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Everything posted by bucktail

  1. Hey Artie!!!! I thought you were too fat to fish!! Great Avatar TJ!!!!
  2. I forgot to update the post, the fish turned out to be a male! Nothing in its stomach, looks like it spawned out in the fall, milt glands were very small!
  3. Finally got into a few Dunnville cats this morning, Of course it was windy as ^%$# out again. Managed 3 27 inchers a couple 24's and Jonny managed a nice 31 incher that registered right around 15 pounds. Fishing cut bait in a deep hole halfway down to the lake. Circle hooks sure made me a beleiver, if you havnt tried them for baitfishing then get out and buy some. Only missed a couple fish because we were too anxious, everything else was in the corner of the mouth like advertised. Unfortuntaly it seems I have to give my friends a lesson in my camera again as the pictures of me are blurrier then my right eye!
  4. Yea no kidding , I was trying to remember the minimum size on it. Thank god I got it right. Cant catch a friggin catfish but I can catch a big atlantic......go figure. Took the laptop right out to the fish and did the ID on it. Too bad we had to keep her....bummmer
  5. Went down to Bronte today after being skunked AGAIN catfishing on the Grand yesterday. Met Percher coming off the ramp, no good new. He tried from 10 to 300 feet of water with no love. Decided to hit my favorite early season Brown spots along the shore. Runing a 3 rod spread of 2 #9 Blue and silver Raplalas and a Luhr Jensone Minnow in 7-12 feet of water. Trolled about 5 miles with only one small hit when the wind stopped blowing from the west at .60k. It was during this lull that the flatline 150 feet staright out the back decided to start screaming> Big fish and lots of weight, took about 5 minutes to get a look at her. One minute I think its a brown the next I think it is a chinook. Jonny finally scoops her in the net and onboard comes a big bold and beautiful 27 inch brown! Hooks are in the gill unfortunatly so I curse having to keep such a beautiful chrome silver fish. Its at this time that something doesnt look right.... hmmmm...... head is very slender...... no dots on the adipose or tail. Get home and count the teeth on the tongue and count the rays on the anal fin..... 9 rays... dorsal fin clip amdtoungue matches up. Seems this is a big Atlantic, probably one of the original stockers. Here are some pictures.... barring a DNA test she is an Atlantic! Hard way for team 4 to get 27 inches for a salmon.....dont I get bonus inches!!! Pics a in a few minutes
  6. Thanks retro it sounds like the exact same thing I am going thru. Promised myself I wouldnt feak out till the end of the week and give it time to heal. Doesnt seem to be healing tho. Did you ever get shadows in the peripherial vision? Did tyour vision ever clear any in the eye over time? or is it the same as it was after the injury? Thanks guys, heres hoping things get better.
  7. Got any injury to the eye on Saturday. At my buddies wedding in Milton, as we were leaving he goes to high five me in his drunkem state....he misses me and goes right into my eye....HARD!!! Turns out I have tearing of the iris and my pupil no longer responds. Also my sight in it is still Very bad. The optomaligist has given me drops and wants to see me in 3 weeks. Is there amy chance this can heal itse;f or am i outta luck? Any help would be appreciated Ahab arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Darren
  8. Grimace has it right on the head. Its for that reason I like it, laid back ,talking to locals and old timers, meeting new people in new places!
  9. I don't know what is worse, the monthly diatribe from Doug Stange on swimbaits ( for gods sake right a new article) to the Master Angler results being online only now. After 20 years of being a subscriber I think I have finished with it.
  10. I am trying out IE 8 right now and I have to admit, I think its really good! Very fast, no compatibality problems yet!
  11. Damn I can't seem to find that picture of my twin 55 inch muskies from last fall.......Ill keep looking
  12. Today I saw my first flock of about 30 passing along the Oakville shoreline. I am sure there are 30000000000000000 more to come in the next 2 weeks!
  13. Nice to see them making a comeback. My friend saw 3 of them on the ice on Boshkung earlier this year. We have one that shows up every Feb in fron of the Oakville water plant! Havnt seen him in a few weeks so I think he moved on!
  14. Read a magazine but keep one eye on the tv, there's lots of naked woman on that show!!!!!!!!!
  15. WOW!!! Thats wild! Guess everyone in Oshawa is feeling the pinch!
  16. You cant excavate the enitre area. You will only release the contaminants that are trapped in the soil. That is why they don't disturb bottom in Hamilton Harbour. I have been in the environmental business for 23 years and the media just likes to stir the pot. They never look at the miriads of studies and research that go into these stories. Port Hope has been a concern for over 50 years, no one has tried to hide it. they make it sound like a big cover up. It is not, its a real problem that has been managed since the 70's. 0 emmisions is impossible wherever man processes anything. You have to contain the problem and limit its effects on the environment. Since the landfill of soil and tailings wasn't contained in a modern clay lined landfill and without proper leachate treatment there is not alot you can do about it. We monitor for radionucleids every year at the Oakville and Burlington water plants as well as every plant on the shores of Lake Ontario, the tritium levels have never been much above background levels in the lake. The goverment isn't trying to hide things like everyone thinks. beleive it or not people in the goverment do work for peoples best interest. As Freud said, if there are more then 1 person a secret will never be kept.
  17. You guys are the best! Thanks darren P.S. Wish it was me buying the boat!
  18. Wondering if you guys could help my friend out and post what is needed in buying a boat ain the states and bring it across the border. I remember someone on the board bought a Pro V in new jersey last year for a great deal and they posted all the particualrs in bring it back. Any help would be appreciated. Darren
  19. looks like I missed by 1 spot with Skeet Resse edging out my pick of Mike Iconelli. Guess I should have played the fanatasy draft!
  20. Jedi I think you have a good point and that will be in the minds of people when they buy. My question is what are they going to do with all that unsold stock? I heard they have rented out Canada's Wonderland parking lot to store unsold cars? Not good for anyone.
  21. Post your picks for who is going to take the classic this year. I wont pick KVD cuz thats like picking Tiger Woods at a Major! I am thinking Mike Iconelli since his classic win was also down in the bayou if I remember right. At least it is a sign of spring! Darren
  22. I think Advanced has a 400 miniumum
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