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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Happy Birthday guys !!!!!
  2. Hope all involved make a speedy recovery....... Chris
  3. Sorry to here about your friend. You have my condolences...
  4. Well done Joey !!!! Thats a hellava fish.......
  5. Rick, Good to here Jack got threw his surgery and he's on the mend. Cheers !!!
  6. Sweet crappie there Glen !!!!! Must of put up quite the tussel....
  7. Congradulations Gerritt !!!
  8. Glen, Good to see your feelin better and gettin out again Glen although them there fish are a little bit on the small side from what we are used to seein from you....exept fer them radio active brain wave crappies that is...
  9. Very nice doe !!!! She will be a good eater for sure...... This is what I was up to last night.... Grinding up 30 pounds of trimmings into venison burger...yum yum Enjoy !!
  10. TJ, How many would you like ???? As far as I know thats a blue in my avitar. I can dig up the rest for ya !!!!
  11. Thanks folks....This has been one of the best deer hunts for me in a long while and as you can imagine I'm pretty exited about it....Now its only 6 months away for turkey season !!!!!!
  12. Good shootin Jen !!!! I bet your pumped up for next season already.......... WTG !!!!!
  13. That was just an accumilation of beer bottles from the course of the week. We hung out there after hunting was over and whooped it up a little
  14. Well,the hunt has came to an end and the work is done. If your squeemish when it comes to butcher shop material then turn the other way cause this is the real deal folks......enjoy !!!! Cheers !!
  15. Well today was a beautiful day. Only minus 1 which made it one of the warmer days of the week. Started off with a morning sit which brought nothing and then did a drive at about 10.30am. Our dogger put up five does to me and I chose the biggest and let a shot go. thank god for ATV's or it would of took forever to drag her up out of that ravine. Anyhow we have one more day to hunt after today and one more tag to fill..... Cheers !!!
  16. Just got back in from my day out hunting. My good friend Jim took a button buck this morning...Thats two hangin in the barn now !!!! Wonder what tomorrow will bring us. Just to let everyone know,the tenderloins of my buck where carved out and cooked up the same day I shot him. Absolutely delicious !!!!! Cheers !!
  17. Thanx for all your support folks. I still have four more days left to hunt and about six more tags to fill.. Man I love Ontario........
  18. Well my first day of muzzel loader season came and went with a BANG !!! This big fella decided to cross me up coming out of a ravine and I took him down in one clean shot. Never knew what hit him.... Today's hunt didn't go as well....Day three tomorrow..... Cheers !!!
  19. Roy,beleive it or not......everyone forgot their cameras at home last night...Geeeeeezzzzz !!!!!!
  20. Ok Glen,now I'm really hungry and its only 7.23 am... Great report bud...Wish I could of been there to help you out with that mess of fish... Now excuse me while I go fix up a bowl of cereal.....
  21. Had a great time !!! It was nice meeting up with some of the London members and chowin down some wings.Lookin forward to our next London G2G.... Cheers !!!
  22. Count me in !!!
  23. Soon as possible and then we can have another one after Christmass and then again during the fishing show.....
  24. Beautiful fish Brian.....I bet Deg's got the fever bad now !!!!!
  25. Very rare footage Wayne.......Consider yourself lucky to capture it all on film...... Whats that I smell cookin ????
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