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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. Seriously...you are wasting your time. As long as there is food, water and shelter, others will take their place. As long as they stay outside forget it. This time of year the mice and rats will start looking for winter homes and be on the move. Also if you live in a high predator area (coyotes, etc) this will happen as they look for places away from predators. Best bet is to get your own predator. Do not use poisons outside!!
  2. http://www.canadiantire.ca/AST/browse/5/SportsRec/Marine/LifejacketsPFDs/PRD~0791948P/Children%252527s%252BBasic%252BPFD.jsp?locale=en
  3. I received the contact info.. Contact Britt at 519 505 6662 Hopefully we can find these two a place to stay!
  4. Via a friend on Facebook, I have found these two gorgeous dogs in dire need of either a new home or a foster home till a new home can be found. They are both 8 yrs old (brother and sister) and have been together their whole lives so obviously the attachment is strong. I am waiting contact info and this is what I was sent about the dogs and their predicament.
  5. I have seen a 9lb smallmouth. It is in a private large pond and is fed daily...therefore would not qualify as a record fish. It is weighed each year. It is more of a pet than anything else. Comes right up and takes frogs or chicken giblets out of your hand. Doesn't even struggle and swims right into the cradle for weighing. It is a monster...almost looks unreal. So yeah...a 9 pound fish is possible, just would take perfect conditions.
  6. I hope someone at the site is good with math.... Understanding the statistical likelihood of the first place vote count and number of votes... 4chan would be proud.
  7. No contract signed by anyone under the age of 18 is valid unless it is for things like rent or food. Otherwise a parents signature is required.
  8. I do not see how a collection agency has any right to access the account. I would be screaming at my bank asking them why they allowed a third party access without any agreement.
  9. Meh..I don't care either way. I know where the walleye will be in a few weeks.
  10. Dude is a pylon. Million dollar hands and a 50 cent brain.
  11. I did have my guys on Kirkland (made by Diamond Dog Foods). They came off Eukanuba after it shot up from $45 a bag to $90 in less than a year. I had issues with the Kirkland...well actually my dogs did. They were farting machines on it. One day I had run out of food and was forced to go to Sobeys and grabbed a bag of Purina Beneful...the farting stopped overnight! They are now on the Beneful Every dog is different and some can tolerate the beet pulp in Kirkland and some cannot. Sometimes you get lucky and cheap dog food does well. Sometimes you have dogs like JewelBee does and you have to have a very specific (expensive) diet. My experience has been that purebreds have more sensitive digestion than mixed breeds.
  12. Obviously someone is bored enough to either be running a million fake emails through the site (it doesn't validate emails) or they are using a script. The one leader came out of nowhere to be running away with it. But I think it goes till December so we shall see if they can keep it up.
  13. Definitely get the bear version. The dog sized won't have any affect other than to make you taste a bit more spicy. Bear repellant also has a foaming agent which sticks to the bears yap. Best repellant is a 30.06 I have the dog sized canister for the coyotes, but I don't even think they are big enough for them.
  14. We had to do something about the lodges and guides posting 'reports'..cause lets face it, it was spammy. So this leads our sponsors who pay for banners asking why do they pay for that when a once a month 'report' gives them the same exposure? This sites number one visitor and number one user of bandwidth is...are you ready.....Google Bots. They are updating this site continuously...almost live. We tested this by inventing a word awhile ago and seeing how long it took to show up on Google. Less than an hour. We know that people end up here Googling for stuff for sale. Lots of them. We also know what our average page views per user is. So think of the Guide and Lodge showcase as more of a super-efficient Blog. If the guides format the post properly, it will drive it even higher in the ratings. Google is addicted to sites like this because the content in continuously changing. If a guide or lodge gets ONE booking out of it, it pays for itself many times over since most people tend to use the same guide or lodge more than once. Exposure is far more relevant these days than click-throughs.
  15. Agreed..which is one reason why many want to do away with the Conservation License.
  16. Okay...I will see if this makes things a little less muddy. Culling... Yes you can cull certain species. Tournaments use a five fish limit because the act of measuring or weighing a fish to see if it a keeper or not can be viewed as placing in possession since it is not an immediate release. It has nothing to do with it being on your line. Once returned to the water, it is now no longer part of possession. This is a new law. Slot fish... Fish that are not legal to possess must be returned no matter what. Since it is not possible to know whether or not you can keep it without measuring it, that leeway is given...but if it is within the slot..back it goes. This law supersedes the possession laws. Possession limits apply to all people whether they are licenced or not. If they are angler-caught, they are part of possession.
  17. Gifted fish do not count against possession....only daily. But looking for ways to keep more fish is not really good for the fishery. Our laws are tight, Billy, but they work. It only takes about 25 years to understand them. Its the only reason I went to college for Natural Resources, really.
  18. Bass change colour to suit their surroundings, put some in a livewell and see. As far as the line...minimum 20 LB braid and don't set the hook till you feel the weight of the fish. It is a hard thing to do, but if you hook set as soon as you see it, the fish hasn't turned yet, and you just rip the lure from their mouth. Nice pics!
  19. I thought where fault belonged to someone identifiable, you didn't have to pay deductible. I was rear ended a few years ago and didn't pay a dime.
  20. You cannot legislate common sense. Besides it is a Federal matter and not going to change in our lifetimes. In some lakes docks hold most of the fish. But casting nears kids swimming is stupid. Its not safe and the activity has pushed the bass away anyway. Find an empty dock.
  21. Thanks for the advice guys. After running over a dozen high level scans with several well known software applications and coming up with ZERO infections, it pointed to my router being hijacked. I went into the router configuration and indeed, it was compromised. Most of the interface was missing, the GUI was mangled enough that I could not look through to check for changes. I upgraded the firmware and the problem seems to have gone away...at least for now. Thanks to Mozilla Firefox Support Team for suggesting it was the router. Before this week I didn't even know malware could attack a router. I still do not know how to prevent it from happening again, but for now I can surf freely
  22. A new type of malware is spreading across the internet. No one is safe...not even the Mac users. It attacks all browsers, all operating systems and even iPhones. I have it on my laptop and so does Julie. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING gets rid of it. I have managed to install some tools to make it less annoying but I am getting help from the people at www.bleepingcomputer.com on removal process. It started when sites would hang trying to process the google analytics code. then it would hang on surveys.cnet.com scripts. So I simply created filters for them in AdBlock. THis worked..for a few days. I did a complete fresh install of Vista...and it came back! So researching was necessary. THe Firefox forums are overwhelmed with complaints. Geek sites are getting pummeled and while many have been able to reomove the malware, no one has come up with a catch-all. This thing slides right through Avast Av and my Comodo Firewall. Now I have pop-ups and browser redirects. Windows update stopped working, MalwareBytes cannot update and every scan known to mankind comes up with a clean bill of health. I am running diagnostic tools for the people at the site mentioned. It is a crazy and maddening bit of software and has the ability to spread undetected and can even infect your router. So far my main PC is clean and not infected. I am keeping it off the internet for now. Symptoms... White Page and hang on google-analytics code. Browser gets redirected to VideoCop or other websites when you click links or bookmarks. Some sites show as Unable to Connect. Browser hangs on surveys.cnet.com Websites unreachable Windows update stops working MalwareBytes or anti-virus stops updating In final stages Windows DLL files get erased which turns your computer into a dust collector. If you have any of these issues, you are likely infected. No one has been able to nail down the infection delivery method or infected sites. BleepingComputer.com can walk you through removal, but infected Macs seem to have a harder time. Honestly, I have removed hundreds of viruses from peoples computers and have never seen anything that completely avoids detection like this. There is nothing you can do to stop from getting it...because no one knows how it is being passed... Things you can do..do not use WiFi hotspots in case it is spread by routers. If using Firefox, use Ghostery extension. It MAY help, but some with it are still getting infected. if I get a fix I will post it. If you get this, back up all your important files! Turn off system restore and hope for the best.
  23. Don't give up on the West Arm Raycaster. It is a temporary problem with the water as other mentioned.
  24. I have to hope that the First Nations people see that a sustainable fishery is in their best interest. Seeing an investment like this, helps me continue that belief. They wouldn't bother doing this if their plan was to slash and burn the population. Our non-native commercial fishers do not exactly have a sterling record. Lets hope that the Natives see this as a chance to shed some of the bad PR and continue diligent enforcement.
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