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Everything posted by trapshooter

  1. Backyard walleye, that's tough to beat!! Nice job Simon.
  2. Thanks everyone. Simon, we'll set something up when things aren't quite as busy as they are now. I'm looking fwd. to it already. Jacques - good to see C&R is working for you as well. Never thought of that method.
  3. Lady luck was on my side today and I boated a couple picture worthy walleye. The bite has been good but they come through in waves. It'll be dead for 20 mins then fast action for a while, then dead again. All the nice female spawners are still hanging near the current areas. Makes them pretty easy to target at this time of year. Makes catch and release on those big females all the more important. Speaking of C&R, we caught the same 24" walleye two times in 15 mins. She had a big scar on her side so we knew it was the same fish. Anyhow, here's some fish porn. This 27.5"er was my 3rd fish of the day.... 5 mins in At the end of the day we stopped back at the spot where I got the 27.5" and low and behold.... another nice walleye. 27"
  4. It works like a charm with smaller fish. Personally, I've never tried it with big walleye but Colin has a lot of pics like that. They must think they're sitting belly to bottom or something.
  5. low 40's. There's pockets of warmer surface water but it was pretty cold in the current.
  6. Woke up to a nice dusting of snow, -10 windchill and gusts to 50k's... must be walleye opener The morning was pretty much a write off with the wind, snow and cold. We launched after 3 and fished till 8. We went straight to a large current area where the lake bottlenecks down. Spawning walleye + current = good fishing. We ended up boating around 35 walleye and topped out with two fish at 26.75" My buddy Colin with some nice walleyes. another angle There's opener 09 in the books
  7. a 43 is an awesome pike!! Congrats Steve, nice guiding.
  8. That's fantastic! Congratulations! We'd love to see some pictures of esox from Spain.
  9. Oh, I see. Just give them a call or you can even subscribe on their web site.
  10. Their web site http://www.esoxanglermagazine.com/ seems to be showing the winter issue still. Can't be long though, check chapters and ask them when it's due to hit the shelves.
  11. Raf - I must have been turkey hunting when this hit the board. Thanks for another great weekend of 'ice out trout'. It's always a hoot hanging out with you guys for a few days. Good luck with the pike - hopefully your weather is better then ours.
  12. Nice... I hope you get into some muskies out east.
  13. Simon, too funny... we have the exact same boat... my 30 yammy is an 07 though. They are making them now rigged out with flat floors/casting deck in front and a split bench at the back for the tiller. They've got a couple in town and look really sweet. Anyhow.... good report man. Gotta love NW Ontario..... pretty classic walleye opener! You'll get some fish though, if you put your time in. I can't wait to jig some walleye again We'll definitely have to get out on LS this summer my friend.
  14. Congrats on your PB walleye!! That's a good Kawartha fish for sure.
  15. fish house! Nice haul Bob.
  16. Nice carp man! That must have been a blast to do battle with. Congrats.
  17. Good 'job' Simon! Hey, some in-season Bass! Another reason to love NW Ontario.
  18. Don't listen to the critics.... congrats on your PB Bass - great looking fish!!
  19. That is a great looking cat!! Congrats man!
  20. Deep V aluminum would be my choice. Like others said, however, it depends how/where you want to use it. Do some research and weigh the pro's and con's of both.
  21. I'll start by saying that I'm Lowarnce guy.... but I've heard (however, unconfirmed) reports that Lowarnce is having problems with the internal antennas on the new HDS units. Something you may want to research more before you drop the big bucks on a HDS unit. I agree with getting the largest screen size you can afford, and colour is not just a luxury - it's the real deal, totally awesome. Look into a Lowrance X-37. It's not HD but it is one sweet GPS/Sonar combo. Good luck!!
  22. Congrats on the double!! I'm eating tag soup after passing up about 10 jakes (did get 1 tom though).
  23. Sinker, you sly dog!! That's some awesome fishing and hunting. Congrats buddy.
  24. Awesome report guys!! Felt like I was right along with you. Your new boat looks amazing Mike - great way to break her in too.
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