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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  2. ...
  3. Television is for women, children, and the wimpy... the internet!!! Now That's where it's at!!!
  4. Ahhhhh Yes!!! Hanover Pa., swimming pools, Palm trees, and movie stars! Be sure to give me a holler if yer ever down Redneckville way!
  5. ...
  6. I'd get a second opinion on that finger Bubba... Great Steelhead pics!!!
  7. The other Mucksies are watchin and shivverin' in their boots glad it wasn't them Dan!
  8. Couldja swing by and pick me up?
  9. What Bernie said! Also make sure you have damn good tires! I don't know if your Jimmy is a 4WD, but try pulling the boat out on a steep wet ramp in 2 WD... if your tires spin, you may have trouble on wet roads. It wouldn't take much for that boat to push the assend of that Jimmy around on a wet road and jack-knife you into a ditch or oncoming traffic.
  10. A good squirt from the garden hose every time you catch them in the yard will work really well!
  11. Day-Yum!!!... dunno if I'd slam a latrine door that hard!!!... well done tom!
  12. Well, I gotta agree with ya Wayne!... is there anyway we can have the Steelhead section posted on the camping latrine wall @ Lakair???
  13. Great pics!!! Tell your buddy to soak his foot in hot water and Epsom salt, that toe could get a nasty infection!!!
  14. This is Miss Bubba after eating mud pies after a rain! Here she is all cleaned up and not too happy aboot it.
  15. You want forgiveness for buying a Nissan douG???... and is a hlep some kind of new option?
  16. BLASPHEMY!!!!... why I oughtta.... Nyuck Nyuck Nyuck!!! I threw my Diawa crap in the garbage, couldn't have lived with myself if someone got hurt using it! Stradic 5000, you'll pay a little more but it worth it!
  17. Be sure to wash your dirt before eating it.... > > > > >... it might be dirty!
  18. They're very good to eat IF they come from clean water. When you go fishin' for them don't forget to take the camera, I'd like to see a good Bullhead report!
  19. HA! Mea Culpa, hadn't heard that one in a while!!! Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxi Culpa!!!
  20. Nice hardware and write up Raf!!! ... but for me, those setups would be for a right handed person (like me). I like to cast and fight the fish with my dominant arm and reel with the other, but to each their own.
  21. Oh Gawd!!!... now you're one of "them". I can catch just as many or more fish with a spinning rod than with one of them flimsy Willer Tree branches!!!... can you get your money back???
  22. I Triple Dawg Dare ya Bernie! Go catch us one of the big slimey nasty Pikes and a few Wall-ice to look at pictures of Bubba!!!
  23. That is a great story/read/pic Lew!!! If you released the fish, you didn't do anything wrong in my book. Even technically, I say you brought the fish to the boat on your rod and reel and you stayed in the boat when you grabbed it. I don't think a fish has to pass over the gunwale on a hook to be legal. Thanks again for the great read and pic!!!
  24. Mine would be filled with inline spinners (namely Roostertails) and Mepps Blackfury's 1/16 -1/4 oz.
  25. To the douG bubba a Happy Birthday!!! , and a wish for the Best Fishes for him! This makes you lots older than me now!!!
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