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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I don't think there's any question about it, on the transom!are you going to lay it in the bottom of the boat while you're out on the water? Not only do you have the weight of the motor on the transom while in the water, you also have the force of the motor pushing against the transom while under power. You'd prolly be less likely to damage something on the motor with it on the transom... prop, tiller arm, cowl.... Outboard motors are meant to be kept in an upright position. Just my thoughts.
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  3. Well ain't you just the "Martha Stewart" kinda girlie guy!!! We refer to that as "Drunken chicken" down here in Alabanana, and yes... it is "melt in your mouth" gooooooood!!!
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  5. Try to pay a little more attention to your terminal tackle Mr. Beans... unless you just want to relax!
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  8. Great report and pics Johnny!!!... but it must've been pretty cold up there for you to keep your shirt on all day...
  9. Dat dere izza nice fishy Boudreaux! Too bat ya din take da pic of da 32"Wall-ice wif da logo in it for da Team 9... but dey is suckin' da hind twit anyway.
  10. Hey! At least you're doing much better than the Mailman!
  11. I don unnerstan? Mebbe you need to go night crapin like CCMT an bly.
  12. Actually, those are green cherries... and you'll have to swing by and pick me up for the trip Bubba!
  13. Actually Mo, I'm going with this unit: http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true and this transducer mount: http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...t&noImage=0 the finder comes with a suction cup mount, but they don't stay on too well when traveling at speed. The bracket clamps to the transom and is more stable at higher speeds. Hope this helps!
  14. NO! It is not safe!!! That thing is a ticking time bomb!!!... send it to me and I'll safely dispose of it for you.
  15. We're not allowed to "sling" anything on the job when we fly it with a crane... I wonder why? I know "slinging" boats to launch them is an acceptable practice, but this is the risk you take when doing so. I hope somebody had good insurance!!! Maybe he will opt for anchored lifting points next time.
  16. If the hull is fiberglass or wood you can mount them inside and they will shoot thru the hull, but this installation is tricky. His best bet might be a portable unit, they're inexpensive and easy to mount and operate. I purchased one I'll be bringing to Lakair and I'll show it to you.
  17. tiz far better to want something you don't have than to have something you don't want!
  18. Very good researching bly!!!... I'd also have to add that any lake that was closed completely would be included as well. Like the Kawarthas in winter...
  19. I'm feelin' finer than frog hairs split four ways! Ya ain't got a hair on yer ass if ya don't... You'd rather sandpaper a Wildcats butt in a Telephone booth than mess with me today!
  20. You got that she-yit right Beans!!! I also live by the "Trash Talk" rule!!!, and I must also add NEVER EVER talk trash DURING a fishing trip if you're catching more fish than anyone else. I have a buddy that likes to do this quite often when he is in the lead, and he always talks me a MONSTER fish onto my hook... he never learns!!! You can only talk trash in the truck on the way home!!! As far as the hat thing goes. Hats that you buy for yourself have little or no luck in them. Hats that are given to you by someone else are one of the luckiest fishing charms there are!!! This is the Gospel!!!
  21. That "Get Out of Jail Free Card" may come in very handy!!! It's all aboot fun!!! and there's no shortage of that there!!!
  22. A few bad words eh?... say 7 Hail Fishes and put $5 in the baitbox. Your drag setting is too tight for your choice of leaders, I'd go with a flurocarbon leader... 20 or even 30 lb. You'll be glad that you did when you outfish Cliff EVERY time y'all go out. P.S. Don't tell him your secret or let him read this thread!!!
  23. It's all downhill from here on Bubba!... but there are much worse things you could be doin' with your time and money.
  24. Excellent report and pics!!! Those Pickeral kinda look like Walleyes...
  25. Now where ijn the hell did THAT wart come from???
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