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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. Summer Vacations are great.Best of luck to you. Im pulling for you cause I know how good the bass fishing can be on Lake Nippising
  2. Learn to fish the Notty bows start showing up in decent numbers there by labour day weekend
  3. Thats definately a silver pike. And thats pretty cool. A blue pike is actually a pickeral.
  4. Umm Its July, fish dont start showing up till mid august at the earliest.
  5. Access is okay you can just park on the South side of the bridge at Feversham and walk down into the gorge on the upstream side of the bridge. On the Rocky go one bridge downstream of Traverston. And the downstream part of that stretch is not posted. There are no big fish to be had but they are very willing and forgiving of beginner flyfisherman such as yourself. I recommend yu bring a handful of elk hair caddis size 14 & 16
  6. John why not go do some flyfishing on the Upper Beaver around Feversham. Or the Rocky Saugeen around Traverston.
  7. Perch is numero uno. Then pike follow by brook trout. Swordfish if done right is pretty amazing.
  8. Yamamoto is all I use they are so soft. I put one in my mouth chewed it up and swallowed it on a bet and it didnt taste half bad so fish have got to like it and hold on to it.
  9. Walleye can live up to 25 yrs so its highly possible the fish was 20 yrs old. Nice fish!!
  10. And watch out for huge deep puddles on the road Ive come across five cars tonight stalled out because they went to fast through to deep water
  11. Ive had good success for pike on spinnerbaits particularly white and chartruese. Try the bay east of the park .We call it Valhalla Bay cause there is a sign there individual letters spelling Valhalla. Bass are eager to go on dropshot rigs in many places but my favourite is the point that extends out into the water just to the west of Porters Landing. The sandy point off Arthurs point has also proven bountiful. If you've got a week do some exploring. Restoule is a big lake and has tons of productive water. If you want to really explore try some of the surrounding backlakes. Hike up the falls at the west end of the lake and enjoy some excellent smallmouth fishing on Crooked Lake. Launch at Stormy and boat out of the docking bay to the NE you will see a big sand beach. Pull your boat up here and walk about 50 feet and you'll be on Hazel Lake which is full of Largemouth and some smaller musky. Good luck and dont forget to make a report when you come back.
  12. What no porn??? Welcome back .
  13. I enjoyed that Rich thanks for the vid. I kept waiting for the part with the big bass though LOL!!!!
  14. Buy a jon boat they are cheap to and way better fishing platform
  15. Thats what Ive done and Im glad I did that extra storage space is way more valuable than a brag box.
  16. According to my guru Mike Lazurus. Thats the way your supposed to troll. You sift the water starting shallow and working deeper with every pass. Its very effective as you now know
  17. I bleive ling are considered a coldwater species and the smaller shallow streams they are talking about are mountain tributaries. I could be wrong, but that behavior of gulping air from the surface is definately bowfin behavior. The pics are not the greatest quality as far as showing fins the profile photo looks like the fish is dried out some and the other photo show no features really. We see bowfin gulping on the surface like that all the time when we fish the Rankin System.
  18. That video leads me to beleive that they are dogfish/bowfin they can use their swim bladder as lungs and frequently gulp air from the surface if they are low on O2. The bowfin has a light covering of rounded, overlapping scales, a large mouth, and sharp teeth. Its swim bladder is capable of functioning as a lung, and the bowfin can survive out of water for a day. It prefers sluggish water and surfaces occasionally to gulp air.
  19. I dont think so shallow open water thats probably warm is not ling habitat. If its not a mudminnow it might be yoy( young of the year) bowfin Something I found about young freshwater burbot What is their life cycle? Burbot lay their eggs in the middle of winter under the ice, generally in January or February. They spawn at night in shallow water over sand or gravel. They do not make a nest - the eggs just drop to the bottom of the lake in shallow water. The eggs hatch after about thirty days and the young fish move into deeper water. Burbot have been known to live up to 20 years but most do not live more than a decade.
  20. Great Job Gerrit. I thank you for helping to protect ours and our childrens resources.
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