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Everything posted by Greencoachdog

  1. Dammit man!!!... I'm lost!!!
  2. Give that boy a couple Dilantins!!!
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnamP4-M9ko...feature=related Them ain't bongo's... them's conga's!!!
  4. You missed the best'un Paul!
  5. Whatisyourproblemsir? Iwillfigureyourproblemoutforyousir! Thatwillbe$49.95sir!
  6. Yeah... I thought he got buried in a snowdrift by the plow or something!!! Where ya been Mikey???
  7. That one's a classic Dan!!! I grajeated the skool of hard nocks in '86!!!
  8. Broken sleds double as a very nice coffee table yanno! I'm sure Miss Kelly won't mind, she seems like a very understanding young lady to me!!!
  9. Maybe you should practice posting Hockey pics now... so you'll be able to post fish pics this summer and fall?
  10. Either they weren't hungry... or they weren't there. ... but they gotta eat sometime!
  11. Blue Catfish and Crappie will do that sometimes too when caught in cold water and put on ice.
  12. They must allow 10 around Montreal because there aren't any fish there eh? Just look at Roy and Mike the Pike's reports!!! ... what's that you say?... what reports??? That's what I'm talking about!!!
  13. 5 is good too Jacques!!! It's 2.5 times more than they're allowed in Ontario!... and y'all were only usin' 3!!! ... too lazy to drill the other 2 holes Jacques???
  14. I think they're actually allowed 10 lines thru the ice in Cue-beck!
  15. I thought the same thing! ... but you've gotta overlook the Kemp dude, he's one of those fancy schmancy college boys that pulls his pants down every time he has to take a pee.
  16. I find Fireline to be extremely nasty with the residue!!!... I think that's why they call it Fireline.. because it looks like you've been in a fire after casting that stuff for a day!!!... black junk everywhere, on me, the boat, the fish... PP and Spiderwire are much cleaner!
  17. That's one heckuva Hog Perch!!! What did it bite?... a minnow?
  18. I figured that was the case Paul... but just thought I'd mention it! You'll get'em next time Bubba!!!
  19. Excellent report and pics Jacques!!! Congrats on your PB Perch and Whitefish!!! Why didn't we see any pics of Paul with fish?... is he camera shy?
  20. Great report, pics, and the song was better than the vid... but I did some of the fish down there!!! There musta been thousands of them down there for you to have such a banner day eh! There is certain art to usin' the self timer button on the camera... butt you got it in the end!
  21. White Perch taste similar to the White Bass and Striped Bass, not as mild as the Yellow Perch... but still real good eatin'!
  22. Not exactly, White Perch aren't really even a Perch, they're of the Temperate Bass family. White Perch and White Bass are cousins (with the White Bass being the bigger of the two) and have been know to hybridize with each other. White Perch= Morone americana White Bass= Morone chrysops
  23. Well stuff more food into that generously proportioned mouth of yours and you'll gain the weight Bubba!!!
  24. Cardio aint that bad! I've found I can smoke 5 cigarettes while doin my 30 min. cardio burn @ 1.1 mph on a -4% incline (downhill)
  25. That's what I was thinking... troll thru the hole!!!
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