there's 2 more Spots!!!... a double doubleheader... by myself!!! It was pure pandemonium in the boat for a minute with 4 fish flopping around wildly and 9 razor sharp Sabiki hooks flying thru the air... It would have been 10, but a third fish had broken off from the lighter 6 hook rig! The first 2 Spots that hit the heavier 4 hook rig The second 2 Spots that hit the 6 hook rig After that, I thought I'd run back over to the dam and checkout the current and maybe throw for some Stripers for my dinner, but was disappointed when I got there because the were already running 2 turbines and that's a little more current than I want to deal with and it splits the fish up too... so back to the point I go! So I start doing the slow troll thing again and after a little while I get a surprise!!! A small crappie from 16 FOW! Then another surprise! another small Crappie from 15 FOW!!!... I couldn't believe it, it's not even Crappie season yet!!! Then a few minutes later another nice hit! Another nice sized little Spotted Bass!!! Then a few minutes later... a huge surprise!!! This Crappie was 17" long and weighed 4 lbs. 1 oz!!! ... and then the big fish of the day came!!! This Spotted Bass hit the light 6 hook Sabiki rig and put up a helluve fight, he even broke water once (and I think he broke wind twice!) This fish was an amazing 25" long and weighed in at 9 lbs. 5 oz. on my digital scale!!! Truely an amazing day!!! In conclusion, is my dinky little 2400 watt sonar unit High Definition?... no... does it have a fancy color screen?... no... does it help me catch fish???... you better bet yer ass it does!!! Thanks for taking the time to look at a poor old honest Rednecks report!!!
  17. Old dogs and new tricks don't mix, do they?
  18. Real nice report and pics!!! That Pike is a monster!!!
  19. If you're fishing shallow like that, you should consider spooling up with a Fluorocarbon line... you might actually catch something!
  20. You should've picked up the trash.
  21. Not trying to be critical, but the sweetest fishing spots will be the ones you find for your self! Get yourself a good map and get out and drive around, make an adventure out of it!!! I would think that alot of the shorelines are choked with weeds right now, but that's ok if you know how to fish the slop. When I go shore fishing for Bass, I look for stretches of rip rap to fish... rip rap is good structure that holds bait like minnows and Crawfish! You can shoot me a PM for my secret presentation for fishing this type of structure if you're interested. A couple of my rip rap fish:
  22. DUDE!!!... that would sound so much more believeable if we here hearing it from the LLJ herself!!!... instead of your "Pike population depleting "...
  23. Dammit man!!!... it must really suck to be that whipped eh???
  24. I remember that story Mike!!! Some wimmins just can't take a joke eh!!!
  25. You should do the math before you order dude! I buy online, but it is stuff I can't get locally or a really good deal that is less than I would pay here (including the S&H)
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