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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. I got to see it in action on TonyB's boat ...it was amazing. You don't really understand what is going on down there with currents and stuff till you see that. The trolling speed at the cannonball is so much different than the surface speed and being able to adjust for the currents means more fish!
  2. No it isn't. It is the best ecological approach. It feeds the crayfish and bait fish. You keep those nutrients in the food chain. That is where the guts would have ended up had the fish died of natural causes. It is best to dump in about 10 ft of water where the bottom has a high oxygen level.
  3. Yeah. Tony has a device right above the cannonball that measures temp and speed..I think it was called a FishHawk. It was interesting to watch. Surface temps from 71 to 74 degrees and 25 feet down it was in the 40's!
  4. It took me 9 hours to write this and set it visible so here ya go!
  5. It took some time but we finally got everyone's schedule to line up so that Tony, Julie and I could get out together for a trip on Lake O. The weather report did not look promising with 25 Km/h SW winds and storms predicted. So we decided to run out of Dalhousie. The previous days NNE winds would likely have pushed the bait and oxygen to the south western shore, so we had some protection and a likely baitfish location. We left the launch at 6:00 am. Headed out to the 'red sky in the morning'..uh oh...but it was a lovely sight.<br /> <br />Tony quickly got the set ups going... Two riggers, two dipseys. We could have ran two more rods, but four seemed like plenty.<br /> <br/ > Soon, we were trolling. The current below the surface was amazingly 2 MPH faster than the current above. The surface speed would read 1.8 MPH but the speed at the cannon ball was much quicker! The speed had to be adjusted each time we changed directions. Tony's attention to details like that was impressive, to say the least. I can see why he won the boat last year! We found the baitfish..FAST! Tons of baitfish..the baitballs were incredible and they were everywhere. <br /> <br />You can see the fish working the bait!<br /> Julie was on the hotseat first. Within a few minutes..bang! A big chinook on...but it was shortlived. The mature salmon are already turning to their fall colours and the males are already developing the big kipes and teeth. Hookups, even with sticky sharp hooks, were not guaranteed! <br /> This reel screamer peeled lots of lines before I got to the camera. <br/> <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object><br />But, her redemption came quick with this gorgeous steelhead! Nice fight and beauty fish.<br /> <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object><br/ >The pic! <br /> <br /> Next, I managed to get into a small bow, myself. Not pic worthy!! But here is a picture of my back <br /> <br /> Julie then go into a laker on the Dipsey rod. <br /> <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object><br /> And the vertical hug hold <br /> <br /> The more fish she caught, the less clothes she was wearing <br /> <br /> Yet another big fish!<br /> <br /> We moved out to deeper water since the fish stuck to the baitfish seemed to shut down. Out a few miles we found some deep water and some active roaming cohos. These fish were non-stop and alot of fun. A few double headers. I just hooked into when when the outside rod went off, too and Julie got into her first coho. Julie got hers in first and was just unhooked, but still in the net when I got mine in.<br /> <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object> <br /> Double Header!!!! <br /> <br />More fish on!! <br /> <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=" name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object> <br / >The big jumper! <br /> <br /> I was on the hot seat for one last fish. It was roasting hot out there and we had fished for 8 hours. The wind and rain never came. The conditions were against us, but Tony had no problems fishing the fish. <br/> <br /> All totalled we caught and released more than 20 fish. I was burnt, beat and smelled really bad I certainly learned quite a bit watching Tony set up and make changes. It was lots of fun to watch as coho would show up on the Lowrance and Tony would say 'Get ready' and within seconds a rod would pop off...usually when you where looking at another one. I don't even know how many double headers we got. But we got into chinooks, cohos, rainbows and even a laker. We had hoped for an Atlantic to finish the Grand Slam but couldn't find any. Great thanks to you Tony! I haven't had that much success in a single trip in many years. And I know Julie is still stoked and wants to do it again!
  6. uploading the HD video from the trip with Tony...may take awhile!!

  7. Even the pros are raving about this new camera. Supposed to be amazing. Is now on my wishlist!
  8. Just curious what you paid for the boat after all was done and said. Might be able to buy next year sometime and wondering what the price difference is like. You can PM me if you prefer.
  9. Dogs may have saved you from a much bigger problem. Awesome dog for taking on the bear. Mine will take on a yote, but I think he would run and hide from a bear..lol. I know I would.
  10. I got a bunch of the Dave Mercer cut outs form Subway and need to get then to either Nippissing or somewhere along the Toronto 407 corridor from Niagara. On Saturday, Marty is heading up that way and can grab them from anywhere near the 407...his son desperately wants one. I work Saturday, so cannot meet him. So if I can meet up with anyone tomorrow or Wednesday that is going to be in either of those two places and is willing to hold on to these for Marty, I also have an extra cut out for them! Use them as a boat buddy, fake person for the diamond lane or for paintball practise (lol).
  11. The QEW there seems to have an unwritten code of conduct that 99% of drivers follow. Left lane, 130, center 120, right lave 110 or less (assuming weather is good, dry road). It just seems that everyone came to this consensus somehow (speed is, after all, relative). And its fine cause everyone is doing the same speed with safe distances. BUT..then along comes asshat and screws it all up. By and large the OPP down here are on the hunt for asshats and leave everyone else alone.
  12. The accident i saw the other night had four cruisers, four firetrucks and two ambulances arrive within minutes. I think things like imminent danger should take priority and I have no issue with that. Nothing but praise for the police here. Well except for that one who gave me a ticket when I was 18 for 'excessive noise' violation for spinning my tires
  13. It does need to be on to be considered a part of your lifejacket supply. If you don't want to wear it while your boat is not in motion, just get a regular certified PFD to hang on your chair. I wear my inflator all the time.Don't even notice it is on.
  14. I got a bunch of the cut outs of Dave from Subway.. This will be fun!!
  15. There are many advantages in being 'in town'. Port Rowan is not a big city, so you are not giving up much int he way of lifestyle. For the kids, there would be more activities, friends, etc. You'd be closer to work, medical, grocries, etc. I'd bet you could get a fair bit for the current home and when the kids are older, you can always move back to the country.
  16. On my way home tonite, I was crossing the Glendale bridge over the Welland Canal. The bridge had just come down so lots of traffic. Some guy flies up and tried to pass me directly into oncoming traffic. There was a violent head on collision. The one car shot up in the air...the noise was awful. It was a few seconds before I knew I had not been hit. I got out, could hear a woman screaming and called 911 on my cell. The dispatcher walked me through a bunch of steps..no one is dead, everyone is conscious, no obviously life-threatening injuries. The car that got nailed was a couple on vacation from New Brunswick. She had been hurt bad by the seat belt and airbags. But no doubt she would have been dead had she not been wearing it. Same for her boyfriend. He had injured his ankle and was trapped in the car. The dispatcher asked is there was gas or fluids...I said yeah..both cars were demolished, and stuff was everywhere. I told her we were on the edge of the bridge and to make sure no more boats where coming. Over the bridges PA system a booming voice asked if I was talking to police. I gave thumbs up. There are a few cameras on the bridge. He was then using the PA to clear the bridge of cars so he could put on the lights and lock down the bridge. The guy who pulled out was stunned but walked away. The dispatcher asked if there was a fire, I said no, she said leave everyone where they are, but the guy who was stunned would not sit down. I think he was in shock. Seaway security showed up a few seconds later. We got all the cars off the bridge to make a pathway for emergency vehicles. It was tough for everyone to get out..it is a narrow bridge. but both cars were wedged in and going backwards was the only way out. All the emergency crew arrived and took car of the woman right away. She looked to have a broken shoulder. Her boyfriends leg was okay and he has a few airbag burns. I was amazed at the response and the dispatcher. The guys know their stuff. When the first firetruck arrived we had to look around to find the one driver. They managed to convince him to sit down or they would put him on a backboard. I offered to call anyone for them, but they had no family or friends in the area. The police then called the girls parents to let them know that she was hurt but okay. I said that it must be hard to do that..he said not at all..its hard when you have to call someone to tell them that it wasn't okay. I didn't take any pictures. I thought it would have been disrespectful...but I still can't get over how everyone lived given the carnage of the vehicles. Every window int he car that got hit blew out...both cars where half their normal size. The one care was a VW and the other a GM. I spoke to the couple before they left..I found a birthday card on the ground, it was hers. I handed it to her before they extricated her from the car. They both were such a nice couple and I hated to see their vacation wrecked by some asshat...but glad they were okay. I know what charges the police were thinking about and they were headed over to the Seaway office to watch the video tapes. Security said they got the whole thing on tape. As for the other guy...You nearly killed two people...hope you learn to drive like a responsible person after this.
  17. Brian is a great guy. Set me up once when my freezer quit. Things like this make it all worthwhile
  18. He was a semi-tamed skunk. Very docile. Let me take lots of pics. No real smell to it other than the musk associated with similar animals. He almost raised his tail once...I was ready to move..lol. My dog could smell it on me and was NOT happy.
  19. Two fingers on the trigger now, Roy....so to speak. There is conflicting anecdotal evidence for both sides of the handgun control law. However, we have it and we are used to it. Toronto, considering its size, is still one of the safest cities in the world.
  20. I have caught brookies in there...PM me for the spot. My parents used to live there. Great walleye and bass fishing.
  21. Your e-tec can be reprogrammed for trolling. You can also buy a different prop which will let you go slower and maintain a higher RPM and reduce plug fouling. A new prop would be the cheapest way to go.
  22. I saw a few places that increased their prices on things that were already fully taxed and blamed it on the HST. I told one store owner yesterday I wasn't an idiot and since he was clearly not trustable I would not be returning.
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