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Everything posted by xrap

  1. Way to show em up. Nice fish and report cc
  2. I have been trying to get a hold of the 2007 regulations for a while now and today i went to fishing world and they said thier not out yet. And I have heard there have been some changes made from last year. So what do we go by the 2006 regulations still, and does anyone know when the 2007 ones are going to be out?
  3. Nice pics and great report, I'm looking to fish friday as well. Just hope they won't be blown.
  4. Thanks for the warning. Tommrow's temps are supsoe to be plus 12 and rain so it doesn't look like it's going to get any better. I hope it clears up some what by friday.
  5. Go down to Bayfront park, it has every kind of fish thier and also their is alot of big bass and pike. In the spring there is Jumbo perch and crappie. And it's only a couple mintues away, try it out.
  6. Holy bull!!
  7. Just use a pikerel rig for panfish, they work well.
  8. Don't know about Brantford but I fish Caledonia alot and over the past years the fishing has slowed down. Too many poachers and idiots out thier. I even heard last summer a round eye gobbie was caught at the dam. Not good news
  9. The more salmon the more snaggers. I hope the shallow creeks are blown during the whole salmon run. For example Bronte is gonna be loaded with snaggers waiting at every rapid with 50lb test and a treble hook at the end. That place is brutal and is a total slaughter fest every year. People fishing from the sancutary, and if you told them they weren't aloud they would just say no english. Calling the cops wasn't much of a help because they never showed up. It is a complete mess down thier with gutted fish laying around everywhere and all the garbage. Maybe they should close Petro park down for the salmon run.
  10. haha fish poo, Nice report and congrats on your first steelie.
  11. That's Nutz!! Seen one of those thing up nort, thier freakin huge. And acutally that day as we were traveling threw muskoka an officer hit one and was killed.
  12. Strongest stuff I have ever used, even when I get snags i just keep pulling and end up breaking the hook or pulling out the log. The coulor fades away after about 6-8 months but I guess it still has the same strength. Just wished it was a bit cheapier
  13. For the tourney does a silver bass count under the bass category or panfish? Thanks
  14. Thanks for the info everyone, I'll warn my parents to leave all personal info at home
  15. We got a phone call today saying we won a 42" plazma and trip. We asked how we won it he said a couple weeks back my sister took a survey about something and her name was entered into a draw. He told us a confirmation code and a claim number and gave us a address to pick it up. I didn't really beilieve it so i searched thier number on google and got this site. Is this a scam or what. The distance to drive is one hour away from here so it wouldn't be worth driving for nothing. Anyone any help? http://www.canadianuniversal.com/companyinfo_where.html
  16. thanks, and do you know what time there open to?
  17. Where is head pro gear?
  18. Mcgratten took care of peters? I think it was the other way around.
  19. Hey rick, I'm intrested!
  20. Man that sucks I know how you feel the same thing happened to me but not ice fishing. The crappie fishing was hot then it stopped for 10 mintues not a bite, then bang bobber went flying under and after a 10 mintue fight it broke off. We got a glimpse of it and it was also a pike. But hey, atleast you got a decent fight out of it. Nice report btw, It was exciting not like my plain report went fishing caught this... haha lol
  21. Is it to late to join?
  22. I might be heading out to simcoe for a trip next week and I'm not to fimliar with the bays and the whole lake. Were planning on just going and having some fun catch a few fish here and there. Not planning on getting a guide or renting a hut. Can anyone share with my a popular spot or some spot there and maybe were to park. The fish were planning on catching are perch crappie or pikerel, doesn't really matter aslong as something is biting.
  23. Yea it's my bad knee
  24. 4-3 tonight, we passed these stinkin habs
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