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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. And I bet u tell 5 people a day to try and clear their cache and delete cookies Glad its working...
  2. Definitely a cache/cookie issue. I think your session is expiring before it is supposed to. Find a geek up there to peek in and see. You are on dial up by the looks of it ( IP addy changes alot). If not and you are using a router, configure it for static IP addy. Thats an old trick but it still works.
  3. You catch a 53" musky and no one calls you a musky guru, but wear a tutu just once.....
  4. The courts already decided. However, if some pics did have faces it would not be unreasonable to use safe pics to help return the camera to the right owner and would qualify as fair use..but anything naked etc, would be covered by copyright law. It would be more useful to print a safe pic showing a face and say print 'Do you know who this is? Call me at 555-555-5555' and post by the creek
  5. We are certainly not the most advanced site on earth, but being so big we were targets for hackers and spammers. It was not an option to stay on three year old technology. In internet years that is almost an eternity. The spam was so bad we had to turn off new registrations and approve them all manually. Since we were getting about 100+ new users a week and half were spammers it was getting out of control. We don't upgrade for new toys...we upgrade to be secure. None of you guys still use a paper graph fish finder... Upgrading YOUR computer also makes you safer. The biggest threat on the internet is no longer email viruses, but infected or malicious web sites. Sites get hacked (sites that don\t upgrade) then your computer is dust if you go on it if you are not up to date.
  6. It would be a violation of copyright law to do anything with whatever pics are on the camera. So, no, don't post them please.
  7. Was it a Canon 5D Mark II....then it was mine..I swear..he he
  8. I know that server was completely down...so they are likely working on it now.
  9. Mine is very sensitive..it cries every time it watches Old Yeller.
  10. The triple click back is from the ad. The server for that ad is down (not ours). If it doesnt come back up soon, I will take out the code.
  11. I was recently accepted as a photographer for fashion models. No it is not as much fun as you may think. I am under the tutelage of a mentor who is a fantastic photographer. Shooting for models is a lot more work than shooting nature shots. I worked with a professional the other day. I had 45 minutes of her time and shot at high noon...the absolute worst time to shoot. This was set up by my mentor as a test of course. I think he was testing my ability to improvise. I had 3 hours notice, no reflectors and no filters. I met up with the model...very tall...over 6 feet. I took 112 pics in 45 minutes. I was trying to shoot manually the whole time..which was stupid. When I finally gave some control over to the camera i started getting good shots. So now working on editing techniques. So much to learn!! Here is what I got so far...took the model to Port Dalhousie...my favourite fishing spot
  12. If it was in my configuration there would be more reports of the same issue. Something on your computer is interfering with normal communications to the server. I have done nothing to the site in a few days. I spent more time on this upgrade than I did building the site in the first place so am taking a break and concentrating on my photography for awhile. If you lived closer (lol) I'd come over and have a look, but I suspect at some point you installed Norton or some similar software which is still attached to IE. Try running Gleary Utilities whiich will check for bad registry entries and old hooks. The fact that the issue is limited to one of your browsers makes it clear it is not a setting here. I ran the site in every browser known to man before we re-opened, and the sessions and cookies worked in all. You may want to run a DNS flush...but really without me sitting at your keyboard, I really can't tell you for certain what it is. You just have to eliminate all the possibilities until you come to the answer, Also you can try an experiment by lowering all security settings on IE while on this site and see what happens. I will help you find the answer, but you have to be patient, try googling the problem, make sure you are updated and if you are using any security software, disable it for this site.
  13. I would not worry about this. In fact I would be going to dog parks with your pup now. She needs dog socializing and pack training. It is hard for humans to be like a dog. Shepherds are born protectors..it is an instinct. She will bark. My two dogs (one a shepherd mix) bark at everyone going by. It is simply them saying, 'This is my space.' You mentioned your walks...is she simply barking and pulling? That is not at all unusual for a year old dog. Have a trainer assess her for aggression. I think you will find she is just a normal dog. I don't know how I didn't kill my dog when he was young...but he grew out of it. This is adolescence for a dog. Keep on the clicker training. You need to find a food she will do anything...and I mean anything...to get. Rollover is a treat that most dogs will leap through plate glass to get. Keep the lead short, watch a whole bunch of Cesar Milan and do what he says. He is the best when it comes to understanding pack behaviour and dog anxiety.
  14. Yeah, that stuff is nasty. Still have no taste on one side of my tongue!! Maybe someone will bring some screech if you are coming this year Joe.
  15. I dunno..I have not had any problems finding walleye on Nippissing. Finding ones small enough to keep is usually the issue! Zebra mussels, which I assume are there, changed the patterns on the Kawarthas a decade ago...but people figured them out.
  16. 300 sunfish when fileted weigh 20 pounds?? What are you using to filet with, a chain saw?? According to TakeMeFishing.org the average pumpkinseed weighs 1 pound. Assume a waste of 75% and you get 4 ounces per fish of filet. 4 ounces X 300 fish=1,200 ounces/16 oz per pound= 75 pounds Putting a fish that is out of the slot into your livewell is illegal. I would hope you do more than 'not encourage' this.
  17. We only give Americans free beer cause they can't drink too much of it..they aren't used to alcohol in beer.
  18. So then guess what the issue is..lol Check your security settings and cookies and stuff for IE. I don't use it so I don't know optimal settings.
  19. Views are updated every 15 minutes or something like that. Just to save on server load since it isnt a big priority.
  20. No, your guests do not pay more to fish here than I do. I pay much, much more. Taxes and actual money spent by resident anglers far outweigh the two week vacationers..both overall and per capita. Nice try though. More importantly, we get to vote. We are concerned with the overall health of the fishery...nothing else. No extra agendas to be reconciled. I have far more trust with the MNR on this issue. The same argument was made when walleye limits were cut and yet, the sky didn't fall and fishing related tourism felt the same changes as other tourism. Your business changes are due to a poor US economy and a lack of adaptation on your part, no other reason. If you spent half as much time working on promotion and altering your business plan as you do making this futile argument, you may have already made up for the changes.
  21. Well, apparently I am not a 'real' fisherman... my feelings are hurt. I think the fact that the majority of Ontario anglers are against your proposal would give you pause. But it appears that is not the case. Comparing one moose to 300 fish is a fairly poor straw man argument. Fallacious reasoning is never a good idea. There is so much fence sitting being used by the group... A- We are worried that year round fishing will harm the fishery B- We thing that a 300 fish limit is too low. C- We are worried what will happen if the fish don't all get eaten... It is clear you knowledge of biology is rather limited. What happens to high populations of prey? It increases predator populations and decreases prey individual size until balance is reached then it goes back. It has been that way since the dawn of life on this planet. The difference between us and other predators is that we have freezers. Why don't you stick to the argument that is true and can be worked on... "We believe the new limits are a contributing factor to a decline in reservations and occupancy. Since socio-economics must be considered in limit studies, we would ask the MNR to keep this in mind when the next set of regulations come out. In the mean time, we will aggressively market the Rice Lake area as not only a fishing destination, but as a family recreation area as well and ask for Tourism Ontario's help in this transition." Your initial tactic failed..and yet it continues to be modified, even to the point it is contrary to the initial argument, and no one has stopped to say..THIS IS WORKING! You cannot win without the support of the stakeholders, which believe it or not is not just you. It is all the residents of Ontario, specifically all the fishing license holders. Get these guys on your side if you want a chance. You are really outgunned.
  22. just copy and past your URL or ID number
  23. Got a link Aaron? You are too new to show up in search..
  24. None of this post is true... You accuse me of flossing?? Nice. So anyone who doesn't do what you do is a poacher and is doing it wrong? How do you think all of us old timers caught fish before the centre pins came along? There was a time when using floats was considered 'uncool'. Any fool could use a bobber....
  25. and too full of complaints...
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