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Everything posted by xrap

  1. Nice reprot Rich. Was able to get out for the day today. Only one fish that put up a decent fight. A 21inch carp. Not long but fat, around 6lbs. Finally something to enter
  2. Great report enjoyed reading every mintue. The fish aren't to big but the coulors are what makes them stand out. Heard alot of good things about whiteman's creek. Personally I have never fished it but I hear it can be very crowded once the trout season opens. I don't think it's wrong naming big river's and creeks on the net anyways. Like Bronte and the Credit are big rivers and creeks but you really do have to do some walking to find the fish.
  3. Wtg Kemp, sounds like a pretty successful opener. Good stuff
  4. Welcome aboard Jamie, Nice wally btw
  5. GAMAKATSU!! Best hooks ever. I have them for every kind of fish from trout to catfish. They are defitnatley well worth the money. I would never use Mustad hooks. One time while catfishing I had a little bullhead and when I got the plyers out to get the hook out the hook just broke in half. And I have never used them again. You will defitnatley not be disapointed in Gamakatsu hooks.
  6. Wow congrats on the Pb, that is truley a monster pike.
  7. Good report Rich, to bad about the no steelies but it's always good to get and get something.And that is a nice looking carp sled wtg. I also went out for carp last night and caught about a million of those bullheads, oh well better than nothing.
  8. Wow great report. sweet looking fish as well UNfortunatley I couldn't get out for steelies today, spent 2 hours chasing crappies. Have yet to enter a fish for our team
  9. I went out after the rain last night and found a nice worm bed. Picked up over 200 less than 10 mintues.
  10. Good to know about time this Bull ends
  11. Don't expect to get alot of personal info here. Go out for yourself and check it out.
  12. nice feed of perch you got there
  13. It sure was a nice day to get out. I got a nice little sun burn but oh well, thanks for the report
  14. Caught it on a worm but I have caught many bowfin on minnows.
  15. Nice pics. and congrats on the fish. Sure can be hard locating them this time of year. With warm weather but the water still cold.
  16. Yep, thats my favourite part of the grand.
  17. Went out fishing today in search of cats and crappies but didn't have much luck. We had a few hits here and thier but we decided to pack up and try another spot. After getting skunded on crappies We decided to try the last resort. After bassmaster4 landing some small cats and my brother in law as well. I hooked into a bit bigger fish. It fought pretty good and when it came close to shore I was quite surprised to find out it was a bowfin. It was a beatiful day for fishing but they weren't bitting to well. Later we packed up and went to bassproshops and picked up a bunch of stuff. Here's a few shots from today. Bassmaster4 with a small kitty on Me trying to land the bowfin after the fight Landed bowfin
  18. Nice shots, thanks for the report
  19. You can cut them em up and use them as cut bait for big cats.
  20. Nice fish and those shots are amazing.
  21. Yea he was a waste of time money and space. They got nothing out of him anyways but it doesn't matter anymore. The raps are finally playing as a team. They play like they did in the regular season then they should have a greta run at the playoffs.
  22. Wow thats gotta suck..
  23. I've been trying some new areas. Used corn worm, strawberry doe but nothing.
  24. ROFL!!!!!
  25. Walk down the creek till you get to a fork in the road. Take a left walk to the end of that path till you see a X. You'll meet a guy there. Tell him x-rap sent ya
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