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Everything posted by sharper

  1. Take the ferry to center island, you can catch a variety of species there.
  2. Thats a great catch, makes the slow day worthwhile.
  3. So spent the day fishing with a buddy and fellow OFC member Kevin. We caught quite a few bass but nothing bigger then 3lbs. During mid day when the bite was slowing down I started targeting panfish for fun. Next thing I know I feel a big hit and set the hook. I knew I had something big on and it did a leap out of the water and it was a smallie. Since I was using my ultralight it gave up a pretty good fight, after a few mins I was able to land him. We also saw a small painted turtle sunning himself on a lily pad. It was a good day on the water since weather forecasted rain but we didn't get any until we left for home.
  4. Try mouth of credit river, you will see others there fishing for carp as well.
  5. The causeway is ok for shore but it does get pretty crowded so be prepare for that. Certain areas in the park on water st has designated fishing zones for anglers but it is really weedy there. You can also try the piers in Caesarea.
  6. Looks really beautiful there, I wouldn't mind spending a week up there exploring.
  7. Looks like a great time! cool custom plate as well
  8. Ya still haven't caught a pike this year yet or a musky. I still got time
  9. Wow! Those are some great looking smallies. Braid with a flouro leader I don't see why you guys didn't get the same result, maybe leader was too short???
  10. With all the weed and pads there I figure topwater was the way to go.
  11. I was at scugog today didn't see any carp floating around.
  12. So my friend and I decided to fish scugog today. We only fished for a few hours but it was non stop action, filled with a few bass and tons of panfish. One of the bass I caught was on a surface lure, it was exciting it see the bass come up and take the lure.
  13. Check out shimano S.T.C I'm looking to grab one as well. It comes in a telescopic model and multi piece with a really nice tube to carry it it.
  14. I'll say the mouth of the credit river as well up to the bridge. You will see lots of people fishing there as well, bring some corn you can hook into some huge carp.
  15. Great Report MJL!!! Never knew there were channel cats that big at the whirlpool I guess I should make another trip there soon.
  16. There's been a few threads about fireline, here's one: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...amp;hl=fireline I personally use fireline smoke and crystal myself and I'm pretty happy with it. The crystal which is suppose to be invisible in the water is not. The line is very strong and diameter is small so you can go for a very high lb test. I've landed 20+ lb salmon on my 10lb test fireline so A+ from me.
  17. Wow a musky filled adventure, I wish I get a day like that.
  18. That sure looks like a big cat! Nice job!
  19. I rather pay a little more if it will help me catch more fish.
  20. Awesome report! I'm still in search of my first musky.
  21. Looks like a you guys had a great day! Wading in to fight the fish sure seems fun.
  22. I fish there all the time. Haven't had any problems, ask her for i.d and I would probably snap a pic of her with my camera.
  23. Wow great job! Fishing for carp off a boat too!
  24. Nice report MJL! Seems like you had another great day at the islands.
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