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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Sorry to hear that Mike, P line is short for piss on this line!!!... you shoulda bought Vanish!!! ... let us all know when that line fails and the big one breaks your heart (and line) and get's away!!!
  2. Would that be Franglish, or Englench speak?
  3. Save even more money... go fishing 12 months a year!!! ... no guns, ammo, or sissy ass hunting crap to buy!!!
  4. I think he should've done some time at the "crossbar hotel" as well!... what kind of idiot fishes without a license, let alone poaches without one???
  5. You have that bassakwards son!... try washing motor oil or even cooking oil off your hands with just water. ... then try it with a water based paint. Haven't you ever heard that oil and water don't mix???... one of the oldest sayings in the world!!!
  6. If you had a wreck during the week you wouldn't be covered!... duh!
  7. He said the fish bottomed out his 50 lb. scale, which in actuality was probably a 15 lb. scale.
  8. ... as a matter fact it does!... tax deductable too!
  9. 50" and 52#'s with a 5'-4" man holding it... the pic doesn't do that fish justice eh....
  10. Hmmm!... sounds like "Black Market" trading to me!!!
  11. I hope you use the term integrity extremely loosely!!! People that net and trap fish also call themselves fishermen! I would much rather see everyone reduced to a single rod and a weighted treble hook, than to see a mile long net stretched across a river mouth!!! Maybe the Salmon do have the "potential" to be a self sustaining fishery, but will they be anymore "table worthy"???... if a fish isn't fit to eat, I consider it a rough/trash fish!!!
  12. Is it typical of Canadians to put the "cart before the horse"???
  13. ... oh to be a fly on the wall eh!!!
  14. Do you hear that??? ... the sound of silence!
  15. What's a post count?
  16. It sounds like you should invest in a better net!
  17. Kinda looks like Al Bundy's "Egg Timer Syndrome" may be involved here... 3 minutes ding ding ding... your time is up!!!
  18. Like Kickingfrog said, not sure if they mask or attract... but I have great results with them! I use the Fish Formula Crawfish and Shad scent on the dressed treble of the Roostertails I throw, and garlic scented Spike-it lure dye on my Sabiki rigs. I may just be a confidence booster, but I always seem to catch more fish when I use it, than when I don't!
  19. That's an excellent idea!!!... and the best way to kill your tourism trade if that's what you want... maybe we should start charging Canadians $1000 a head to enter the U.S on their way to Florida for the winter, it would definitely cut down on the winter riff-raff down there!!!
  20. Does it really matter? Aren't they a put and take fishery and not actually self sustaining... aren't they all going to be dead in a week or 2 anyway?... and from what I understand, they aren't even fit to eat!... the only good part about them is the eggs to use for bait, and why not? The eggs won't hatch and they'll just be wasted anyway... might as well put them to good use!!! Maybe they should just legalize the snagging of Salmon only???... wouldn't that be simpler?
  21. I can eat my weight in fried okra! Pickled okra is delicious, but you gotta be careful when you eat them... 6 or more is an excellent laxative! I'll pass on the boiled okra.
  22. That one's so old, the first time I saw it I was too young to laugh... so I rolled over and pooped to show my appreciation. .. but the biggest surprise is that Solopaddler fell for it!!!... where have you been living Bubba?... Canada???
  23. Beaver tail sounds nasty!!!.. how many diseases are there on a Beaver tail anyway???... Collard greens can't grow thru 10' of snow yanno!!! You should really try a big bowl of the collards!... they'll cure what ails ya, and if nothing ails you.. they'll cure that too!!!
  24. It would probably be best if you just kept your nasty north of the border!... maybe buying a place on the LOTW would suit you better?
  25. That's one of Mom's most redeeming qualities!... she can live off of catfish, collard greens, and rice and gravy if she has to!!! ... my heart goes out to any woman that can make a meal of cornbread, pinto beans, and turnip greens!!!
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