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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. Stuck drafting for my playoff pool on monday. I have won it the last 2 years in a row, last year I took Spezza first and Heatley 3rd. Watching the Sens destroy the Leafs but cant buy into them beacuse of there horribly inconsistent year. Do I go ot on a limb and do it agin or take the safe match up of Montreal Boston. Fortune favours the bold.....maybe no one else will pick the Sens. All teams have to lose in the final before they win. AQny opinions?? D
  2. 4reel you think those guy are cheap. eneter the world of municipal infrastructure work were companhies like NAC low ball because the make all there profit on change orders.....nothing gets done.
  3. Zoom booms are awesome! I don`t know how people did construction before them.
  4. Good lure on quinte and erie for eyes but as Kevin has mentioned i find they need alot of tuning coming out of the package. I usually am lazy and grab a taildancer as they usually run truer. But thats me being lazy!
  5. I havnt gone home for openor in about 10 years. Probably wait till the lilacs come out, usually gets going then very good, 3rd week till 4th week. Going to be a late spawn so stick close to the rivermouths and pick off the abundant males that should be still in the area.
  6. If i got my dream job of Playboy photographer I would!
  7. Great read ! I was thinnking the same thing Wayne...... I have a friend wos brother does well there. Think I may have to bug her....she owes me!
  8. The islands as well as Hamilton harbour are zone 20 first saturday in May. http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/MNR/pubs/fishing/...y/Zone%2020.pdf
  9. At least he isnt lipping it!
  10. I think pike doesnt open till the first Saturday in May in Lake Ontario..that would be the 3rd. May 1st on Geo bay
  11. I was thinkin......oh no not another croaker!!!
  12. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO jealous!!!!!!!!
  13. HEY keep the boat at home if thats what's going to happen. Awesome fish....is that a personel best on wipers?
  14. Good for Bob thats alot of competition too fish thru. Congrats Just waiting on next weeks Bassmasters from Falcon Lake Texas. Should be alot of 10lb+ toads caught!
  15. All of the public facilities in Halton have participated in Erath day shutdown yesterday. I get daily power reports emailed to me. They show me the hourly rate we get charged and how many kwh we have used. Since the rate is determined by demand I will be VERY interested to see if Ontario Hydro rate dropped between 8 and 9pm last night. If not I will be forwarding these charts to the media. I would hate to see peoples efforts reduced to an increase in profit. Darren Sorry for the heady topic so early....... we alll need spring to come!!!
  16. Tools Speechless
  17. Thats the ^&%$$%^& #&*^%$ MAN!!!! I am more then green with envy....simply awesome dude...THANKS FOR POSTING!!
  18. Been years since I did that at the mouth of Shelter Valley or Grafton creek, but you try there. Just not sure what access is like anymore. Still lots of fish to come in. Fresh roe is VERY important with still fishing.
  19. Just got a 42 inch Sharp Aquios LCD and I really like it!
  20. Get down with a torpedo diver!
  21. Season ends in one week and my favorite spot FROZE OVER AGAIN!!!!!!~!! This getting stupid now!
  22. Montreal seams to be firing on all cylinders but a nagging thought in my head says you have to lose before you win i all. I know its 6-1 montreal, but Ottawa has been there and many good teams cranck it up when it matters. Are the Sens that bad or are they lazy????
  23. Mepps Those are killer shots man! Got a new tripod for xmas going to have to set it up. And Gbay.....shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh on the spot!!! LOL
  24. Hey Bh. That would work but the dude is never let out of the house anymore and since he has no cahoonas I am forced to fish by myself!
  25. Joey.....now that suggestion I find offense to ;-)
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