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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. "Lip" them or buy a Boga grip.
  2. My link is $10 cheaper! http://www.ishopmarine.com/ishop/jsp/AsplI...ier-110-050-YAM
  3. It looks like that's the cowl to 1976-77 model... and would explain why it's so cheap, and no longer available from the manufacturer.
  4. Truth to be know, the probably took the cowling off of another motor that doesn't run and put it on the one that got lost and charged $800 for something they probably won't replace!
  5. Here's one for $272.29 http://www.ishopmarine.com/ishop/jsp/AsplI...ier-110-050-YAM
  6. 1. Call the MNR 2. It is against the law!
  7. Hmm?... how did I find a yammy cowling with everything for $272.29? and it was just the first one I looked at!
  8. I did a google search too and this is just the first one I found: http://www.ishopmarine.com/ishop/jsp/AsplI...ier-110-050-YAM $272... prolly others out there cheaper
  9. There's a million candlepower spotlight on my boat for use during nondaylight hours... I kinda like it. There's also a "canned air" horn on my boat for emergency signals, it can be heard for miles!... you may want to consider purchasing one. Is your drain plug internal or external?... if it's internal you can pull it while under power and all the water will drain out by itself... but remember to replace it before you stop!
  10. If you don't have pictures, it doesn't count to anyone except you!
  11. There's a Deer!!!... and it's heading straight for us!!!!
  12. It's only ok to serve them at the dinner table if you're starving!!!... are you starving???... if yes, mebbe you should sell the Cuddy!!! Target practice and scout on a regular basis, but only harvest when you really need it!!!... there will be more that way!!! btw... I go Bear hunting with a Ratan cane only!!!... it's all in the sport yanno!
  13. An "ok" report, but kinda sketchy on the details!.. what were they hitting, and how deep were they and in how many feet of water???... this is vital "need to know information"!!!
  14. Google search is your friend Syn, ask it how much a 9.8 yammy cowling is worth!!!... i'll bet it's lots less than $800!!!
  15. Done done it!!!... ya want real hunting sport?... try hunting wild hogs with a pocket knife!!!.. now that's a sporting chance!!!
  16. ... and they're such a vicious breed!!!
  17. Yeah, that's real sporting!!! Taking game over a feeder... kinda like fishing with C4!
  18. DUDE!!!... they kilt Watermelsons!!! ... multiply that times .357!
  19. I'd have Tarzaned that thing like an old Johnny Weissmuller movie!!!... leather loincloth and hunting knife clenched between the teeth for $800 It looks to me like you're already screwed!!!... they've prolly ordered another cowl and you'll have to pay what they want... I'll bet the next time you rent you'll check for a loose cowling eh!???
  20. Google is yer friend Jacques!
  21. Dat would be Alvin, Simon, and Theodore!!! ... baked with sweet tater they're delicious if you gotta have a wild meat fix!!! I'm saving them and the rest of the critters for when the grocery store runs out of chikken and Black Angus beef!!!
  22. My cowling is lined with foam and should float, no?.. since it was a 9.8 I would reckon it was a tiller and you should've noticed right off that it was gone!... I would squawk, and pitch a fit for $800!!!... you can buy a whole new used motor for that fricken amount!!!
  23. .. but did he feel "guilty" aboot it???
  24. Too late Bubba, I shaved today!... I do find that the mangier I look when going fishing, the more fish I catch... that might also explain your success!!!
  25. If "big brother" knew what I had cached away, he would poop his pants!!!... just because I don't hunt doesnt mean I don't like firearms!!! ...anyone know what a "Hydro-shock" round is?
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