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Everything posted by xrap

  1. I didn't shut the comp off and had msn running and the moment i shut it down could not get back on so yea i guess it is.
  2. the light under the desk, but make sure u poke holes so the image transfers on the desk.
  3. whipe the smudge off find all the balls and put them in place
  4. I'm missing two balls and guessing thier the red ones, i still need to open the box in the washroom any clue on getting the dam number
  5. I rinsed the glass and nothing happened i don't get the clue with the frog in the book and the flowers and can't opent he code box in the washroom any help?
  6. Right on, There is still lots of ice jsut part of the bay is open.
  7. red? mine are greeen gray and white
  8. Think u gotta find balls of each coulor i got all of them except one more gray one. Anyone know whats up with the flower, there pissing me off
  9. how do you solve the number box in the washroom?
  10. you don't need it to stay u jsut need to rmeber the coulors and go back to the animal thing on the wall and match the animals and coulors cat is green and white flower red and white butterfly orange and white and duck blue and white
  11. for the code its in the first column going down check off the first top box second column very bottom box and third column the top two boxes
  12. Aaha thanks man i just got a key out of that wall thing with the animals
  13. i cliked on the hanging plant but there's no box
  14. the code is flipped to the side try it sideways
  15. do you know what that brown bag looking thing is?
  16. when ur at the desk click the right side of it so u can see under there';s a piece of trash paper and it has the code on it
  17. Do you got the box open witht he code? if u do grab the key open the draw u get a screw drive poke hole in the box put it under the desk on the light thing and it gives u a butterfly symbol on the desk. and what animal thing you talking about?
  18. LOL no idea ethier what the balls are for. I got the box thing with the screw driver whats number 3 mean in the book with the light and box?
  19. nvm opened the box and got the key now what
  20. Found 8 items and i found the paper with the code to the box but it doens't work and how do you use the items??
  21. Eastern were you one of the guys with a spinning rod at the pier today? Is that what this is all about ahaha
  22. Does he name the creeks/rivers, no. He doesn't take pics of the landscape so how can anyone possibly trace were he fishes. So what the hell are you whining about?
  23. Went out today and didn't really expect too catch anything. trib was blown so we just dropped a worm in the bay see if anything would bite. Nice too see some open water out there, maybe another two more weeks of plus temps and were good to go. Chocalate water. Swan The Bay Another swan Racoon, you can't see it too well in this pic
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