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Everything posted by joonmoon

  1. UMMMMM .......I dunno....??????????
  2. What an awesome machine gotta git me one of dem babies.
  3. Come on now if you take away the power of a CO then you get more poachers and cheaters, same goes for the police. They are there to protect us and the fish/game. If we attack them with attitude then you are gonna get whats comin to ya. If they have a reason to search then they will and all the power to them and when they find you're clean then fine and dandy off they go. Treat them like dirt and you will get treated the same. I wish everyone would see the world from their point of view cause who's the first to complain that there are white bucket brigades out on the river or lake and complaining that they have more than one rod in the water....if you see it report it doesn't matter if the law comes right away or not. If you wait and see whether they get busted or not for your own enjoyment then you are reporting them for the wrong reason. Follow the regs and the laws and you're fine...I've said my peace and hope I haven't offended anyone in doing so, it was not my intention but rather only to voice my opinion.
  4. There is a difference in power tripping cops/CO's and the guys who actually have reasonable doubt / suspicion about someone. The best thing is to behave and you got no probs. If the CO violates your rights and you are clean then file a complaint and have his superiors take care of it. If you aren't illegal then you got nothing to worry about right! If you are illegal somehow then you deserve to burn for it. If you are illegal then you have forfetted your rights already right!
  5. Aren't we all here for the same reason...? This board is the meeting that I have to go to everyday, its part of rehab. When ya can't fish ya come here and talk about it or read about it. When ya go fishin ya come here after to tell about it...same as goin to a meeting................................................................................................................................................................................Hi my name is Joonmoon and I'm addicted......lol. Your therapy is to fish.............lol.
  6. Stock it with Skis and maybe get some tigers...yaaaaa.
  7. Too bad about your luck but don't give up on it. The very low levels this year with minimal rainfall has the fish stacked in the weeds and the deeper water at the rip rap and the dam. Try again and don't try to cover so much water but rather work a smaller area harder. The fish are there and the conditions were tough thats all.
  8. Thanks guys really appreciate your help. Hopefully the fish are as helpful too...lol. I will post fur sure upon my return.
  9. Your daughter has proven it can be done on low budget equipment. WTG guess she didn't wanna hold the fish for a photo...can't blame her though. Nice job.
  10. Nice Ski. What lake?
  11. Anyone here know where to throw in my Crawdad into Cameron Lake in Fenelon Falls? We've never been fishin there and don't need a ramp. A park or beach picnic type area would be all we need. I know the marina is there but prefer not use it, usually too busy especially on the long weekend. Any help or ideas would be appreciated.
  12. They encourage you to take your limit of pike but catch and release only for largies. I usually fish there in the spring and really early summer and don't return until freeze up. Here's a few pics from this year and few from years past.
  13. Hey Bro awesome video. Good job with the sound edits too. Gordon Pittock Jungle Video....lol.
  14. Hey Cliff, glad to hear things are going your way. Gus and I are trying to plan a day or two to Musky fish in a month or so, we will be in touch. I have some gifts for you and your newest venture. Some l/m oil and 2 stroke cleaner oil made by Tanaka, works like slick 50 as it lubes. I have a couple of Ryobi weed trimmers for ya, should be able to get parts from one to make the other work for ya you can have and I need a tune-up on a Ryobi leaf blower. As well as some asst. Mcculloh engine parts you are more than welcome to have, I think they are from weed wackers and/or chainsaws. Most of the parts were scrapped out from work before I changed careers. All the best to you and Sue cya soon.
  15. Ya always a good time with the kids wettin a line...I ended up with 5 sunnies and a WGSF and gadget nabbed a sunny and a crappie. Did have a largie on the tail of my grub for a few seconds but when I lifted it out of the water it let go, only about 3" long...lol.
  16. You could mix it up a little and have a smallest fish pot for a day...everyone throw in a duece and the smallest fish caught wins. How about a multi-species prize for and outing or an ugliest fish prize. Anyway I'm sure you'll have a good trip and enjoy the nature too, fresh air will do you wonders.
  17. My buddy Inspector Gadget and I decided we needed to get his nefews out for a morning of panfishin. Zach caught the first fish with his new rod and reel he got for his B-day. His younger bro Conner was not to be outdone and landed this beauty Sunny. We had a blast fishing some local ponds and plan to do it again soon. The kids really enjoy fishing and don't get a chance to go very often so we'll get em out for some action again real soon. If all else fails with the fish at least there's plenty of nature to explore and frogs to chase.
  18. Hey good job on the clean up Banger . I always do the same when I'm there too. I don't know why people think its ok to throw away their garbage at or on the water . Guess they weren't brought up very well with the environment in mind . Too bad about your fish, but hey ya got some and yes if the water level drops anymore there will be none left .
  19. Ahhh YJ's yes gotta luv their persistance and sneakyness....I too have them nesting behind my window shutters and in the wood siding. Found them while trying to remove the shutters and scraping the siding to repaint. A can of wasp/bees spray did the job for me. Had to remove a papernest hanging from the soffit last year. I went up at nite and put the nest in a ziplock bag and zipped it off the soffit, nice and neat. I also have a really large nest in the tree up about 20' in my backyard. That one can wait til winter target practice with snowballs. Good luck and don't forget to seal up any where they can get in.
  20. A fine young gentlemen named BIG BASS RICH!!!!
  21. Hey Lew I hear ya...my wife and I decided to fish Chesley Lake up in Grey/Bruce on Sunday and as soon as church got out so did all the jerks. Jetskiers, skiers, and cruisers pullin tubers. Got swamped twice in the Crawdad and couldn't believe how close they were getting to wake us, when they had tons of room in the entire lake to rip around and burn/waste gas. We exited the guantlet as soon as the electric trolling motor would get us off the lake. Needless to say I won't be returning on a long weekend anytime soon and we left without paying the launch fee, screw them....bible camp my butt.
  22. Shades Mill is part of the GRCA and it gets a bacteria problem due to the lack of freshwater running into the pond. With the dry and humid temps the past few weeks it can become a breeding ground for bacteria and with the run-off from farmers feilds it only gets worse. The fish are fairly clean but I wouldn't swim there if they are telling ya the levels are high.
  23. Nice work Bro for an afternoon on the pond. You know you can always pop over and I'll help ya eat dem dar Crappies...lol. WGSF is as BBR would say WORLDS GREATEST SPORTFISH, referring to Rockbass.
  24. I have 2 gel batteries I use for my electric trolling motor only. They were 1 year old and used on a scooter when I got them. By charging them on a slow trickle charge of 2 amps they have lasted me several years. The trick is to totally drain them before charging or they will pick up a memory and only allow so much charge. Check out the type of battery you have and go by the manufacturers stats for charging it. Hope this helps good luck.
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