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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. 25 hp 4 stroke is 1.8L or 2 quarts
  2. Are you talking aboot the engine oil or the foot dope?
  3. Oh!... that kinda Beaver... Excellent pics Ben!!!
  4. Y'all come back now ya heah!!!
  5. I know Mike, but it makes them harder to catch when they're all lookin' at yer purdy silver motor instead of your bait and lures... doesn't it?
  6. Paint it black!!! It won't scare the fish and it'll run faster too!!!
  7. I'm not really sure... I was very young at the time yanno... I aint nothin' but nice to y'all, and y'all treat me like DIRT!!!... but that's ok, I still love ya's! ... but one of these days, all y'all will pay!!!
  8. That'll be enough from the Peanut Gallery Paul and Wayne! My wife is fron Ontario Fishinggeek... and thank you for the kind words!
  9. It's good you made it back safe and sound, now let's see some of those "Hoser fish" reports!
  10. That would be me on the West Arm of Lake Nippissing
  11. You gotta take the bad with the good when you live in flood prone areas. We see it every year at this time, people whizzin' and moanin' about being flooded out every year. Here's a hint... move to higher ground... or live on a boat!!!
  12. Tiller definition: tiller n 1: a shoot that sprouts from the base of a grass 2: someone who tills land (prepares the soil for the planting of crops) 3: lever used to turn the rudder on a boat... one step above a row boat 4: a farm implement used to break up the surface of the soil (for aeration and weed control and conservation of moisture) [syn: cultivator] v : grow shoots in the form of stools or tillers [syn: stool]
  13. The best outboard engine is the one that isn't a TILLER!!!
  14. I'll start worring when climate change endangers sugar cane and Rum production!!!
  15. Looks like she did them "special" for that trip too eh Alex!
  16. Take 2 and call me in the morning.
  17. Pulling it matters, being able to stop it matters more!!!
  18. Roy went fishing.
  19. I get that same kind of service every time I order from Cabelas! S&H may be a little higher, but their customer service is second to none! I hate the USPS and it's one of the reasons I don't order from Basspro very much, Cabelas uses UPS and I find them to be the best that's out there for me.
  20. I hope you don't mind Bernie, but I had to borrow that pic!
  21. OMG!!! douGlas with a dirty fish and Cliff caught a SUCKER!!!! ... and to top it all off bly was on her best behavior and didn't outfish anyone??? Damn Timothy Leary and the 70's!!!!... where's the thorazine???
  22. No problems here Wayne, might be your ISP.
  23. I don't trust any braid with less than a 30 lb. test! It'll pay for itself with the lures you DON'T lose!
  24. Great pics! It's been my experience that when the water is high like that, fish around flooded structure... bushes, shrubs, rocks, trees, fencelines, anything like that! Fish are usually up close to shore feeding on the bugs and stuff they can't normally get to. Like others have said, keep after it... you'll never know unless you go!!!
  25. ...
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