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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. Spent a week ion late september there a few years ago, managed eyes every day in the river mouth fast water but the fish from Geo Bay dont seem to show up till October. Managed a 20 pound pike and 2 muskies one day in a far away back cove. Still hard fishing as everything looks good but they only seem to be on a few spots for unkown reasons. Exploring is the best part of it!
  2. Very nice! Your pictographies ( spelling) are awesome. Always a high lite of the year for me.
  3. Awesome fish!!!!!!!!!!!! Looks a hair familiar ;-) So awesome!
  4. Nice largemouth! Last week my buddie and I had almost the same results, 2 good fish on Spro frogs and nothing much else.got me wondering as well. Maybe its this weird weather?
  5. Awesome fish !! It's my favorite place!
  6. Ill give spots on big bodies of water ie: Lake Erie and such in PM but not out loud on the board. But I always am careful and selective with whom I do it. I thought it might be a nice link to have sort of like the hook ups link. Misfish hooked me up with that spot that coughed the monster smallie last year and I appreciated it. Willing to trade with some straight up people. My notebook is always open for you Pete!
  7. My dream boat! Congrats!
  8. Not sure if everyone would be up for it, but I was thinking if there was enough interest we could pin a GPS Request topic link to the top of the page. People could request a few GPS spots and be answered by PM for a trade for other spots. Completely voluntary of course. Not a place for a whole milk run but maybe a spot to help people start off on new bodies of water? Darren
  9. If you can wait 3-4 weeks the redesigned curado is coming out at at 179.99 They are all I have used for 8 years. You can't go wrong with them. D
  10. 42! Thats abeast man, cannot wait to see it! We have to get together sometime, been a bad summer for me but have some time off coming.
  11. DUDE!!!!!! Ought to go! Bring it over when you get it!!! Darren
  12. Palomar or improved clinch????????
  13. Thats an awesome weight for Dalrymple! Just on question...well two....Upper or lower part of the lake, and can you describe your buddies C-Rig? Congrats!
  14. Great report as ALWAYS Justin !
  15. Havnt fished the big pond much this year. Plan on starting hard this weekend. Just curious to see if any Atlantics had started showing up yet. Got one about 2 pounds last year and that was it? D
  16. Congrats....here is crossing my fingers for you!
  17. Tryin 12lb on my spinning reel. Think I may have to drag it behind the boat and repack it.
  18. Man that sucks. I always tuned into them to pick up some precision trolling tips and to see what was new. Not the same reading a mag at times. D
  19. Every year you killlllllllllllllllllllll me !! Awesome fish as always! I have to get there later in the year next time. Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! darren
  20. Just spooled up last night. seems to want to spring off the spool too easily, has me worried about memory. wondering if it needs to have line conditioner. Used Pline coploymer a few weeks ago and it wasnt too bad, woould buy it again....it is not 100% flouro but has a flouro coating.
  21. Nice fish dude!
  22. Good going!
  23. Wild your serious??????
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