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Everything posted by xrap

  1. We didn't take a chance because of the mud but some people got threw there with a 4x4 easly.
  2. It's also happening to me as well.
  3. We decided to go for a little trip up north for some pike action. Not sleeping at all on friday we arrived there saturday around 4:30. We set up the tent and got the fire going and started fishing. The weather was nice and the lake was quite and it sure looked like a promising day ahead. First I tried the minnow under the float and had a bunch of wierd hits but Couldn't seem to the set the fish. Then I casted it and start to jig it a bit and finally hook into it. Didn't feel big at all and defitnatley did not feel like a pike. I was right, it was a nice clean 11" perch. Then a short while later my brother in law has something on. It was not to big but it jumped out of the air 2-3 times and put on a show. It was a scrappy little pike. Then a bit later brother in law gets into another little scrappy pike I started to chuck the spinex around a few weed beds and sure enough I hook into a pike. Yet another scrappy little fighter my bro law pulls in. These were not the biggest pike ever but it sure was fun getting hits on almost every cast. Don't mind the wierd face, that's what no sleep in 36 hours and the sun in your face does. Here's a shot of the lake As the day moved on the blackflies were getting real bad and not even bug sprayed worked. Slept for a couple hours in the tent and got out and caught some more pike. Then we ened off the day by having some pike on the grill and packed up and decided it was time to go. It was a great day to be out for sure. Cast after cast, pike after pike. We caught so much that we lost count and I didn't have time to take the camera out every mintue! At the end of the day it was starting to get cloudy and started rain so we decided to call it a day and pack up. I'd like to thank Cliff for all the help, couldn't have had a better trip. Thanks man!!!
  4. Wtg on the pike , Got a pike report coming on later tonight.
  5. Bet they were tastey!!
  6. I used the 30lb power pro and always used barrel swivels to attach mono and other things. Today I went out and bought myself spider wire stealth for 16.99 in moss green and have to say it is exactly like power pro and I like it better because it's also alot thinner and more easier to spool and also its a few bucks cheaper.
  7. Welcome to the board Scott!
  8. I just got home went out to play some basketball with a couple buddies and got soaked head to toe. The storms were crazy one mintue it was nice and sunny next mintue the thundering was cracking so loud it made your ears ring. Sure feels good to be home and dry again
  9. i feed em to the seaguls
  10. Is it the same thing if you use a barrel swivel instead a uni to uni. And also I know mono is nearly invisible underwater but what about the steel leaders.I've been using those for pike fishing but find I can't use some of my topwaters properly.
  11. Give us a couple weeks, we'll be in the lead
  12. Yep defitnatley is a pumpkinseed, wtg 007 nice report.
  13. Well we'll be heading up north and we haven't decided where to go yet. We are going to be chasing pike from the shore and looking to camp overnight. We were going to go tot he Goulias river but I have found out from alot of the board memebers that most of the land on the Goulias river is private and is a no camp zone. We have heard there is some good shore pike fishing in Timmins so maybe we'll head up there instead. It's going to be along trip coming from the Hammer so I want to make the drive worth the while. Just deciding on where to go now Sault ste Marie or Timmins, any suggestions?
  14. I had the same thing happen to my old rod. If it was one of the top ones it would be just easy to buy a replacment. Not sure about the second ring tho. Mine peeled off all the way and there was pretty much nothing I could do, I tried to weld it but it wouldn't hold but since yours is peeling off maybe you still have a chance. Other than that buy a new rod.
  15. xrap


    Thanks for the heads up Bill. We never knew there was a lake in Waterdown so we were just gonna check it out. And yes iI do know your not allowed to use them as bait.
  16. xrap


    We were jsut driving threw waterdown and the sign said hiden lake so we were looking for a lake to go fishing at on the weekend or something so We were going straight and see no lake no nothing so after like 10 left turns we got to that road and stopped to see what the glare from the forest was. So yea basically I have no idea where in waterdown it was. I should looked at the road name or something.. Dam stupid me.
  17. We were driving threw Waterdown today and we were on a road that was surround by forest(can't remember which road). So as were driving it's pitch black and we didn't notice no lake or creek on the gps but we keep seeing a glare coming from there, so we pulled over. We walk into the forest with our flashlights and reach a marssh. We point the flashlight in the whats his name and we see goldfish. Tones of them too. Everywhere you shine your light into the marssh you would see them and behidn the whats marssh we noticed there was a little creek or something, It was to hard to see because there was abosolutley no light except the light we were getting from the flashlights. It's kinda strange first time I ever seen goldfish in a marssh. And The funny thing is it was in the middle of nowhere basically. If anyone lives in Waterdown or knows about this goldfish marssh, can you please share the story?
  18. Yea I guess your right
  19. Wow thats alot of work keeping up and updating everyday day. Thanks for posting fotb. Also was wondering maybe this topic could be a sticky note or be posted up in the OFC tournament board or something just so that we have a idea of whose in the lead.
  20. The lure is a x-rap silver and black. You can fish it by retreiving it slowly or quickly or jerk it and make 2-3 seconds pauses.
  21. I've had alot of luck when the water is a bit murky and slower current, overcast skies. Got a bunch of my top water pj pop red and black and also on berkley frenzy frog. Top water can be lots of fun and it sure does make your heart start pumping faster when you see the explosive strike no matter how big the fish is.
  22. Nice report and fish dude. Pike opens this saturday for us Loving the lures
  23. I was chasing crappies down near the dicovery center a couple weeks ago and seen a huge dead carp must of been around 30-35lbs. So they are there but I don't know about the fishing. They are hitting in the grand tho.
  24. If a lurker is viewing this right now then he knows all he has to do is post 10 times which can easly be done in one day. It might confuse some of the other lurkers but I still don't see that fixing the problem. I say we just leave it as it is and just take some better photos.
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