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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. Dan is right. Better to bite the bullet now then erode this system and have your kids pay for it. Peoplle have to live within there means, businesses to. Hey I am worst offender of that but this is a reminder!
  2. I thought they might have run up river, at least the first wave. All the staging fish in 65 feet in front of the apartments dissapeared over a 24 hour period.!!
  3. My best freinds wife is the night editor for the Wall Street Journal. She had left 20 minutes earlier and got home not knowing what happened. Her office over looks ground zero and was completely destroyed by the collapse of north tower. She lost alot of friends that day. I am just glad that she didn't work late that day.
  4. Great pics of the fauna! \Appreciate it, very cool
  5. As long as I get some fillets!
  6. Dano is exactly right! Still a brown trout run in the fall shouldnt look like that!
  7. Not looking too good for Sat right now. 33knot winds and 4.5 footers as of Friday at 10.00 am. My buddie and I are planning to do the tourney on Saturday but if its weathered out I cant go Sunday as its Bills home openor and i have tickets.
  8. Big congrats!!!
  9. Awesome fish! Wonder why Lake O spits them out like that?
  10. Keep an eye out for the 840 pound full mount polar bear done by advanced, I am pretty sure it is going to be displayed there.
  11. Speechless....................
  12. Too much bad news going around lately. My condolences.
  13. What did it weigh?
  14. Supposedly when the ice melts and releasses fresh water is has a different density then salt water. It is supposed to alter the northern transfer of heat by the gulf stream and divert it to the european coast. Thus making north america colder and starting the cycle all over again. I wouldnt be surprised mother nature has a way of rectifying things. The planet has healed from much worse environmental disasters.....did take many millions of years tho! The earth will be lush and green long after we are all extinct.
  15. Dude I feel for you. I have had a black cloud around me all year as well. It cant last forever......even tho it feels like it will.
  16. They usually use hoop nets in travels spots in the spring. Check this out, its the MNR and Muskies canada catching spawners for the Simcoe project. http://www.muskiescanada.ca/lsmrp/2007_LSMRP.pdf
  17. Nice fish! Spent a day up there this summer and got a few ones but alot of follows. Have they moved deeper yet?
  18. Fishmaster! Great fish! Will be stopping in tomorrow to regestir for the tourney. How many boats are signed up so far? Look for the FJ and Mr Pike. Going out first thing tomorrow, any depths I shold start at? Would be greatly appreciated. Darren
  19. Dude that is truly amazing. I am sooooooooooooooo jealous~!!!!!!! Awesome!
  20. Simcoe smallie can range alot in weight during the season, If she was very thick she could be in the 5.5 area or if she was thin as low as 4. 8 weeks from now she might even be able to push the 6lb mark when they really pork up.
  21. I tried a couple of spools of Spioder Wire stealth braid this year and wasnt impressed, too stiff and too much memory. THey are now on my Erie dipsey rods! Only PP from now on.
  22. No wonder he lost, he barely hit a standing still target!
  23. Tonight my father passed away after a very long struggle. He had class to the end and only wanted kisses from my mom. Never a bad word said. Ill never be as good as him I love you dad
  24. Very nice man! Great pale color for her. We have to hook up soon!
  25. Nice catch. Cooch likes you or you like it! It doesnt like me!! Congrats!
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