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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. I'll have what he's drinkin' bartender!
  2. Well if the cops haven't stopped by between the time the person has spun out and the time help arrives... they must not be interested.
  3. I second toothpaste.
  4. Good Luck Will!!! I had one done a couple of months ago, very scarey procedure for a first timer... but after it's done, it's a piece of cake!!! You'll feel a lot better when they find the cure for what ails ya!!!
  5. Those were pretty good! ... but sex and comedy sell!!! I'm thinkin' you'd draw much more attention with Miss Monique in a bikini telling her Barracuda story!
  6. You done good Jeff, and get to turn your Bobcat pin rightside up!!! I always help out when I can, and at least ask if someone needs help in those situations. Been there done that, not in the snow... but the sand in Florida can be just as bad or worse!!!
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3j9WEvbdC4 ... reminds me of someone...
  8. I like these lyrics! ... and the foot work aint too bad either!!!
  9. Would someone please close the door!!! You're letting all the cold escape and come down here!!! It's 12*F here right now and my tan is really suffering!!! If y'all keep it up, I'm going to send you some nice Gulf of Mexico moisture up there.. and you know what'll happen then!
  10. That was my point Cliff. Had it been a younger pilot...
  11. Great thread Bernie!!! I really liked the responses from those that just thought they were mechanics!!!
  12. If y'all will notice, that pilot is an old man!!! Never underestimate the powers of an old man!!! He did a damn good job saving all those peoples lives!!! I just can't help but think that if it had been a younger pilot, they may not have fared as well.
  13. I can't help ya with a recipe Joe, I always cook by taste and smell. Just start thowin' stuff that looks good in a pot and season to taste... always turns out good!!!
  14. Hey! It looks pretty nice up there in Sask for this time of year!!! Not like all those other Canadian Provinces with all that nasty white volcanic ash laying around everywhere ya go eh?
  15. Looks like a fun day in the freezin'- cold!!! How about emailing me a plate of those Whities when ya get'em cooked up eh!!!
  16. Ya gotta love a Bride that does a "Keg Stand" at her reception eh!
  17. Well if y'all steelheaders woudn't spout that crap, I wouldn't hear it eh!!! It is an excellent work of craftsmanship (for a Squash racket... sorry Dan, you were wrong) and would look better hanging on the wall with some vintage fishin' tackle... then you wouldn't have to face the embarrassment of being seen landing a fish with it on the creek!!! Can I shut up now?
  18. I'll be in as soon as I feed my face with some black eyed peas on white rice! so if yer gonna say bad stuff aboot me, say it now!!!
  19. I hear ya "net girl"!!!
  20. I don't care how pretty it is... you can still be admonished for it!!! ... if you're close enough to net them, you're close enough to tail them!!! I've heard it here before!
  21. That was the rhum talkin', not me Sis... you and Bubba Cliff are welcome down here any time!!! I may not have much... but I still have a head of hair!!! ... don't tell me you're suffering from the dreaded MPB?!!! That hurt my feelings, the first time I was called ole... but that wasn't the first time! The batter mix is in the bowl!!!... just waitin' on you to show up before I add the milk and eggs! ... bring lotsa syrup! Thanks for the kind words y'all!!!
  22. Now I know what happens to the leftover minnows from a fishin' trip up there!
  23. Ameiurus Nebulosus (brown bullhead) I just thought it was the world record until I saw this one... http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt...3US236%26sa%3DX ... but it's still a darn fine specimen eh!!!
  24. I don't own a Boga and was very lucky to avoid the deadly stinging whiskers on that brute... they could killa horse yanno!!! Sabiki rig hook size is #14 Japanese or #2 U.S. ... but high carbon steel Hayabusa Rig hooks!!!... they don't bend... they dont break!!! I got the Gigantic World Record Bullheads nasty before the quadrabeam had a chance to hit him!!! If y'all will look closely... I'm wearing my Ontario Fishing.net hat!!! Tourney is underway Jack!!!
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