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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Sounds to me like someone got schooled No worries, he'll be there waiting for ya next time you get out on the water !! Cheers !!!
  2. TJ, Agree with the boys above... Although its a cool thing to see the action of the bait and just that would probably sway me to purchase such a bait,it sure would convince me even more if a fish took the bait during the clip.... Cheers !!
  3. Welcome to our site !!! Great reports and pics,keep them coming
  4. Happy birthday Roy !!!!!!! Hope you get that 50+ your lookin for today !!!
  5. Guys, I know Jeff and he has been a good freind of mine for a long time...He goes up to the lake in July with his family every year and has been for the past twenty years. He has two boys and a wife and they all partake in fishing especially walleye. He knows and follows the MNR rules very carefully. Yes he may be a meat hunter of sorts but his family does enjoy eating the walleye they catch and I can guarantee that you could check his freezer in the cabin while up there and you will never find he is over his legal limit and when he leaves camp the fish are transported exactly to MNR code. Is this treading on the edge of fishing unethics.....perhaps but it is his familys legal right to take home their possesion limit reguadless. Jeff can fish all he wants after their limit is filled but he must release all from that point. I have fished with Jeff over the years and showed him walleye fishing techniques that will take fish when everyone else is getting skunked and he has got quite good at it. Also he is quite a personality while in camp and sometimes folks tend to get a little ticked off. Anyways I guess what I'm saying is,not all may seem as you see it up front. Cheers !!!!
  6. More of a hunter gatherer thing for me. Runs strong in my family roots. Great uncle was a hunter/conservation officer in Austrian mountain range and most of my cousins from there are butchers... Fishing just happens to be part of the big picture of aquiring another sorce of food. Don't get me wrong though because I do fish for sport as well. Cheers !!
  7. Good to see your post . Many have come to join us here in our comunity for different reasons,some in thanx,some looking for strength and some just cause they feel the need to share but in the end its all part of a bigger picture. You have given a big part of yourself over the years to us, the fishing community and now its time we return the gesture.....Glad we could help you out Jim, stay strong...... Tight Lines... Chris
  8. Baaaa bump Go Joey Go Joey
  9. Now theres a happy camper !!!! Yup,Looks like you got yourself a full time fishin partner there for sure...
  10. Sorry to here about your friends passing and the circumstances revolving around it. You have our deepest condolences..... Chris
  11. Must be a catchy thing cause this band even wrote a song about them
  12. I'm with Danbo on this one. Get a canoe or even a smaller John boat. I do alot of fishing in the ponds around London so I got a little experience on the subject. I'm hard on equipment and I'm not so sure an dingy would of stood up to my clumbsyness like the canoe has all these years let alone all the sharp point stuff that you find around the edges of these ponds. Good Luck !!
  13. Aron, Long time for sure. Good to here your doing well and with a little fisher one on the way...Say hello to Kronik !!! We missed you guys, Chris
  14. The Lund is pretty tuff ...Throw an OFC sticker over it and be done with it Really,I think Bite Me had the right idea with the filler.........then the OFC sticker !!! Good Luck
  15. Dang !!!! Now that is a wallhanger if I ever saws one......plain nasty !!! Great report bubba
  16. Was not I
  17. If your going with a do everything spinning outfit go with a 7ft medium action pole. Good Luck
  18. Ive been snackin on him since the fall and plenty more to go....Mostly stove top cookin though cause I find the BBQ tends to dry out the meat to much and leaves it to chewy..... Cheers !!!
  19. Roy, Prize table ??? Walleye tourney Perhaps ????
  20. Well, happy family of course especially my wife, thats a gimme but what really makes me a happy boy is a huge buck laying at my feet at the end of the day...... Cheers !!!
  21. Hmmmmm,your first post ?? If its not to much of a bother perhaps you could introduce yourself so we know who we are talkin to....Just another social quirk thing we got on this board. People usually respond better to someone they feel they can connect with at the begining Cheers !!
  22. Nice slab Beats Looking forward to hereing more about your weigh in adventure's...Hope you got the new Ontario record bud !!!!! Good Luck
  23. You really don't beleive that do ya ????? What about the September Lakair G2G coming up or the BOQ G2G's that happen a couple times of year and all the rest of the G2G's that take place at different times of the year throughout Ontario. This is one of the reasons we decided to add the Community portion of OFC..Its also become a family oriented board that offers up more than just fishing related material but also day to day stuff that happens in our family lives....It brings us closer to one another and creates bonding friendships... Hope you have a great day on the water.......... Cheers !!
  24. That is one sweet lookin smallie !!!! Cheers !!
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