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Everything posted by bigfish1965

  1. I know we are close to you, but the temp and climate from Niagara to Oshawa is quite different. Three weeks ago the trout started dropping back...I don't really care myself cause I don't fish trout, but if this is any indicator, the rest of the spawns will be early too.
  2. It's still April, the hardwood trees here are fully leaved (as are the Birch), fruit trees in blossom, the 'May Flowers' came up three weeks ago, I've cut my lawn three times now... If we are going to be like this every year, I say it may be time to rethink opening days. The small tribs here were emptied out by opener....pike came and gone in two weeks last month. Crazy...
  3. I've not ever left a hook in a dock nor been unfortunate enough to get into someones canvas. That doesn't mean I have never got snagged on a dock anchor, I just use strong enough line to straighten the hook out. Fish live near structure. 99% of structure on most lakes is some kind of shoreline. Losing lures happens. I never cast near dock ladders..that is a bit too risky to me. However we all own the water and we must not let anyone push us out.... ( I am starting to sound like the NRA here, so I will stop)
  4. The officer must make a 'lawful order'. He is not allowed to create new laws. only enforce existing ones. He couldn't tell you to drop your tackle in the lake then charge you for not doing it. What would the officer charge you with anyway?
  5. Yes it certainly muddies the waters. Immediately release a fish...by using your Steve Austin bionic eye and measuring the length. Remember the regs are a summary and not the actual laws. The law does not say you must immediately release the fish, the law says you may not be in possession. Now...your homework is to go and read what possession means.
  6. As long as you are on the water you are free to do as you wish. I had the same argument with a few marinas. I was fishing prior to boats being placed and they told me to leave or they would call the police. I offered my phone...and then told him to look up the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act online while he was waiting for the police and see what it says about harassing anglers. I waited almost an hour for the police to show, good thing the pike were biting. Him and i talked...the officer was aware of the law for waterways...he asked if I would leave to keep the peace...I said no...that I had a duty now to stay, if I left it was a loss to all anglers. He said.."Okay, how about in a half hour you go then at least it looks like you left on your own and this idiot will leave me alone." I agreed as long as he reminded the marina manager he did not own the water. We talked fishing for a bit..I think he was trying to make it look like we were having a serious discussion..lol. Also in the event of a storm, you may tie to his docks.
  7. I got myself back in once by stepping on the lower unit and hitting the trim button on the side of the motor..like an elevator upand in
  8. I think it happens less actually...the ethical angler numbers are quite high. It is just that we have nearly live info on what is going on, so it seems higher than it is. That being said, the only acceptable level of poaching is ZERO.
  9. I wouldn't use the launch at Municipal Beach (Arthur St)..it has deteriorated pretty bad over the last few years. Use Dalhousie, Welller or the Beacon. Wait for a south wind!
  10. Live trapping and moving a beaver far away is not allowed by law. I think the limit is 1 or 2 kilometers..which is not far enough to stop them form finding their way back.
  11. Perhaps when you see certain people fishing, you expect a certain outcome. Each time you see that outcome it confirms the bias. When you see others fishing, you do not look for the activity and therefore do not see it. Do you not recall the big poaching threads here over the past...guy with eight lines in the water, group of kids snagging salmon at the dam, etc. All those poachers were Caucasian anglers...but we tend to forget that, because they are like us. I know when I look at the conviction reports, no group is over or under represented. When you consider the demographics of the country and especially regions within the country, everyone is just as likely or as unlikely to be a poacher. Certainly some groups are more likely to harvest fish..such as Americans according to past threads here. Since they are more likely to harvest do they not have a greater opportunity to poach...whether intentional or not? Or is it that we can't tell an American from a Canadian just by looking at them. In any event, the purpose of this thread is about poaching and not racial profiling or notations. The race of a poacher is irrelevant and all should be prosecuted.
  12. Because we notice differences before we notice similarities. It is human nature. Those moments we remember more than others. We tend to remember bad things by people who are different than us more because we want to believe that people like us are generally 'good folk'. Psychology 101 and the root of racism. Fortunately we are intelligent enough to recognize the inherent bias in us all and not let it cloud our judgment.
  13. A trap used by someone who is not a licensed trapper is not only dangerous but illegal. Like I said, trapping is not the answer...it may be part of the answer but not a resolution. As long as it a suitable place to live another beaver will take the spot. Each year the two year olds are driven from the family dens to find their own territory so there are always young beavers looking for new places to reside. Drive the beaver(s) out, make a suitable barricade and never worry about it again. If you rely on trapping alone, you will have to do it again and again.
  14. Unfortunately there has been a massive increase in the population over the last five years. Trapping just delays the problem since another will soon move in. Beaver proof with heavy gauge mesh. Prevention is the only long term solution.
  15. The boys mom asked me to pass along her thanks, Spincast. I am going to video the event
  16. Reformating for some pic errors and a stubborn cookies is a tad extreme
  17. Avira is the top rated anti-virus (free) out there. I doubt you have a virus, just orphaned shortcuts or unusual picture locations, Use Gleary Utitilies or CCleaner.
  18. As a cancer survivor I applaud these two young fellas. I have met them many times and they are incredible you boys with a huge heart!
  19. Yes there was a Guardian program..I was in it for a few years. It was axed for a lack of resources. Also there gave been references to peoples ethnicity in this thread. A poacher is a poacher and where they were born is of no consequence.
  20. It actually isn't a crop. I just shot it that way experimenting with negative space. I've done a few pics like that. Trying to challenge the norm. The idea was to see how or if the background could pull you away from the subject. The edit was a new process I learned on dodge and burn for skin and eyes. Simple but effective.
  21. I like the 2 strokes for 25 HP and less. A motor that fires each time the piston reaches the top will always have better low end torque than one that fires every other time. Less moving parts= less to go wrong.
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