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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. I will say if it was possible I would have one of these guys in the back yard. Art
  2. View Advert hippo lost dog Art Advertiser aplumma Date 01/04/2019 Price Category Fishing Classifieds
  3. Very nice wish I was closer to attend. Art
  4. im pretty sure there is something I am missing but it appears this is not something that needs to be here. have a Great New Year Art
  5. Tom with a power boat you can fish more of what the river has to offer. The thrill of running a boat thru the thin water and rapids is amazing. Find the right guide and try it you will not regret it. Art
  6. Brian the river is famous for the small mouth bass population. It is a series of shallow water and rifts with a hard rocky bottom. You will find up to class 3 rapids between stretches that takes a special kind of boat and motor to run. The bottom of the boats are usually beefed up aluminum and some even have a hard plastic shield like the puck boards on a hockey rink. The Motors are a jet drive which draws water from the underside and accelerates it thru a snail shell cone providing thrust out the back for propulsion. Reverse is achieved by a bucket that drops over the drive outlet and redirects the water. The controls are moved forward to give you a better view of what is coming up before you hit it. My boat has an air boat steering assy on the left and the throttle on the right side. They are a very flat bottomed and wide boat to ride on top of the water making them draft less than 4 inches on plane. The motor is actually slightly higher or even with the bottom of the boat so damage is limited depending on what you hit. Art
  7. Thank you we are investing quite a bit of money lately as well as having Chad being our IT guru to get the site both secure and more fun to enjoy. This new path is the shot in the arm we have been looking for and to be honest it would have not been possible if Chad (blueye) had not stepped up and helped us so much. So give a thank you to Chad for all that he has done. Art
  8. Please no specific locations or illegal practices posted here. As we all know Canada does not allow pistols or open carry so discussing it from the USA point of view will do nothing but get this locked. I am sorry that fishing in some areas is dangerous not from wildlife but from our own kind. If you identify an area and enough people call the police it might get extra patrols or surveillance to calm it down. You should check with your local jurisdictions and see what personal protection is legally available to use in a dicey situation. One of the first things taught in crime prevention is to be aware of your surroundings and avoid areas that are considered dangerous. If you do go into an area that is dicey go with friends and have a phone handy to call for help. Thank you Art
  9. I usually do not hear that from someone who has a fishing rod in their hands. They may have a kmart special to start with but they are happy with it till they have felt a better rod. I refrain from criticizing anyones equipment choice since it might be the best they can afford and it is their pride and joy. If they show a real interest in fishing then I will explore if they want to use something else other than what they have. Once they decide they want to see other options we can explore bait caster vs spinning rods and line choices. There really is not a rod and reel that is a one size fits all and adding multi species has brought my rod collection to 30 or so combos. I am very fortunate to have had a long time friend who also is part of this board (spiel) build me some of the nicest rods I have had the fortune of owning. I hesitate to let others use them unless they have a fairly large fishing budget because as you know once you fish quality products it is hard to go back. Are you trying to put together a seminar or a book.booklet for others to read? Art
  10. Dave this is not to be sarcastic but it usually is what are you fishing for followed by have you caught anything. I am going to assume that is not what you are after but rather what is the most often asked question they ask to improve their ability to catch fish. At this point I will then explain what I am fishing for and what lure I am using and how. The question I anticipated is How are you catching the fish and what are you using. If they show more interest then I will invite them to fish with me in the near future. The lessons then focus on why are the fish where the fish are and why are they feeding. This is more important than what lure you use at this time. Once they can eliminate large areas of unproductive water then it is time to teach them how to identify and trigger the bite. After this information is given I will then allow them to guide me and follow their choices and if right we have a good trip if it is wrong I will ask them why they decided those choices after we have tried it and failed to land fish. Eventually they all use the tools of fishing to solve the puzzle and this can be used in any water anytime. Hope this helps Art
  11. ajoburegad has been a member for 37 minutes a new record in being banned. Please do not spam the site it ends badly for you, Thank you Art
  12. You are showing all of the signs of a worn out oil delivery system. This could be due to a leak or the pump is going bad. The reason the thicker oil is allowing the sensor to be quiet is it is creating back pressure between the pump and the sensor. This is usual for a high wear on the pump situation. The mechanics are correct that is the issue and the noises you expect are the damage done after a low pressure has allowed excessive wear on the motor. You can either run it till it blows up and replace the engine or replace it before it blows up but it is going to blow at some place or time. If you have a second vehicle or if it blows it will not be stressful then let it eat. If you travel in it and it is the only car then consider repairing it or replacing it at your convenience. With high mileage vehicle I hesitate to replace major components when the rest of the vehicle is the same age. Good luck Art
  13. Vey nice looking fish you got there. Glad you enjoyed them. Art
  14. To keep this open I did some editing to get it back in line. Please be courteous and respect other opinions. Going down the same road as before will end this thread. Thanks Art
  15. Many of the high end knifes I make are finished using a glass plate and wet sandpaper working up to 3000 grit. The finished edge when sharpened using the ultra fine grits do not create a burr so the edge is super sharp. I have since switched to using diamond honing paste and balsa wood which it actually not only leaves a burr free edge but it micro polishes it to a laser type shine when you rotate it in the light. Take your time and be precise is the way to get a wicked sharp edge. Art
  16. The funny part is I bet people rushed out and bought one just like we do now because it looked like it would work. Art
  17. That IT I cant sit back and watch someone looking like President Lincoln beating a dead horse for 5 minutes any longer. Looks like this thread has run its course and should be put to sleep. Art
  18. Very cool she has the right views on life. Art
  19. Very cool , but be careful you can fall in love with ocean fishing and soon you will have another type of fishing to spend money on. Art
  20. I hear you Chris I am not happy when anyone walks away from a debt. I own a plumbing company and personally if a deal is struck I will lose money on a job that I have given my word on before I will break my word. Art
  21. I love to hear things like this Brian when a company is so close to the employees that it is a family type atmosphere. I have found this is possible when a company is small enough to stay in touch with each other and they have the family picnics and know the employees family members by name. The reality is when a company goes from this to being a company with shareholders and policies that affect 100's to 1,000's of employees it has to be done with a broad sweeping brush that does not try to make everyone happy but tries to give something to everyone while protecting the shareholders that they answer too. I am not saying it is fair nor will I say it is always right but it is the way business is done. I have stocks as most of us do and if a company keeps losing money whether the reason is it is trying to be nice to the employees or it is failing for any reason we will pull out of the company as an investor. The deals that may have been made in the past had a way for GM to legally close the plant regardless of if it has or has not repaid the debt to ?Canada? Sorry I do not know anything about the loan so I can't speak on it. If they are walking away from a debt then it appears the penalty for doing that is less than telling the shareholders that they lost 4-6 billion dollars. I will watch to see how this unfolds because it appears there is a piece missing. A major company does not close down a division in a foreign country unless it is no longer profitable to keep it there. It could be union demands are excessive, the cost of electricity and materials are to high, or government subsidies are being lessened and eating away at the profits. The biggest and hardest thing for people to do is to distance themselves mentally from the fact that a business has to survive first before it can have any compassion for the employees. While harsh it is business 101 similar to cutting off a gangrene rotting foot to save the life of the person. It is not the first choice nor a pleasant choice that has repercussions down the line but the person lives to fight another day. Art
  22. I am surprised to read how many people think that this is personal. The GM pull out has nothing to do with it being Canada but everything to do with keeping the company alive and profitable. We see this all over the place in many countries even down to the the cities. A Home Depot closes down when a Lowes moves into the area then they both pull out when they are no longer selling to the new construction boom that was going on. The Lodges up North that sell or close when they people no longer want to travel that far for poor fishing conditions. Business are there to make a product that generates a profit not to make sure that the people who are employed have a job. How many times have you heard of a a man starting a business and failing meaning he has sold everything he owns of value and now has a future of debt and the hard times of rebuilding his finances. The employees then have offered to work for free and give back some of the money they earned to save the owner. This only happens in the movies folks most people say tough luck you made a grab for the brass ring and missed. Now let this man create a business that makes him rich and now he is the bad guy because he has been rewarded for taking the chance and making smarts decisions. Art
  23. Bass are heading out to the secondary weed lines. As you look at the weeds when they are dying back the O2 levels start to go down which pushes the minnows out further. Look for areas that have deeper weeds and baitfish still present. Once you find them a rattling crankbait is a good bet as the day warms up meaning getting up at the crack of dawn is no longer needed. While scouting a bonus on the secondary weedline is warmer water even if it is only a degree or two. I look for rock points or feeder creeks entering the lake or large masses of rock that hold the heat. The fish are feeding in smaller areas and less often so slow down the presentation using a rattling pig and jig or blade lures jigged up and down. While you are moving about some of the minnows are now balling up in deeper water and fishing the edges and underside is a good way to find fish that are actively feeding. Try not to break the ball up with noise or casting into the middle of it. If you do come on a busted ball that you feel was not because of you then send a rattle trap thru the middle of it looking for feeding fish. Hope this helps Art
  24. Nice Job that is a couple of cold water jewels. Art
  25. I am still running a 1989 Fiberglass Ranger boat and the only issue I had to address was where the floatation foam in the floor had shrunk and the glass needed to be reinforced and leveled. As others have said a good boat well taken care of can last a lifetime. Art
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