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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

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  2. Obviuosly your drag setting left something to be desired. Unfortunately straightened hook and broken rods are one of the cons of super braid. I feel that with some good ol' stretchy mono and a rod with a faster tip, you would've landed those 2 fish on the "factory" hooks. There are lots of people that change the split rings and hooks on their baits, and I believe that would be the cheaper route. I like to set my drag for the rod. Rig the rod as you normally would and then hook the lure or hook to a stationary object, then pull back on the rod and "load" it until you have the desired bend and loosen the drag 'til it slips a little taking into consideration the leader and hooks strength... reel up the slack and load it again to see if the drag is at the desired setting.
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  4. Nice Bass for your son!... and too bad about the skunk for you, you'll get'em next time!!! If y'all would put some clothes on..........
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  9. That second Wall-ic is a pretty nice fish!... What are you doing with all those clothes and that Toque on???... Do you have the air conditioner turned down too low?
  10. Having a little red on yer neck doesn't hurt that bad does it? Happy Happy to ya!
  11. Ugly Stik Tiger Lite, good rod at an affordable price... about $59 USD.
  12. Y'all are more than welcome to come down and join me for a day of "Spots" and "Stripes" of the U.S.S Greencoachdog Cliff.
  13. ... but I'm from the land of heat and cotton where old times are not forgotten Look Away... Look Away ...Look Away... Dixieland!!! We grow and wear a sheetload of cotton down here eh!
  14. Check this out: http://www.jellyfish.iup.edu/
  15. Don't you catch big enough Wall-ices without going to the BOQ Carole? I wounder how that Wally Diver thingy would do there? I'm hopin' to get to go this year and that it's still warm enough that I can go shirtless
  16. Ahhh! there you are! What's with this kneeling for Crap pics??? Crazyhook doesn't kneel and even manages told hold the rod in his teats!... izzat s'posed to make the fish look bigger or something? Great reports guys!!!
  17. That's another nice Crap!!! Ya gotta love those broad powerful tails eh? Now where's that slackard Cliff???
  18. The hell you say??? Pardon my Lysdexia. Maybe i'll have to edit that MPT.
  19. You may want to try "burning" that Rattlin' Rap by them (real fast!!!) don' give them time to look at it.
  20. That's a very nice Crap for a fly rod!!! What were you using, a sinking black nymph?
  21. They may be a little shallower than what you're used to, and if it's been cool... they should be hungry!!!
  22. A little birdie told me if you think the last time was a boat ride, just wait until the next time!!! ... and the paella might not be as good as in the past either!... uh-oh!!! ... something about Kraft Dinner?
  23. Here in the U.S. we hold our breath whenever we troll with the wind or backtroll... it works for us!!!
  24. Usually when yanno people go and then don't hear much about, it means that the fishin' wasn't that good.
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