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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. ... and is there anyone interested?
  2. I jus' wanna know when we're gonna see some pics of Miss Tanya "feeding the fish"???
  3. Let's make it 2... Float fishing AND "My Bleeding Hermorrhoids"!!!
  4. .. first ya need a chainsaw!... then ya cut a 100 meter long trench in the ice... then ya worry aboot what color!!! Pink and black!!!
  5. Yer such a Smallie Dumb Dawg Fee-dell!!!
  6. Let Jethro work on it! .. I've heard he's always wanted to be a Brain Surgeon, Trash Man, or Mechanic! btw.. got any pitchers of Elly in a bikini handy???
  7. Dang!!!... I'm glad I'm not old like you Bern!!!
  8. The potato trick might work, I think that's more of a womans way to do it. Real men use real tools and mangle that sucker outta there!!! I hate being shocked by elecrticity... so I throw the main breaker to the whole house, just to make sure I get the right circuit!!!
  9. Great report, pics, vids, and fish Simon!!! Noice Lakers!!!... and I'd have kept the Burbots to go along with the Lakers. How many Burbots are you allowed to keep up there? I've always wanted to catch some of those!
  10. I know... I saw them thru the windowpane... many years ago!!!
  11. Yer all wrong!!! It was because Mr. Pullstart punctuated every sentance with "Eh!"... which Jed so freely omitted! What do I win???
  12. oops!... did I just accidently burn you with my cigarette?... sorry! You're absolutely right Holdie!
  13. Howza 'bout it? mebbe 8 or 8:30 EST? TOPICS 1. litter on the ice... what to do with your yellow ice/snow! 2. what kinda artificials to use to avoid using live bait (and the litter that goes along with it) 3. if you catch a Burbot... are you allowed to sing "My Ding-A-Ling? 4. primitive "throw away" live bait containers (what are minnow buckets for?) 5. how many Timmies can you drink and pepperettes can you eat out on the ice before you have to take a dump behind someones hut? All this and MORE!!!
  14. I'm here, I'm here!!!... I know I've been slacking on my "comeback" chores, so I'll drink and extra rum and try to make up for it this evenin'!
  15. Great report and pics Johnny!!! I noticed you said that you kept up, but when i count fish pics it looks like you endured another whippin'! ... but can you really blame the fish?
  16. Seems like as good as an excuse to hit Granny's "medicine" to me!!!
  17. Of course you do and don't... or is it the other way around? Oh! you must mean way out in the bush like in this thread?... notice the frog pic! http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...amp;hl=cochrane
  18. Too bad it wasn't you that caught it eh slackard?
  19. If that's a 12' surf casting rod and reel, those Perch are indeed HUGE!!!
  20. I lost a pack of cigarettes while "Yellin' down the porcelin gopher hole" one night many moons ago, because I was demon possesed (guess which one)... does that count?
  21. That's the one!!! I do find these kind of posts kinda irritating, it's like... what? 1. OFC is the meeting place of all the litterbugs and they come here to secretly discuss where they're going to dump the next load of garbage? or 2. All OFC members are the trashy swine that're screwin' the place up? or maybe the ultimate plan is to shame all the lurkers that aren't even brave enough to join this site into picking up the trash? Don't squawk about it... do something about it! Then you have earned the right to squawk!!!
  22. Do you take your "yellow ice" with you when you leave?
  23. If you're not part of the solution... you're part of the problem!!! I see several of these squawk posts every winter and evidently they've had no effect, picking up the trash would be a much better solution to the problem in my opinion. If you're going to batch about something, batch about having to pick up the trash! Take a pic of the dirty littered area, then one of it cleaned up and of the trash you collected. You'll sleep much better at night knowing you did good, instead of just letting the garbage lay there. Plus! you'll get to turn your Bobcat pin rightside up!!!
  24. I've heard that the Salmon feast on these cigarette butts when the ice melts... hence the term "Smoked Salmon"! Yeah yeah yeah... I read these posts every winter. How much of this trash did you pick up?... If you left it laying, you're as bad as the ones that threw it down... or do you just like to squawk and batch about it??? Next time you're out on the ice, take some garbage bags with you and pick up the garbage and takes some pics of it and show us what a "Good Egg" you really are. I know... you're going to tell us you picked it all up... but I think we'd all rather that you showed us instead of told us. You could start a "Trash Pick Up" thread and have everybody post pics of the trash they picked up off the ice! Maybe the mods might even make a sticky out of it.
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