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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. My thoughts are with you Rob and Chris.... Believe..
  2. <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
  3. Be safe driving out there. Freezing rain and snow coming tonight and tomorrow morning. Arrive alive!
  4. Let's keep this one civil please. Lots of blame for high oil prices...including those willing to pay it. Anything that is for sale is only worth what you can get for it.
  5. Nice fish guys. Honestly, though cliff, I think a tie for first or second is more accurate. The second place fish is listed as 35 inches with a 10 inch girth......sounds more like an eel. As for the others...some people either got funny measuring tapes or have trouble converting from metric.
  6. Also http://www.naturalwondersangling.com
  7. Well I don't know what the definition of 'sportfish' is, so I can't respond to that, but jeez carper...I don't understand the hostility. There are many who would like to see carp gone since they are a non-native species. I'd like to see chinook salmon gone, myself, but I don't see many people getting quite so riled about it. Lots os people enjoy carp fishing, and like it or not, they are here to stay. We might as well learn to like them and adapt like the environment does.
  8. Are carp a non-native species? Yes... But so are chinook salmon, rainbow trout and smallmouth bass. The carp's size and feeding method does lead to some habitat damage but nearly ever lake that has them, has adapted to it. Good thing about nature....it an usually survive whatever stupidity we throw at it.
  9. So Sorry for your loss, Rich. I applaud you for the selflessness to end your friends suffering. I only hope that if faced with the same dilemma, I have the courage to dow hat you did.
  10. Here's a difference between the police and teenagers. Police are expected and trained to act professional at all times. I have had nothing but courteous officers in my experiences..and I expect that. That is what I pay them for. Protect me and be a polite public servant. Kids are under no such similar obligation other than what their parents teach them. A professional police officer must accept verbal attitude as part of his daily job. I accept it in mine and do not get physical with people who cross the line...and I have had people get far, far worse than those kids got and I get it from 'adults' who should know better. The police have a much higher obligation to behave than does a 14 yr old kid...and if a 14 mouthy kid gets under the skin of a veteran officer, it does not bode well for his demeanor in more trying and urgent circumstances.
  11. Kirk what you fail to understand is that if your house burns down to the ground and it is because of knob and tube wiring, and you did not report you have knob and tube wiring, your insurance is INVALID. We supplied the report to the insurance company stating we had been inspected for electrical and it was fine. I do not own a 400,000 home. I am not sweating the 2,000. I am merely annoyed that someone who passes themselves off as a professional was either incompetent or negligent in their duties. Either way, their idiocy cost me alot of money. In my job, if I or my staff costs a customer money due to error, the money is refunded immediately.
  12. I am not an electrician. Popping open the panel would have meant nothing to me. This is why you hire someone who is supposed to know what to look for. The panel is not grandfathered because it has been altered. Coin cannot be recovered through sale since there is already a pending offer on the house. According to the agency overseeing the home inspectors, I actually do have a valid claim since the inspector was negligent and stated he had checked the wiring for knob and tube when clearly he did not. I will keep you posted. If this does not pan out for me I will never use an inspector again. Complete waste of money if there is no protection for me. It would be like getting a car safety and all four wheels fall off the next day.
  13. Thanks for the info Roy. I found out that this guy is certified through CAHFI and I may have recovery through them.
  14. I am in the process of selling my home. I'm on my second offer cause the first one fell through. The first one fell through because the inspector found some old knob and tube wiring. It was up to code, but insurance companies don't like it. So kudos to that inspector for finding it. My rant is that I paid good money five years ago to have the same inspection done and the wiring was not found. The inspector who found it this time said it was pretty much Day 1 insepctor school stuff. I had an electrician in today (who is a good friend and going to replace the wiring very cheaply..but still going to cost me $2,000 cause it goes into two walls and a ceiling). The electrician said either the first inspector was an idiot or he just didn't look at the wiring. Considering the house is 100 yrs old, that should be one of the main things they hunt for since insurance companies make it a big deal. A simple ground fault indicator shows ungrounded and potentially bad circuits...it seems my inspector must have not done it, or did it and didn't report his fisnings. I have the report still and will be talking to him.If he doesn't see it my way I will be sure to warn all my friends about the incompetence I have noted. Now there's no way I am not going after the inspector who messed up. Im my opinion had he done his job, the previous owners would have had to foot the bill for the wiring and not me having to do it now, since you can't sell a house this way. I also have to get a new panel cause the one I have is also nowhere near code. Am I wrong?? Shouldn't someone who is a professional be held accountable for negligent work? In my line of work I have given back customers thousand sof dollars due to staff errors. Not a big deal to me...my staff's mistake should never cost my customers money.
  15. You know..for a few thousand bucks i know someone that could have fixed all this confusion for them
  16. I have some trouble..can I call you at home bly? When is Cliff at work?
  17. yes it is two pikes with one head stuck inside the gill flap of another.
  18. Either string method or doctor method, bud. http://www.aafp.org/afp/20010601/2231.html
  19. I received a ticket to day for the Spring Fishing Show from Fishing World.I thought it was cancelled... turns out it wasn't...well sorta. Apparently the people running it bailed on the 'Spring Fishing Show' but in it's place there is the 'Spring Fishing and Boating Show' under new management. Same place, same weekend. Word to the organizers...let guys like us know about stuff like this. We kinda have connections
  20. It has been a long time since I bought a used boat, but the last time I did the had all the breakdowns on the purchase (insurance wanted the items listed seperately on the bill of sale) and only charged me tax on the trailer. If anyone ever wnted tax for the boat/motor, no one ever asked me for it. If I sold you a fridge, you would not have to pay tax for it. But there is certainly no doubt that the gov't does not make it easy for us to figure out. After buying a new boat once, I did get a letter from the gov't asking for proof of tax paid. I called number and told them it was bought froma dealer and never heard another thing about it. If you buy a boat without a trailer, to whom and how would you pay tax? They don't ask for much other than proof of purchase when you register it.
  21. I've only ever paid tax on the trailer on used boats. New boats the dealer collects. Never had anyone come back to me for more money. I'm pretty sure that th MTO is only allowed to collect tax on the trailer since they have no jurisdiction on the boat.
  22. It's been four weeks since Jacks surgery. He's coming along quite well. I now have to remind him to slow down on the walks. He is getting back to his old self...demanding belly rubs and wants to play fetch and stuff. We were at my vet yesterday for the first time since the surgery. He said he was amazed Jack was even walking considering the damage done to the knee. He reminded me it would be six months before he will be able to be free-running again. He still has quite a limp..some days more than others. But he is coming along nicely. I am very happy that I do not have to carry him outside anymore (but my back is much happier). He has surprised me by jumping up on the couch a few times so I have to keep a constant eye on him when he is out of the crate. He occasionally yelps when he does somethig not-quite-right but remembering my knee surgery, I was the same for about 6 weeks. He is getting bored now and misses his rother, but I am waiting another 4 weeks before bringing home my other pup from my moms place. I want to be reasonably sure he is much better before I allow the two of them together. I'll post pics later if I get the chance.
  23. Talapia, walleye and fresh haddock are are quite non-fishy. Add minced scallions and lemon to the frying pan to really knock down the fish taste.
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