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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

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  2. Yup! Time to pull up the decking! If your seat is the typical pedestal type with the round base, it will be secured with oval head machine screws and star nuts on the underside. The star/tee nuts have prolly stripped out or rusted away and your plywood is prolly in bad shape. There's no way of fixing this problem that I can think of without removing your plywood decking. Backing plates like Slowpoke suggested are a real good fix, you can also rotate your base and drill new holes and install new star nuts if the plywood isn't in too bad of shape... but I'm thinkin' you're not going to like what you see when you remove the decking (rotten wood).
  3. I don't think it's gonna hurt me that much...
  4. Great report and pics!!!
  5. Great report and pics!!!
  6. Great report and pic Cliff!!! Thats a big ol' Carp... almost looks like a Manatee!!!
  7. Great report and pics Mike!!! , and that's a pretty nice Pike! Why do you always have to drive so far to go fishin'? Aren't there any places to fish close by?
  8. Well break out the auger and lets see some frozen fish!!!
  9. Great report and pics!!! Human blood and a spinning reel with a Steelhead!!!... it don't get no better than that!!!
  10. Great report and pics!!! Those are some beautiful healthy lookin' Perch!!! I kept the shirt on in the fish pics as long as I could this year, but it was too dang hot this past weed! It's not even May yet and I'm already roastin' down here... I'm thinkin' Hawaiian print loincloth about July!
  11. I think you should've pepper sprayed them too!!!
  12. Great report and pics!!! I really like the pic with the spinnin' reel in it! Thanks for sharing!
  13. Not to worry! He was releasing them into a mesh bag held open by a diver so they can use the same fish on next weeks show! ... but seriously, if he was doing that.... it was very irresponsible! I know the reason he did it was so as not to have footage of a bleeding fish. He needs to go back to catching Bluegills and practice his hook removal skills! Whenever most people look down into the mouth of a deeply hooked fish they think "OMG"! how am I gonna get that hook out??? Especially if the fish has teeth, but it's actually very easy. Lay the fish down on it's side and open up the gills with one hand, this will give a much better view of the hook and is a much shorter reach for the hook. With practice, this method is very effective and the fish can be released with minimal hook damage and blood loss. Most big fish you see dead on the water or looking very sickly these days are victims of either poor hook removal skills or ingested tackle that has blocked the feeding or digestive tract... some can't be helped (bite and break offs), but some can.
  14. Congrats Brian! I like Turkey meat too... as long as it isn't too blue.
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  17. Bullet! http://www.bulletboats.com/
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  22. Congrats Bill... now you gotta clean the nasty thing!... and if you skin it out for taxidermy, it'll be tough to cook a decent meal with it. .... so remember to number the feathers!
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  24. Good Luck and be keerful!!!
  25. ... and a lot of "leg work" too!!! douG is right because he remembers what I told him! Start out with an easy species, Bluegills or Perch and then work your way up the ladder.
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