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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

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  4. Excellent report and pics!!! I can tell how cold the water still is there by the color of the first 'Gill, be careful out there... a swim in that stuff wouldn't be pleasant I don't think. A 10.5" 'Gill is a big ol bull!!!... and that meat is oh so SWEET!!! You've done a great job on the 'toon!!!... and should catch some real nice fish from her this season!!! Thanks for takin' the time to post!
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  8. No, but I've worn a shorn scrotum for the past decade... there's really nothing like it!!!
  9. Web cams are for pervs!!! We do the fishin' report thing with pics of people holding their fish so you can put the face with the name... unless you're too scared, paranoid, chickens**t, or on the FBI's 10 most wanted list to post a pic with your face in it!!!
  10. Sounds like your bait was a tad on the small side. Try a big ol' gob, use panty hose or roe bag material to tie it up with, change your bait every 15 minutes. Old cheese works too, I like a live bait personally myself... hugeass minnows or small suckers (6-8") may work better. Adapt, improvise, and overcome! You didn't say how long you were out for, the fish may just not have been biting while you were there. Don't give up, keep going back and you will eventually catch something.
  11. If you'll use your tool every day, it'll never get rusty!
  12. Were you out fishing for your own pleasure today or did you have a paying customer? If you were pleasure fishing, congrats on the nice fish!!! Now let's talk aboot that Spammy sig that's too large anyway...
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  14. What kind of self respecting motor company builds motors with the HP rating ending in 8??? What's the matter???... can't get another 2 horsepower outta that thing bubba???
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  16. We got the same thing here Paul, with a pretty good lightning and thunder display this morning too! It'll be "cold" here for the next couple of days, highs in the mid 50's down from the mid 80's... it's refreshing right now though!
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLQbKBwrs88...feature=related Big Hair!!!
  18. Great report and pics!!! I'd rather see a Brown trout than a Bow any day!
  19. It doesn't matter a bit to me, I'm ticked off at the West Arm Mucksies anyway!!! They've ignored my offerings for the past 2 years in a row and they're on my shitlist. Pike and Wall-ice are absolutely fine with me, at least they'll cooperate a little bit every once in a while!!! ... and if a sucidal Mucksie is stupid enough to jump on my Pike or Wall-ice bait, he'll get a quick pic and release... in season or out. He may even tote a 5 second Dawg-Cussin' to take back to all his friends and relatives too. That shore lunch was the best last year Lew!!! It was my first one ever and would be disappointing not to do it again!!!
  20. Half the fun/adventure is finding your own fish. From what I've read on the board here people seem to be very protective of their Trout waters. Get out and do the leg work to find your own fish and then post your results here. You'll find people are more willing to share once they get to know you a little better.
  21. Ok! Joey and Wayne repeat after me "Cheese grits goes with fried Catfish and Sweet taters go with 'Possum and 'Coon"! Now maybe y'all won't embarrass yerselves next time yer at a 'Possum or 'Coon roast askin where the cheesegrits are!!!
  22. Well make sure somebody has some good cheddar or colby cheese so she can make them cheesegrits, 'bout the only kind i'll eat nowadays. I grew up on those things as a kid and aint hardly in the mood for them anymore. I like those fancyass hashbrown taters that them high falootin' rich city folks eat down at the Waffle House!!!
  23. Sorry, but I just had to do it!!! Heck! Pick up a half dozen litres, it never hurts to have a couple bottles of oil on hand.
  24. I have a Cannon mini troll as well and they work great!!!
  25. I wouldn't charge him a penny, especially since he's a return customer.... your money will come back to you 10 fold.
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