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Everything posted by xrap

  1. Maybe they were going for sucker, since they are running in creeks right now. Next time you see them just grab a pic or if they have thier car write down the plate. Now care to introduce yourself
  2. Gonna hit some crappies on the weekend. Open all year around here
  3. Hey bud if your looking for a place on the grand for steel try Caledonia or York.
  4. How about the name Kasey.
  5. When ever i open up pokerstars it restarts my comp. Anyone have this problem or know how to fix it?
  6. power pro is braided line. Best coulor is moss green
  7. LOL. good luck with that
  8. Nice know all those spots. Went down pier 4 last night it was calm till about 11 started to pick up went off. Then went back today. All we got were bullheads all night and today as well. Here's a shot of the pier at night time.
  9. Tough weekend it was for cats. Went after work last night and after work today managed a bunch of small bullheads but nothing to big. Anyways nice to see you posting again rich, great report.
  10. mmmmmmmmmmm bass
  11. Thanks for the help everyone. I foudn out what the problem was. The reason why it chews up duracell battries so fast because it has a display. And I asked the guy at the store why my rechargable batteries aren't working. He said that thier nickel batteries and they don't work in the cold. Figures the camera worked all summer long but now in the winter it dies. I just Recharged the batteries and I'm heading out for some steelhead. It's cold outside and the batteries are going to die. Anyone know how I cam keep the batteries warm?
  12. I have my power pro for bass and pike. But I have use gamma for pike and bass did just fine.
  13. I use the 6lb test. Strong stuff and not to expensive. It's really good line. and as fish head said the p-line is also strong stuff.
  14. Yep. It can be set to auto when there is alot of light it switches automatically or you can change it in the settings.
  15. The samsung digimax a50 5.0 mega pixels cam I have eats batteries up fast. We buy duracell you'll snap like 5 photo's and batteries are done. We got these rechargeable battries for 80 bucks and after a couple charges they don't work. Does anyone know whats wrong with that camera and why it eats batteries up so fast or maybe of some good batteries to buy for it?
  16. xrap


    Far away from the ganny. It's not only the Mnr. I don't want someone taking a picture of me and then posting it all over the internet calling me a poacher.
  17. Gonna be pretty funny to see white in the octagon. But it only takes only lucky punch you never know...
  18. xrap


    Hey don't worry Gerritt. I posted this up to get a diffrent opion on what other people would do. I am still going to continue fishing that spot but I'll be more careful. And if I ever do run into the situation I'll tighten my drag and if it brakes then there's nothing I can do. Better than being fined and having my fishing gear taken away. Thanks for everyone's advice who replied
  19. xrap


    Yea, too bad it's closed....
  20. xrap


    Hey Gerritt, The only place on this trib to fish is right beside the sanctuary. It's the only spot and then after that the rest of the creek is a sanctuary.
  21. When your fishing close to a santcuary and you hook into a fish and the fish runs into the santcuary do you have to cut your line imediatley and if you continue to fight the fish and a Co comes will you get charged? This will probally never happen but a trib I fish the only part to fish is close to the santcuary and if this ever happens to me I wana be sure to know what to do.
  22. Nice chromers. Looking to get out on the water friday hope they clear up by then. How was the water clarity today?
  23. WOW NICE FISH!!!
  24. LOl I've only caught 2 small ones ever. I've been going out since late novemebr and probally have gone out 20 times. I'm starting to get a little better at it even tho I'm not landing them. I'll be out on the tribs this friday after the rain. Hopefully I'll get my first 5lber. I'll post a report if I catch something.
  25. I've caught alot of mooney at Caledonia never took any home but some people say there good to eat. I caught a interesting fish last year on the grand near Cayuga. It was bitting and stealing the worm every time until finally I caught him in the side of the gill plate. Found out it was a log perch
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