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Everything posted by sharper

  1. At the superstore chain they would sometimes sell the terra brand tents 2 or 4 person models for like $29.99. I'm sure they are not the best but for the price and how many times your going to use you can't go wrong.
  2. Was out on Sunday night as well saw carp jumping here and there. Managed to land one and lose another on a bad hookset. The action seem to stop after 11pm, even the bullheads stop biting.
  3. I have a MH compre and like it. It also has a limited lifetime warranty so if it breaks due to normal use its covered.
  4. I got one but I think I'm going to return it since I reel with my right only.
  5. Great... I was hoping for the sticker.
  6. I also have the hassle of having to carry a piece of paper around. A CO checked me recently and he didn't say anything.
  7. I second these pepperoni sticks or whatever other spicy ones I can find at the farmers markets.
  8. Learned lesson hard way as well, spend more the first time to get a good one.
  9. I normally only use a fluoro leader when I fish for pike. Now after reading some posts I think I'll use fluoro leaders more often for other species. If it's going to help my game it's doesn't hurt to try.
  10. I'm a fan of your reports Snag so keep them coming. I'm also an avid shore fisherman when I don't have time to travel. Your truly a master at your craft and those pictures back it up.
  11. Nice pike you got there. I heading out for some pike on Monday maybe I'll run into someone from OFC as well.
  12. Amazing report! I feel like I'm there when I read your reports.
  13. My buddy was able to hooked onto a nice pike with a lot of girth to it on our last outing. We are going to try again before the season closes.
  14. Still a little too cold out, but we did managed to hook a nice healthy pike.
  15. I was out for pike today. Wouldn't mind trying the humber tommorrow.
  16. I'm a fan of fireline crystal, very strong and never had any problems with it dealing with salmon.
  17. Professional Bass Fishermen Kevin!!!
  18. I'm using a MH spinning rod with 10lb fireline. Haven't had any troubles yet, just remember to use a leader.
  19. I read it over 2 days, but an amazing report! I wish I could fish up there.
  20. Hi Guys, Canadian Tire is having the promotion again where you get $10 off a purchase of $40 or more. It's good between Feb 22 and March 2nd. http://www.canadiantire.ca/affiliates/promo/take10/en/coupon_en_hp.pdf?icid=D309%20English%202008&atr=SOURCE_HP&subid=1542939&linkid=Main+Message+-+TAKE+%2410+OFF Enjoy
  21. I'm trying to look for some details on the show like admission, location and can't really find anything. The www.springfishingshow.com site doesn't have any real info. Does anyone have any more information they can share thanks in advance.
  22. I'll be there if all goes well. 13,000+ plus tickets were sold in the first 24 hours, it's going to be a great fight!!!
  23. sharper


    I predicted the fight!
  24. sharper


    I'm rooting for Mir. Mir has good submission skills for a heavyweight. Let's not forget he was the heavyweight champ after he broke 6'8" gaint Tim's forearm. If Mir's conditioning is good he should be able to pull off a submission win over inexperience Lesnar.
  25. I also use AVG and very happy with it. It automatically check for updates as well so very effective against new threats.
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