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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. 1 $=100 cents (true ) >>>> $1.00=100¢ 100= 10 X 10 (true) >>>> $1.00= 102¢ 10 = 0.1 (true) >>>> $1.00= $0.1X10 (multiple is ten..not exponent) 0.1 X 0.1 = 0.01 true ) >>>> To make this true both sides must be multiplied by 0.1 not just one side sooooo >>>> soooooooo 100 = 0.01 >>>> $0.10=10¢ thus >>>> thus 100 cents (1$) = 0.01 (1c) >>>> 100cents=100cents
  2. There are lots of municpal bylaws that are not only ridiculous, but likely illegal. Put the boat in your driveway. If you get a ticket for it, take it to court. In the interim, find out exactly what is legal and not legal. If they do not mention 30 foot inflatable gorrillas, put one of those in your driveway. Often times it takes a bit of silliness to show others their stupidity. Peaceful civil disobedience goes a long way at times. I know in my town they had some silly provision about fence materials and some guy was put on the docket for council every single week to make the same speach asking them to repeal it. By law they have to give you an audience. Finally the town got tired of him and issued some 'revisions.'
  3. I'me getting lots of PM's about signing up. Honestly I get so many that odds are I will miss many requests, so I won't add people through the PM. We also want to be sure you read the rules so you don't drive your captain nuts. Sign up by posting to the official sign up thread... Click here
  4. Welcome to the toruney guys, welcome Malcom to team 6, Hearing Fish to team 3 and fishdawg to team 9! Still lots of time to sign up. Captains welcome your team mates.
  5. I know one day I will be faced with this decision. I hope I have the courage to do what is right for my dogs, as you have done, and not be tempted to appease my own suffering and prolong my pet's. Sorry for your loss.
  6. One of our TV show friends here also had nothing but problems trying to run dipseys on the Okumas. They just kept slipping on him. There's nothing wrong with the Ugly Sticks. They last forever and a day. I've got one that is 25 yrs old and still gets to see the water once in a while. I have a Shimano rod too and it is also very nice.
  7. http://www.snopes.com/politics/gasoline/gasout.asp
  8. Won't pretty much any key switch work as a replacement? $175 to fix a $10 problem seems like bad engineering.
  9. What Gerritt rally wants to know is if you actually have any beer.
  10. According to an international poll done by the BBC, Canada is the most 'positively viewed' country in the world. Of course, we already knew that.. http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/stor...?hub=TopStories
  11. Okay..clearly few have actually read the page which is being referred to. The resolutions are POLICY resolutions passed by the caucus and not bills in front of the House. The Liberals are not in power, the Conservatives are. Resolution 42 was withdrawn from the party's platform after numerous errors were found. Resolution 47 is still on the table (although its contents were not disclosed, they were called 'offensive') as a resolution to POLICY, not law. Read first, then rant. The tired old NRA logic that banning people hunting guns will lead to the banning of legitimate hunting guns has never held water here. If you really need an AK-47, hunt something less armored.
  12. Make it a double good deed and take the cash tot he Humane Society! Good job on the puppy rescue. Hopefully Karma gives you a reward!
  13. His house is also 20X bigger than the average house and he buys 'Green Power', which is electricity from renewable, non-polluting resources which costs him 4X the normal electricty rates.
  14. Human ashes are primarily made of phosphate, calcium and sulphate. Depositing someones ashes in the water is far less of a pollutant that what was dumped via the persons sewage when they were alive. Instead, by embalming, we place many toxic chemicals into the ground which eventually make their way into the water supply. Trying to make a comparison between a river in India and one here is a bit of a stretch. Here's the chemical composition of human ashes....there are also dozens of trace elements found.. * Phosphate 47.5% * Calcium 25.3% * Sulfate 11.00% * Potassium 3.69% * Sodium 1.12% * Chloride 1.00% * Silica 0.9% * Aluminum oxide 0.72% There aren't enough dead people in Toronto to have an adverse reaction to the water supply if everyone did as the Hindus did. As for me..as I have said before..send me down the water at Burleigh Falls.
  15. SO if it is so expensive, why y'all still driving big trucks? Don't buy it..plain and simple. It isn't a scam, it is supply and demand. Everyone got stupid and panic bought and the price went up. If everyone went out and bought ten heads of lettuce today, what would be the price of lettuce tomorrow? Gasoline and lettuce onlycost what someone is willing to pay. If you want someone to blame, have a look in the mirror. YOU SET THE GAS PRICES. The supply will come back. And we ship most of it out cause we drill and refine more than we can use. But if you ship it here from Alberta, how much would it cost then? You guys are funny sometimes. There are towns up north that only have Esso stations and since they have no alternative, they must buy from Esso. Esso must, in turn, take gas from around here and send it there.
  16. Just got home and saw the amage. Man..nasty stuff. Hope this isn't a precursor for this summer! Glad to hear you is okay, redneck!
  17. Snow, freesing rain and regular rain. Perhaps locusts as well. Stay tuned, here comes another! Thursday afternoon and evening should be messy in Ontario (south). Afternoon rush will be a mess in TO and Niagara.
  18. Well there's something you don't hear every day.
  19. It may also break the ice from the shore or create a big pressure crack. Be aware!
  20. Team nine is in first place....and bly still hasn't got her stuff out of storage yet!
  21. Next Monday will be a good 'buy' day.
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