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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. Nice fish dude. Nice and clean!
  2. Awesome fish!!!!! Congrats to the dude I would kill to even hook something like that. One thing I noticed is that it has that Buffalo harbour look to it and not a long Larry look, guess cuz its so fat it doesnt look long........now thats a horrible problem to have!!
  3. 33 inches...... man I have that beat Im 38 at the waist....lightweight!
  4. Sorry guys I have to bow out....not that I want to. Since my dad died a few months ago my mother has decided to go to Calgary for xmas and now are Belleville xmas is the same weekend. Would have loved to do this....my appologise... Darren
  5. A new canadian record 57 was caught there last May but the name of the river escapes me. The fishin canada show did a Nova Scotia striper show not long ago, maybe check out there website.
  6. I think they are on the increase because I have fished ther for 35 years and have only seen a few up until 7-8 years ago and now I have seen 4-5. My brother got a 48 incher in the trent at the mouth, I raised a nice 45 incher at the mouth of the Moira a few years ago. Up river in the moira and trent there are good places with nice sized fish as well. I really am surprised no one has popped a 50lber trolling toward the bath power plant in the fall while fishing eyes, St Larry isnt very far away from that. For the brave at heart I have heard of large fish being hooked out near the Duck Islands...but thats a real needle in the haystack!
  7. I hope Lesnar wins so he stays in MMA and gets his head beat in. This fight really dissapoints me and lowers UFC to WWE standards , Ill be up at RAMA on friday watching the molitor fight and not a circus.
  8. Smallie.....this 23 incher that won the In-Fisherman last year. Pike. This 48 inch approx 28 - 32 lber Muskie this 49 inch fish walleye this one just shy of 14 lbs
  9. Remebering my recently passed father and his many tours to places in the world that didnt want peace but he stood up for it. Golan Heights Sinia Cypress Ismalia Egypt Just hope those people in those contries even thank the boys with the blue beret D
  10. Good choice in waiting.... Good luck man!
  11. Cougars easy to hunt??? HAHAHAHA Your serious? without dogs you will NEVER see one. I have hunted out west for 15 years in a area that has lots. Seen prints in the snow once. That was after it stalked ME back to the cabin one night. My buddie who lives there and works the area every day has seen one live one. two dead from cars. There like smoke in the woods.
  12. My lowrance LMS 337 died 2 weeks ago and like a dolt I ddint back up my waypoints and lost most of them, Got a new unit from Lowrance in Missassuaga and its software has a few extra pages on it. Of course forgot to get an updated manual so now I am forced to learn it the old fashioned way. Thank god I never forget a spot..... just dont let my wife know that or she will nag....why do you need one!!!
  13. Got it but havnt read it yet Brian. 4 times out havnt seen %^ this year. Will be out in the morning to continue pounding my head into my tree stand!
  14. I got yelled at by a NY State Trooper the other week at a Bills game for talking on my phone. I answered my phone when it rang as it was my buddie in the traffic jam ahead of us. He screamed at me "theres no using cell phones and driving in NY State". I almost said something back as we were in the traffic jam and hadnt moved in over 10 minutes and he was directing traffic.!~!Don't you have to be moving to be driving??? Oh well even cops dont have common sense at times I guess.
  15. Nice fish....hey a 10 pounder is always worth the trip! Any other boats getting any action? It seems those fish get deeper and deeper every year!
  16. As usual awesome weights. I was afraid the wind might have spoiled it yesterday as it really came up here in the afternoon.
  17. Nice going !!!!! Did you get a measurement on the pike, its a great fish. What was the water temp down to? D
  18. Thats sum SERIOUS fish man!!! Congrats..........and take me next time@@!!!!!~
  19. Nice pictures! I think those are sandhill cranes. I saw a massive flock near Timmens last year. Very cool bird!
  20. Check it out! http://www.anglersatlas.com/
  21. Good info. Had to have a bunch of work on mine this spring from this exact problem. The mechanic suggested the same thing.....stabilizer and full tank and most important. Pinch the fuel line till the engine runs dry and stops.
  22. If you guys will have me I would love to come! darren
  23. Man that sucks! I remeber looking forward to his artcles when I was younger. m D
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